Connecting to database specified by database.yml Connecting to database specified by database.yml Connecting to database specified by database.yml Connecting to database specified by database.yml Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.local_authorities' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `local_authorities` Connecting to database specified by database.yml Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.local_authorities' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `local_authorities` Connecting to database specified by database.yml Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.local_authorities' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `local_authorities` Connecting to database specified by database.yml Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.local_authorities' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `local_authorities` Connecting to database specified by database.yml Couldn't find SolrDocument  (23.6ms) CREATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `pid` varchar(255), `dsid` varchar(255), `version` varchar(255), `pass` int(11), `expected_result` varchar(255), `actual_result` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (18.3ms) CREATE INDEX `by_pid_and_dsid` ON `checksum_audit_logs` (`pid`, `dsid`)  (15.2ms) CREATE TABLE `conversations` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (15.6ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `model` varchar(255), `term` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (11.1ms) CREATE INDEX `terms_by_model_and_term` ON `domain_terms` (`model`, `term`)  (10.2ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id` int(11), `local_authority_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (18.6ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids2` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id`, `local_authority_id`)  (14.2ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids1` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`local_authority_id`, `domain_term_id`)  (22.6ms) CREATE TABLE `follows` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `followable_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `followable_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `follower_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `follower_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `blocked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (20.6ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_followables` ON `follows` (`followable_id`, `followable_type`)  (17.8ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_follows` ON `follows` (`follower_id`, `follower_type`)  (14.9ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authorities` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (13.4ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `local_authority_id` int(11), `label` varchar(255), `uri` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (20.7ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_label` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `label`)  (22.9ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_uri` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `uri`)  (10.0ms) CREATE TABLE `notifications` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `type` varchar(255), `body` text, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `sender_id` int(11), `sender_type` varchar(255), `conversation_id` int(11), `draft` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `notified_object_id` int(11), `notified_object_type` varchar(255), `notification_code` varchar(255), `attachment` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (14.0ms) CREATE INDEX `index_notifications_on_conversation_id` ON `notifications` (`conversation_id`)  (11.7ms) CREATE TABLE `receipts` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `receiver_id` int(11), `receiver_type` varchar(255), `notification_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `is_read` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `trashed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `mailbox_type` varchar(25), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (16.1ms) CREATE INDEX `index_receipts_on_notification_id` ON `receipts` (`notification_id`)  (20.3ms) CREATE TABLE `single_use_links` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `downloadKey` varchar(255), `path` varchar(255), `itemId` varchar(255), `expires` datetime, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (17.8ms) CREATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `label` varchar(255), `lowerLabel` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (17.2ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_lower_label` ON `subject_local_authority_entries` (`lowerLabel`)  (18.5ms) CREATE TABLE `trophies` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` int(11), `generic_file_id` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (13.9ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `facebook_handle` varchar(255), `twitter_handle` varchar(255), `googleplus_handle` varchar(255), `display_name` varchar(255), `address` varchar(255), `admin_area` varchar(255), `department` varchar(255), `title` varchar(255), `office` varchar(255), `chat_id` varchar(255), `website` varchar(255), `affiliation` varchar(255), `telephone` varchar(255), `avatar_file_name` varchar(255), `avatar_content_type` varchar(255), `avatar_file_size` int(11), `avatar_updated_at` datetime, `group_list` text, `groups_last_update` datetime) ENGINE=InnoDB  (11.1ms) CREATE TABLE `version_committers` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `obj_id` varchar(255), `datastream_id` varchar(255), `version_id` varchar(255), `committer_login` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (12.1ms) ALTER TABLE `notifications` ADD CONSTRAINT `notifications_on_conversation_id` FOREIGN KEY (`conversation_id`) REFERENCES `conversations`(id)  (13.0ms) ALTER TABLE `receipts` ADD CONSTRAINT `receipts_on_notification_id` FOREIGN KEY (`notification_id`) REFERENCES `notifications`(id)  (17.7ms) CREATE TABLE `schema_migrations` (`version` varchar(255) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (16.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `unique_schema_migrations` ON `schema_migrations` (`version`)  (0.2ms) SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations`  (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165026')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165008')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165009')  (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165010')  (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165011')  (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165012')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165013')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165014')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165015')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165016')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165017')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165018')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165022')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165023')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165024')  (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130408165025') Connecting to database specified by database.yml Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (5.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:28:20', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:28:20', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:28:20', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:28:20', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:29:29', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:29:29', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:29:29', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:29:29', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:05', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:05', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:05', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:05', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:18', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:18', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/fedora.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/solr.yml  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:18', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:30:18', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:31:15', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:31:15', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/fedora.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/solr.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833757b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:31:15', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:31:15', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833758p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:33:40', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:33:40', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/fedora.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/solr.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:33:40', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:33:40', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:34:02', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:34:02', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/fedora.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/active-fedora-6.0.0/config/solr.yml Using the default fedora.yml that comes with active-fedora. If you want to override this, pass the path to fedora.yml to ActiveFedora - ie. ActiveFedora.init(:fedora_config_path => '/path/to/fedora.yml') - or set Rails.root and put fedora.yml into #{Rails.root}/config. Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p2h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:34:02', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:34:02', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p3v/RELS-EXT (6.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:35:19', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:35:19', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m22/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:35:19', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:35:19', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:44:45', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:44:45', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:k3569307932/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:44:46', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:44:46', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:k356930794d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:45:04', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:45:04', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:4m90dv14377/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:45:05', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:45:05', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4m90dv1438k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:55:48', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:55:48', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g1n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:55:49', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:55:49', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:56:53', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:56:53', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:6969z029v4m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:56:53', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:56:53', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6969z029v5z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:58:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:58:06', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:wm117m0239w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:58:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:58:06', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wm117m02403/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:59:52', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:59:52', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j2d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:59:53', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 17:59:53', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j3r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 18:01:14', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 18:01:14', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`address`, `admin_area`, `affiliation`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`, `chat_id`, `created_at`, `department`, `display_name`, `facebook_handle`, `googleplus_handle`, `group_list`, `groups_last_update`, `office`, `telephone`, `title`, `twitter_handle`, `updated_at`, `website`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 18:01:14', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2013-04-08 18:01:14', NULL) [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) DROP TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (16.0ms) CREATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `pid` varchar(255), `dsid` varchar(255), `version` varchar(255), `pass` int(11), `expected_result` varchar(255), `actual_result` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.0ms) CREATE INDEX `by_pid_and_dsid` ON `checksum_audit_logs` (`pid`, `dsid`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `conversations`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (11.4ms) CREATE TABLE `conversations` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (16.1ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `model` varchar(255), `term` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (13.3ms) CREATE INDEX `terms_by_model_and_term` ON `domain_terms` (`model`, `term`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (13.7ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id` int(11), `local_authority_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (12.9ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids2` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id`, `local_authority_id`)  (14.9ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids1` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`local_authority_id`, `domain_term_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `follows`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.5ms) CREATE TABLE `follows` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `followable_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `followable_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `follower_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `follower_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `blocked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.5ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_followables` ON `follows` (`followable_id`, `followable_type`)  (14.9ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_follows` ON `follows` (`follower_id`, `follower_type`)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `local_authorities`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.2ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authorities` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `local_authority_entries`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.5ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `local_authority_id` int(11), `label` varchar(255), `uri` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (20.7ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_label` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `label`)  (21.2ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_uri` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `uri`)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `notifications`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.2ms) CREATE TABLE `notifications` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `type` varchar(255), `body` text, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `sender_id` int(11), `sender_type` varchar(255), `conversation_id` int(11), `draft` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `notified_object_id` int(11), `notified_object_type` varchar(255), `notification_code` varchar(255), `attachment` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.9ms) CREATE INDEX `index_notifications_on_conversation_id` ON `notifications` (`conversation_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `receipts`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (11.8ms) CREATE TABLE `receipts` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `receiver_id` int(11), `receiver_type` varchar(255), `notification_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `is_read` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `trashed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `mailbox_type` varchar(25), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (22.9ms) CREATE INDEX `index_receipts_on_notification_id` ON `receipts` (`notification_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `single_use_links`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (10.7ms) CREATE TABLE `single_use_links` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `downloadKey` varchar(255), `path` varchar(255), `itemId` varchar(255), `expires` datetime, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.1ms) CREATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `label` varchar(255), `lowerLabel` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.3ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_lower_label` ON `subject_local_authority_entries` (`lowerLabel`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `trophies`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.1ms) CREATE TABLE `trophies` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` int(11), `generic_file_id` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `users`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (19.9ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `version_committers`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.3ms) CREATE TABLE `version_committers` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `obj_id` varchar(255), `datastream_id` varchar(255), `version_id` varchar(255), `committer_login` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.5ms) ALTER TABLE `notifications` ADD CONSTRAINT `notifications_on_conversation_id` FOREIGN KEY (`conversation_id`) REFERENCES `conversations`(id)  (17.2ms) ALTER TABLE `receipts` ADD CONSTRAINT `receipts_on_notification_id` FOREIGN KEY (`notification_id`) REFERENCES `notifications`(id)  (0.2ms) SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations` Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:01:51', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:01:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2801pg15d3g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:01:52', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:01:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2801pg15d4t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:03:15', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:03:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69994/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:03:15', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:03:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b0b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:05:06', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:05:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:8k71ng4587q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:05:07', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:05:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8k71ng45882/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:05:40', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:05:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:np193772j9n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (5.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:05:40', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:05:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:np193772k0v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:07:16', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:07:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287n8m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:07:16', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:07:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287n9z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:07:28', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:07:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:s4655d87b42/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:07:28', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:07:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:s4655d87b5d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:09:54', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:09:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r5h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:09:54', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:09:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r6v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:11:01', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:11:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n7v/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:12:52', NULL, '2013-04-08 18:12:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:12:59', '', '2013-04-08 18:12:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b1p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b21/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b21/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b21/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b21/properties (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:13:04', '', '2013-04-08 18:13:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b3c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b4q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b4q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b4q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vm40xp69b4q/properties (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:15:25', '', '2013-04-08 18:15:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t13/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t2f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t2f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t2f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t2f/properties (6.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:15:25', '', '2013-04-08 18:15:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t3s/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t44/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t44/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t44/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:70795712t44/properties (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:16:11', '', '2013-04-08 18:16:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h01/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cv43nv93h1c/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h1c/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 18:16:12', 'content', 'sufia:cv43nv93h1c', '2013-04-08 18:16:12', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:16:12', '', '2013-04-08 18:16:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h2q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cv43nv93h32/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cv43nv93h32/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 18:16:13', 'content', 'sufia:cv43nv93h32', '2013-04-08 18:16:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:21:22', '', '2013-04-08 18:21:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h3x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j3860574h48/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h48/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 18:21:23', 'content', 'sufia:j3860574h48', '2013-04-08 18:21:23', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:21:23', '', '2013-04-08 18:21:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j3860574h6z/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j3860574h6z/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 18:21:23', 'content', 'sufia:j3860574h6z', '2013-04-08 18:21:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:50:14', '', '2013-04-08 18:50:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:50:14', '', '2013-04-08 18:50:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:50:14', '', '2013-04-08 18:50:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:50:14', '', '2013-04-08 18:50:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:50:14', '', '2013-04-08 18:50:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:51:33', '', '2013-04-08 18:51:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:51:33', '', '2013-04-08 18:51:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:51:33', '', '2013-04-08 18:51:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:51:33', '', '2013-04-08 18:51:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 18:51:33', '', '2013-04-08 18:51:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d46/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:f7623b59d46 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d46/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f7623b59d46/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f7623b59d5j/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 18:51:34', 'content', 'sufia:f7623b59d5j', '2013-04-08 18:51:34', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:f7623b59d5j/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:pc289g55h6h (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55h6h/RELS-EXT (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h7v/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:13', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h86/RELS-EXT (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:14', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h9j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:14', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j0r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55j13/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 19:03:14', 'content', 'sufia:pc289g55j13', '2013-04-08 19:03:14', 'content.0')  (0.9ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55j13/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/content (5.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j13/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 19:03:15', 'content', 'sufia:pc289g55j13', '2013-04-08 19:03:15', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55j13/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:15', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j2f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:pc289g55j2f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j2f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55j2f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55j3s/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55j3s/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 19:03:16', 'content', 'sufia:pc289g55j3s', '2013-04-08 19:03:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55j3s/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:35', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d29/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nz805x22d29 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d29/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d29/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d3n/RELS-EXT (13.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d3n/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 19:03:36', 'content', 'sufia:nz805x22d3n', '2013-04-08 19:03:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d3n/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d40/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:36', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d5b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d6p/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 19:03:37', 'content', 'sufia:nz805x22d6p', '2013-04-08 19:03:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d6p/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/content (4.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d6p/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 19:03:37', 'content', 'sufia:nz805x22d6p', '2013-04-08 19:03:37', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d6p/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d71/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:37', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d8c/RELS-EXT (6.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 19:03:38', '', '2013-04-08 19:03:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d9q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nz805x22d9q (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22d9q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22d9q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (6.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.8ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (55.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (5.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (6.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (5.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (3.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:39:27', '', '2013-04-08 22:39:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4125b/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j9601z4125b (10.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4125b/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j9601z4125b/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j9601z4126p/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j9601z4126p/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:39:29', 'content', 'sufia:j9601z4126p', '2013-04-08 22:39:29', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:j9601z4126p/content (41.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:39:46', '', '2013-04-08 22:39:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q2k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:44558c97q2k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q2k/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q2k/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q3x/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q3x/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:39:47', 'content', 'sufia:44558c97q3x', '2013-04-08 22:39:47', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q3x/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:44558c97q48 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:39:47', '', '2013-04-08 22:39:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/RELS-EXT (10.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:39:48', 'content', 'sufia:44558c97q5m', '2013-04-08 22:39:48', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:44558c97q48 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:44558c97q5m (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/RELS-EXT (20.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:44558c97q5m (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/content (11.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:44558c97q48 (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q48/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q5m/DC (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97q5m/properties (6.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q6z/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:39:48', '', '2013-04-08 22:39:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q79/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:39:49', '', '2013-04-08 22:39:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q8n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:39:49', '', '2013-04-08 22:39:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97q90/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97r06/RELS-EXT (12.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:39:50', 'content', 'sufia:44558c97r06', '2013-04-08 22:39:50', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97r06/content (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/content (4.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/descMetadata (65.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:44558c97r06/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:39:50', 'content', 'sufia:44558c97r06', '2013-04-08 22:39:50', 'content.1')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:44558c97r06/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:41', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p05/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rj430287p05 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p05/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p05/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p1h/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p1h/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:41:42', 'content', 'sufia:rj430287p1h', '2013-04-08 22:41:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p1h/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:42', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p2v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p36/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p36/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:41:43', 'content', 'sufia:rj430287p36', '2013-04-08 22:41:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:43', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (2.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p4j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p5w/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p5w/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:41:43', 'content', 'sufia:rj430287p5w', '2013-04-08 22:41:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rj430287p67 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:44', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/properties (15.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/descMetadata (16.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:41:44', 'content', 'sufia:rj430287p7k', '2013-04-08 22:41:44', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rj430287p67 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rj430287p7k (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/content (6.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rj430287p7k (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rj430287p67 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p67/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p7k/DC (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287p7k/properties (5.6ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p8x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:45', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287p98/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:45', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q0g/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 22:41:45', '', '2013-04-08 22:41:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q1t/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287q25/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:41:46', 'content', 'sufia:rj430287q25', '2013-04-08 22:41:46', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287q25/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/content (4.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rj430287q25/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 22:41:46', 'content', 'sufia:rj430287q25', '2013-04-08 22:41:46', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:rj430287q25/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x81974/RELS-EXT (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 23:06:32', '', '2013-04-08 23:06:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8198g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3n203x8199t/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3n203x8199t/content (4.3ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p46/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-08 23:06:39', '', '2013-04-08 23:06:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p5j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9306sx61p6w/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9306sx61p6w/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-08 23:06:40', 'content', 'sufia:9306sx61p6w', '2013-04-08 23:06:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (5.8ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.9ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.6ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (37.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (7.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (5.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t4m/RELS-EXT (11.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (1.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:47', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t5z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t69/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t69/content (4.1ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.9ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:48', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93t69', '2013-04-09 12:31:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:48', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t7n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c821gh93t7n (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t7n/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t7n/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t80/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t80/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:49', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93t80', '2013-04-09 12:31:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t80/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c821gh93t9b (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:49', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:50', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93v0j', '2013-04-09 12:31:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:c821gh93t9b (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c821gh93v0j (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c821gh93v0j (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c821gh93t9b (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93t9b/RELS-EXT (13.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v0j/DC (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v0j/properties (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v1w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:50', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v27/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:50', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v3k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:50', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v4x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v58/RELS-EXT (14.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/content (65.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:51', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93v58', '2013-04-09 12:31:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v58/content (14.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/content (4.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/rightsMetadata (59.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v58/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:52', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93v58', '2013-04-09 12:31:52', 'content.1')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v58/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:52', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v6m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v7z/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v7z/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:52', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93v7z', '2013-04-09 12:31:52', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:31:52', '', '2013-04-09 12:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v89/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c821gh93v9n/RELS-EXT (59.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c821gh93v9n/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:31:53', 'content', 'sufia:c821gh93v9n', '2013-04-09 12:31:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nv93513941k (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:55', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/content (3.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:55:56', 'content', 'sufia:nv93513942x', '2013-04-09 12:55:56', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:nv93513941k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nv93513942x (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nv93513942x (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nv93513941k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513941k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513942x/DC (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513942x/properties (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv935139438/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:56', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513944m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:56', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513945z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:57', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv935139469/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513947n/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:55:57', 'content', 'sufia:nv93513947n', '2013-04-09 12:55:57', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513947n/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/rightsMetadata (10.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/content (4.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513947n/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:55:58', 'content', 'sufia:nv93513947n', '2013-04-09 12:55:58', 'content.1')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513947n/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:58', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv935139480/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513949b/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513949b/content (3.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:55:58', 'content', 'sufia:nv93513949b', '2013-04-09 12:55:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:59', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513950j/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513951w/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513951w/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:55:59', 'content', 'sufia:nv93513951w', '2013-04-09 12:55:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:55:59', '', '2013-04-09 12:55:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv935139527/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nv935139527 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv935139527/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv935139527/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513953k/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nv93513953k/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:56:00', 'content', 'sufia:nv93513953k', '2013-04-09 12:56:00', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:nv93513953k/content (5.1ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (56.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:32', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c5c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0g354f16c5c (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c5c/RELS-EXT (56.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16c5c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16c6q/RELS-EXT (12.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:33', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16c6q', '2013-04-09 12:57:33', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16c6q/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c72/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:33', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16c9r/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:34', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16c9r', '2013-04-09 12:57:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0g354f16d0z (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:34', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:35', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16d19', '2013-04-09 12:57:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0g354f16d0z (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0g354f16d19 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/rightsMetadata (10.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0g354f16d19 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0g354f16d0z (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d19/DC (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d19/properties (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d2n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:35', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d30/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:35', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d4b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:35', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d5p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d61/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:36', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16d61', '2013-04-09 12:57:36', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d61/content (10.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/content (4.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d61/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:36', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16d61', '2013-04-09 12:57:36', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d61/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:37', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d7c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d8q/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d8q/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:37', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16d8q', '2013-04-09 12:57:37', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 12:57:37', '', '2013-04-09 12:57:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16f08/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/descMetadata (9.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16f08/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 12:57:38', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16f08', '2013-04-09 12:57:38', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:26', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337591/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337607/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337607/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:26', 'content', 'sufia:sf268337607', '2013-04-09 13:01:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:26', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833761k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833762x/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833762x/content (60.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:27', 'content', 'sufia:sf26833762x', '2013-04-09 13:01:27', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:27', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337638/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf268337638 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337638/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337638/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833764m/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833764m/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:28', 'content', 'sufia:sf26833764m', '2013-04-09 13:01:28', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833764m/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf26833765z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:28', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:29', 'content', 'sufia:sf268337669', '2013-04-09 13:01:29', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf26833765z (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf268337669 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/descMetadata (10.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf268337669 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf26833765z (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833765z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337669/DC (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf268337669/properties (5.5ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833767n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:29', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337680/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:29', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833769b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:29', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833770j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/properties (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833771w/RELS-EXT (12.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:30', 'content', 'sufia:sf26833771w', '2013-04-09 13:01:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833771w/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/content (4.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833771w/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:30', 'content', 'sufia:sf26833771w', '2013-04-09 13:01:30', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833771w/content (9.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf268337727/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:01:31', '', '2013-04-09 13:01:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833773k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/content (6.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:01:31', 'content', 'sufia:sf26833774x', '2013-04-09 13:01:31', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf26833774x (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sf26833774x (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sf26833774x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sf26833774x/content (3.9ms) Trophy Load (0.1ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'sf26833774x'  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j43/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:03:33', '', '2013-04-09 13:03:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j5f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317j6s/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/content (4.0ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:03:34', 'content', 'sufia:zw12z317j6s', '2013-04-09 13:03:34', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317j6s/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/content (4.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j6s/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:03:34', 'content', 'sufia:zw12z317j6s', '2013-04-09 13:03:34', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317j6s/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j74/RELS-EXT (7.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:03:34', '', '2013-04-09 13:03:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j8g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:03:34', '', '2013-04-09 13:03:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:zw12z317j9t (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:03:34', '', '2013-04-09 13:03:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/properties (60.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/content (61.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:03:35', 'content', 'sufia:zw12z317k01', '2013-04-09 13:03:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:zw12z317j9t (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:zw12z317k01 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/rightsMetadata (61.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:zw12z317k01 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/properties (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:zw12z317j9t (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317j9t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k01/DC (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k01/properties (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:03:35', '', '2013-04-09 13:03:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k1c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:zw12z317k1c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k1c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k1c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k2q/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zw12z317k2q/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:03:36', 'content', 'sufia:zw12z317k2q', '2013-04-09 13:03:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:zw12z317k2q/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f0x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:03:47', '', '2013-04-09 13:03:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f18/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/content (63.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:03:48', 'content', 'sufia:nz805x22f2m', '2013-04-09 13:03:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:nz805x22f2m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nz805x22f2m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nz805x22f2m/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nz805x22f2m/properties (5.3ms) Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'nz805x22f2m' Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416905w/RELS-EXT (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:07:56', '', '2013-04-09 13:07:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/rightsMetadata (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/descMetadata (10.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/properties (9.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (21.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/content (7.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:07:57', 'content', 'sufia:w663416907k', '2013-04-09 13:07:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w663416907k (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/content (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/content (6.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w663416907k (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416907k/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/content (6.4ms) Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'w663416907k'  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:17', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69356s/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693574/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/content (5.7ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:18', 'content', 'sufia:df65v693574', '2013-04-09 13:08:18', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:18', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69358g/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/properties (64.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69359t/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (60.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/content (6.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:19', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69359t', '2013-04-09 13:08:19', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:19', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693601/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v693601 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693601/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693601/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69361c/RELS-EXT (12.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:20', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69361c', '2013-04-09 13:08:20', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69361c/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69362q/RELS-EXT (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:20', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/RELS-EXT (12.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:21', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69364d', '2013-04-09 13:08:21', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69364d (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/content (5.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69364d (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69364d/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69364d/content (5.0ms) Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'df65v69364d'  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69365r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:22', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:22', 'content', 'sufia:df65v693663', '2013-04-09 13:08:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69365r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v693663 (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/content (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v693663 (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69365r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69365r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693663/DC (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693663/properties (4.9ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69367f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:23', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69368s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:23', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693694/RELS-EXT (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 13:08:23', '', '2013-04-09 13:08:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69370b/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69371p/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:24', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69371p', '2013-04-09 13:08:24', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69371p/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/content (4.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69371p/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 13:08:25', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69371p', '2013-04-09 13:08:25', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69371p/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:53:43', '', '2013-04-09 14:53:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:53:43', '', '2013-04-09 14:53:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:53:43', '', '2013-04-09 14:53:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:53:43', '', '2013-04-09 14:53:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (5.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:54:49', '', '2013-04-09 14:54:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:54:49', '', '2013-04-09 14:54:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:54:49', '', '2013-04-09 14:54:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:54:49', '', '2013-04-09 14:54:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:55:47', '', '2013-04-09 14:55:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:55:47', '', '2013-04-09 14:55:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:55:47', '', '2013-04-09 14:55:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:55:47', '', '2013-04-09 14:55:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:56:42', '', '2013-04-09 14:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:56:42', '', '2013-04-09 14:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:56:42', '', '2013-04-09 14:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 14:56:42', '', '2013-04-09 14:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.9ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:13:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:13:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:13:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:13:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:13:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:13:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:13:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:13:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:15:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:15:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:15:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:15:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:15:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:15:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:15:54', '', '2013-04-09 15:15:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:16:33', '', '2013-04-09 15:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:16:33', '', '2013-04-09 15:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:16:33', '', '2013-04-09 15:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:16:33', '', '2013-04-09 15:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:17:35', '', '2013-04-09 15:17:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:17:35', '', '2013-04-09 15:17:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:17:35', '', '2013-04-09 15:17:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:17:35', '', '2013-04-09 15:17:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:18:33', '', '2013-04-09 15:18:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:ff365425z6s/RELS-EXT (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:20:07', '', '2013-04-09 15:20:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:20:43', '', '2013-04-09 15:20:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:g445cc08x3n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:21:09', '', '2013-04-09 15:21:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rv042r37h1k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.5ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:22:22', '', '2013-04-09 15:22:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:h415p841q3g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:23:02', '', '2013-04-09 15:23:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5712m613s3m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:24:47', '', '2013-04-09 15:24:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69356s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:19', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:vx021c1952d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44957/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:37', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4496k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:38', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h4497x', '2013-04-09 15:25:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h4497x (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/content (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h4497x (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4497x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4497x/content (4.2ms) Trophy Load (0.1ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'bc386h4497x'  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:39', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44988/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h4499m/RELS-EXT (12.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h4499m/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:39', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h4499m', '2013-04-09 15:25:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:39', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b0t/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b15/RELS-EXT (11.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b15/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:40', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h44b15', '2013-04-09 15:25:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h44b2h (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:40', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:41', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h44b3v', '2013-04-09 15:25:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h44b2h (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h44b3v (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h44b3v (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h44b2h (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b2h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b3v/DC (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b3v/properties (5.6ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b46/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:41', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b5j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:41', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b6w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:41', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b77/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b8k/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:42', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h44b8k', '2013-04-09 15:25:42', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b8k/content (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/content (6.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b8k/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:43', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h44b8k', '2013-04-09 15:25:43', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44b8k/content (6.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:43', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44b9x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:43', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c04/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:43', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c1g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:43', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c2t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:25:44', '', '2013-04-09 15:25:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c35/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:bc386h44c35 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c35/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44c35/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44c4h/RELS-EXT (11.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bc386h44c4h/content (5.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:25:45', 'content', 'sufia:bc386h44c4h', '2013-04-09 15:25:45', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:bc386h44c4h/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80n91/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:20', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p07/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p1k/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:21', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80p1k', '2013-04-09 15:28:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p1k/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/content (5.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p1k/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:22', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80p1k', '2013-04-09 15:28:22', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p1k/content (5.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p2x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:22', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p38/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:22', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80p4m (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:22', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:23', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80p5z', '2013-04-09 15:28:23', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80p4m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80p5z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80p5z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80p4m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p4m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p5z/DC (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p5z/properties (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:23', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p69/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80p69 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p69/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p69/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p7n/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p7n/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:24', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80p7n', '2013-04-09 15:28:24', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80p7n/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:24', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p80/RELS-EXT (6.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:24', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80p9b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:24', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q0j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:24', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q1w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:24', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q27/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q3k/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q3k/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:25', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80q3k', '2013-04-09 15:28:25', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:25', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q4x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q58/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q58/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:26', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80q58', '2013-04-09 15:28:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q6m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:26', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q7z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:27', 'content', 'sufia:4t64gm80q89', '2013-04-09 15:28:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80q89 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4t64gm80q89 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4t64gm80q89/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4t64gm80q89/content (4.0ms) Trophy Load (0.1ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '4t64gm80q89'  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70x9b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:58', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z0j/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:28:59', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z70z1w', '2013-04-09 15:28:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z1w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z1w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z1w/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z1w/content (4.2ms) Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'rn300z70z1w'  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:28:59', '', '2013-04-09 15:28:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z27/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:00', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z3k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.4ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:00', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z4x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:00', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z58/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z6m (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:00', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:29:01', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z70z7z', '2013-04-09 15:29:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z6m (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z7z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z7z (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z70z6m (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z6m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z7z/DC (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z70z7z/properties (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z89/RELS-EXT (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:01', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z70z9n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:01', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71004/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:02', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7101g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/RELS-EXT (62.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7102t/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/content (6.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:29:02', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z7102t', '2013-04-09 15:29:02', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7102t/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/content (4.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7102t/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:29:03', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z7102t', '2013-04-09 15:29:03', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7102t/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:03', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71035/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/properties (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7104h/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7104h/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:29:03', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z7104h', '2013-04-09 15:29:03', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:03', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7105v/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z71066/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z71066/content (7.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:29:04', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z71066', '2013-04-09 15:29:04', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:04', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7107j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rn300z7107j (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7107j/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7107j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7108w/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rn300z7108w/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:29:05', 'content', 'sufia:rn300z7108w', '2013-04-09 15:29:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:rn300z7108w/content (6.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:29:32', '', '2013-04-09 15:29:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:1544bn99b2f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:03', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1544bn99b3s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:03', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1544bn99b44/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:04', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1544bn99b5g/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:10', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5425k930h26/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:11', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5425k930h3j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:11', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5425k930h4w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:11', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5425k930h57/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m6w/RELS-EXT (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:32', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:33', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63m8k', '2013-04-09 15:37:33', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63m8k (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/content (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63m8k (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/content (4.5ms) Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '5h73pv63m8k'  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:33', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63m9x (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n04/RELS-EXT (12.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:34', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n04', '2013-04-09 15:37:34', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n04/content (8.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:34', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:34', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n2t/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (1.6ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:34', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/RELS-EXT (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:35', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n4h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:35', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n66/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:36', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n66', '2013-04-09 15:37:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:36', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n8w/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:36', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n8w', '2013-04-09 15:37:36', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n97 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:37', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:37', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p0f', '2013-04-09 15:37:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n97 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p0f (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p0f (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n97 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/DC (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p0f/properties (7.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:38', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p24/RELS-EXT (7.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:38', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (7.9ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (5.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 15:37:38', '', '2013-04-09 15:37:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (8.6ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p4t/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p55/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (75.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:39', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p55', '2013-04-09 15:37:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (5.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 15:37:40', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p55', '2013-04-09 15:37:40', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (7.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.8ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.purl' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `purl`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.object_access' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `object_access`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.purl' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `purl`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.object_access' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `object_access`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.object_access' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `object_access`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.purl' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `purl`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Mysql2::Error: Table 'curate_test.repo_object' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) DROP TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (20.3ms) CREATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `pid` varchar(255), `dsid` varchar(255), `version` varchar(255), `pass` int(11), `expected_result` varchar(255), `actual_result` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (28.4ms) CREATE INDEX `by_pid_and_dsid` ON `checksum_audit_logs` (`pid`, `dsid`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `conversations`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.4ms) CREATE TABLE `conversations` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (13.7ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `model` varchar(255), `term` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (22.0ms) CREATE INDEX `terms_by_model_and_term` ON `domain_terms` (`model`, `term`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.2ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id` int(11), `local_authority_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (15.2ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids2` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id`, `local_authority_id`)  (14.3ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids1` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`local_authority_id`, `domain_term_id`)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) DROP TABLE `follows`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (13.2ms) CREATE TABLE `follows` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `followable_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `followable_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `follower_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `follower_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `blocked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (18.7ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_followables` ON `follows` (`followable_id`, `followable_type`)  (14.6ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_follows` ON `follows` (`follower_id`, `follower_type`)  (15.7ms) CREATE TABLE `help_requests` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `view_port` varchar(255), `current_url` text, `user_agent` varchar(255), `resolution` varchar(255), `how_can_we_help_you` text, `javascript_enabled` tinyint(1), `release_version` varchar(255), `user_id` int(11), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (31.6ms) CREATE INDEX `index_help_requests_on_created_at` ON `help_requests` (`created_at`)  (19.7ms) CREATE INDEX `index_help_requests_on_user_id` ON `help_requests` (`user_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `local_authorities`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.1ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authorities` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) DROP TABLE `local_authority_entries`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (23.4ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `local_authority_id` int(11), `label` varchar(255), `uri` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (16.9ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_label` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `label`)  (16.0ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_uri` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `uri`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `notifications`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.9ms) CREATE TABLE `notifications` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `type` varchar(255), `body` text, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `sender_id` int(11), `sender_type` varchar(255), `conversation_id` int(11), `draft` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `notified_object_id` int(11), `notified_object_type` varchar(255), `notification_code` varchar(255), `attachment` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (18.3ms) CREATE INDEX `index_notifications_on_conversation_id` ON `notifications` (`conversation_id`)  (10.8ms) CREATE TABLE `object_access` (`access_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `date_accessed` datetime, `ip_address` varchar(255), `host_name` varchar(255), `user_agent` varchar(255), `request_method` varchar(255), `path_info` varchar(255), `repo_object_id` int(11), `purl_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (13.2ms) CREATE TABLE `purl` (`purl_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `repo_object_id` int(11), `access_count` varchar(255), `last_accessed` datetime, `source_app` varchar(255), `date_created` datetime) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `receipts`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (21.7ms) CREATE TABLE `receipts` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `receiver_id` int(11), `receiver_type` varchar(255), `notification_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `is_read` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `trashed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `mailbox_type` varchar(25), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (17.8ms) CREATE INDEX `index_receipts_on_notification_id` ON `receipts` (`notification_id`)  (15.7ms) CREATE TABLE `repo_object` (`repo_object_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `filename` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255), `date_added` datetime, `add_source_ip` varchar(255), `date_modified` datetime, `information` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `single_use_links`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (18.0ms) CREATE TABLE `single_use_links` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `downloadKey` varchar(255), `path` varchar(255), `itemId` varchar(255), `expires` datetime, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.3ms) CREATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `label` varchar(255), `lowerLabel` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (21.6ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_lower_label` ON `subject_local_authority_entries` (`lowerLabel`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `trophies`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (18.3ms) CREATE TABLE `trophies` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` int(11), `generic_file_id` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `users`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (18.8ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `email` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `version_committers`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (18.8ms) CREATE TABLE `version_committers` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `obj_id` varchar(255), `datastream_id` varchar(255), `version_id` varchar(255), `committer_login` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (13.9ms) ALTER TABLE `notifications` ADD CONSTRAINT `notifications_on_conversation_id` FOREIGN KEY (`conversation_id`) REFERENCES `conversations`(id)  (14.5ms) ALTER TABLE `receipts` ADD CONSTRAINT `receipts_on_notification_id` FOREIGN KEY (`notification_id`) REFERENCES `notifications`(id)  (0.6ms) SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations`  (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130130142162')  (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (version) VALUES ('20130312135359') Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (59.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.5ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.3ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (6.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (14.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (6.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.9ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.4ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.3ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"SeniorThesis"}} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:41', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k82/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/content (9.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 20:43:43', 'content', 'sufia:qf85n871k82', '2013-04-09 20:43:43', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:43', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k9d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871m0m/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m0m/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 20:43:43', 'content', 'sufia:qf85n871m0m', '2013-04-09 20:43:43', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:43', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m1z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871m29/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871m29/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 20:43:44', 'content', 'sufia:qf85n871m29', '2013-04-09 20:43:44', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:43:44', '', '2013-04-09 20:43:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:21', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:21', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:21', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:21', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:21', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"SeniorThesis"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:22', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416905w/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w6634169067/RELS-EXT (16.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169067/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 20:44:23', 'content', 'sufia:w6634169067', '2013-04-09 20:44:23', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:23', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:23', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416907k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416908x/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416908x/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 20:44:24', 'content', 'sufia:w663416908x', '2013-04-09 20:44:24', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-09 20:44:24', '', '2013-04-09 20:44:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w6634169098/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/descMetadata (71.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416910g/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416910g/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-09 20:44:25', 'content', 'sufia:w663416910g', '2013-04-09 20:44:25', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (5.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (6.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (19.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (18.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (4.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (13.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 19ms  (0.9ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.9ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.4ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.9ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.6ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.8ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.5ms) COMMIT SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (5.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (3.0ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (1.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (2.5ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (4.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (6.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (5.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:23', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"SeniorThesis"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (6.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:23', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.9ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (18.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.6ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (1.4ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (26.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:24', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:24', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:24', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:24', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:24', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:24', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (2.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.6ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (1.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (19.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (4.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (3.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (6.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (5.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (5.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (5.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (5.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (19.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (20.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (4.1ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (77.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (30.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.8ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (16.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (30.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (5.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.7ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:25', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Unable to connect to Fedora at  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (2.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (6.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (5.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (5.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:40', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:40', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:40', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (6.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (15.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:41', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910w9j/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/descMetadata (10.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bk128910x0r/RELS-EXT (26.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x0r/content (7.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:05:42', 'content', 'sufia:bk128910x0r', '2013-04-10 13:05:42', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:42', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x13/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/rightsMetadata (10.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/descMetadata (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/properties (11.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:bk128910x2f/RELS-EXT (17.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:bk128910x2f/content (8.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:05:44', 'content', 'sufia:bk128910x2f', '2013-04-10 13:05:44', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:05:44', '', '2013-04-10 13:05:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:43', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:43', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r1n/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:43:59', '', '2013-04-10 13:43:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r20/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r3b/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:00', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940r3b', '2013-04-10 13:44:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r3b/content (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/descMetadata (11.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/content (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r3b/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:00', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940r3b', '2013-04-10 13:44:00', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r3b/content (6.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r4p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r51/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940r6c (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (6.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:02', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940r7q', '2013-04-10 13:44:02', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940r6c (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940r7q (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940r7q (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/descMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940r6c (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r6c/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r7q/DC (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r7q/properties (7.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:02', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r82/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940r82 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r82/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r82/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r9d/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940r9d/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:03', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940r9d', '2013-04-10 13:44:03', 'content.0')  (0.9ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940r9d/content (6.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:03', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s0m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940s1z/RELS-EXT (12.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s1z/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:04', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940s1z', '2013-04-10 13:44:04', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:04', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s29/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940s3n/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s3n/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:05', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940s3n', '2013-04-10 13:44:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (7.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s40/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:06', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s5b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:06', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s6p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:06', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s71/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (20.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (20.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (21.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (17.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (20.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (28.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:06', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:06', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (17.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:06', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (17.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s8c/RELS-EXT (9.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:07', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940s9q/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t0x/RELS-EXT (14.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:08', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940t0x', '2013-04-10 13:44:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jw827940t0x (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t0x/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t0x/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t0x/descMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t0x/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t0x/content (6.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:08', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t18/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t2m/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t2m/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:09', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940t2m', '2013-04-10 13:44:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:09', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:09', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t3z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t49/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t49/content (4.9ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:10', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940t49', '2013-04-10 13:44:10', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 13:44:10', '', '2013-04-10 13:44:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t5n/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jw827940t60/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jw827940t60/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 13:44:10', 'content', 'sufia:jw827940t60', '2013-04-10 13:44:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 38ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:19', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8710g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8711t/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:20', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8711t', '2013-04-10 14:12:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sq87br8711t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8711t (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8711t/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8711t/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8711t/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/properties (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8711t/content (5.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 119ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:20', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87125/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8713h/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8713h/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:21', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8713h', '2013-04-10 14:12:21', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:21', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8714v/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br87156/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87156/content (7.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:22', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br87156', '2013-04-10 14:12:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:22', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 13ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.7ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8716j (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (6.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:22', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:23', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8717w', '2013-04-10 14:12:23', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8716j (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8717w (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/descMetadata (98.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/content (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8717w (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8716j (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8716j/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8717w/DC (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8717w/properties (7.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87187/RELS-EXT (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:24', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8719k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:24', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8720s/RELS-EXT (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:24', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87214/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8722g/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/content (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:25', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8722g', '2013-04-10 14:12:25', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8722g/content (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/content (5.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8722g/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:25', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8722g', '2013-04-10 14:12:25', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8722g/content (5.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`; 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 (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8723t/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87245/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8725h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8726v/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87276/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br87276 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87276/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br87276/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8728j/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8728j/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:27', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8728j', '2013-04-10 14:12:27', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8728j/content (6.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:27', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:27', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (22.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (22.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (23.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (21.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:28', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (21.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:28', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:28', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:28', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8729w/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br87303/RELS-EXT (10.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87303/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:29', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br87303', '2013-04-10 14:12:29', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:29', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8731f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8732s/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8732s/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:30', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8732s', '2013-04-10 14:12:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:44', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:44', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br87334/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:45', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8734g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8735t/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:12:46', 'content', 'sufia:sq87br8735t', '2013-04-10 14:12:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:sq87br8735t (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8735t/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8735t/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8735t/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sq87br8735t/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sq87br8735t/content (7.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:12:46', '', '2013-04-10 14:12:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f2k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58f2k"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f2k (10.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f2k/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f2k/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 142ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:55', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f3x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58f3x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f3x (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f3x/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f3x/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f48/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58f48"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f48 (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f48/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f48/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 31ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f5m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58f5m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f5m (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f5m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f5m/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 32ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f6z/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58f6z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f6z (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f6z/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f6z/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:56', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f79/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58f79"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f79 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f79/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f79/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 26ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:57', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f8n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58f8n (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f8n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f8n/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f90/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58f90/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:13:57', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58f90', '2013-04-10 14:13:57', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58f90/content (7.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g06/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g1j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g2w/RELS-EXT (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g37/RELS-EXT (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:58', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g4k/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58g5x/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g5x/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:13:59', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58g5x', '2013-04-10 14:13:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:59', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:13:59', '', '2013-04-10 14:13:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g68/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58g7m/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:00', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58g7m', '2013-04-10 14:14:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"h128nc58g7m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58g7m (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58g7m/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58g7m/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58g7m/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g7m/content (4.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 76ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:00', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g8z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58g99/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58g99/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:01', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58g99', '2013-04-10 14:14:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (17.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (23.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (4.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (23.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (24.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:01', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h0h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h1v/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h1v/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:02', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58h1v', '2013-04-10 14:14:02', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:02', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h26/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h3j/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h3j/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:03', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58h3j', '2013-04-10 14:14:03', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h4w/RELS-EXT (6.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:03', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h57/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h6k/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:04', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58h6k', '2013-04-10 14:14:04', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58h6k (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h6k/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h6k/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h6k/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h6k/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58h6k/content (7.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:04', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h7x/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:04', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:04', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:04', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:04', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h88/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58h9m/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58j0t/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j0t/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:05', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58j0t', '2013-04-10 14:14:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:05', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j15/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j2h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58j3v/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j3v/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:06', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58j3v', '2013-04-10 14:14:06', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:06', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:06', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j46/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j5j/RELS-EXT (75.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58j6w/RELS-EXT (13.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j6w/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:07', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58j6w', '2013-04-10 14:14:07', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:07', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j77/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j8k/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58j9x/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58j9x/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:08', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58j9x', '2013-04-10 14:14:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:08', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k04/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k1g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k2t/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k2t/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:09', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58k2t', '2013-04-10 14:14:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:09', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k35/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k4h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k5v/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k5v/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:10', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58k5v', '2013-04-10 14:14:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58k66 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (6.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:25', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/RELS-EXT (12.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:25', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58k7j', '2013-04-10 14:14:25', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58k66 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58k7j (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58k7j (77.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:h128nc58k66 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k66/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k7j/DC (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58k7j/properties (7.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k8w/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58k97/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (14.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m0f/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 14:14:26', '', '2013-04-10 14:14:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m1s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58m24/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/content (7.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:27', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58m24', '2013-04-10 14:14:27', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58m24/content (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/content (6.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:h128nc58m24/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 14:14:28', 'content', 'sufia:h128nc58m24', '2013-04-10 14:14:28', 'content.1')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:h128nc58m24/content (6.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (11.8ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:15', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (26.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (24.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (24.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:15', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (21.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:15', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8526z/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85279/RELS-EXT (18.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85279/content (8.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:17', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85279', '2013-04-10 15:41:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:17', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8528n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85290/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85290/content (6.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:18', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85290', '2013-04-10 15:41:18', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 4ms (Views: 3.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:18', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:18', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:18', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.8ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:18', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85306/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/rightsMetadata (103.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8531j/RELS-EXT (24.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:19', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8531j', '2013-04-10 15:41:19', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft8531j"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8531j (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8531j/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8531j/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8531j/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8531j/content (5.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 207ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 11ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:20', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8532w/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85337/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85337/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:21', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85337', '2013-04-10 15:41:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:21', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8534k/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8535x/RELS-EXT (16.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8535x/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:22', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8535x', '2013-04-10 15:41:22', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:22', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:22', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85368/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8537m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8538z/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8538z/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:23', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8538z', '2013-04-10 15:41:23', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:23', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85399/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8540h/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8541v/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8541v/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:24', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8541v', '2013-04-10 15:41:24', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:24', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85426/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8543j/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8544w/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8544w/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:25', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8544w', '2013-04-10 15:41:25', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:25', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:25', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85457/RELS-EXT (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:25', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:25', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8546k/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8547x/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85488/RELS-EXT (14.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85488/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:26', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85488', '2013-04-10 15:41:26', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:26', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:26', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:26', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8549m/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8550t/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85515/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85515/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:27', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85515', '2013-04-10 15:41:27', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:27', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8552h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8553v/RELS-EXT (87.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85546/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85546/content (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:29', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85546', '2013-04-10 15:41:29', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (2.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (23.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (27.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (2.8ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (1.4ms) BEGIN SQL (3.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:29', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8555j/RELS-EXT (6.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:29', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8556w/RELS-EXT (8.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:30', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85577/RELS-EXT (12.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:30', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8558k/RELS-EXT (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.3ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (4.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (6.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (5.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (7.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (5.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (5.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (15.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (6.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (4.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8559x (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (8.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:45', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/RELS-EXT (20.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/content (7.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:46', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft85604', '2013-04-10 15:41:46', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8559x (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft85604 (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/rightsMetadata (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/descMetadata (10.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/descMetadata (11.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/properties (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/content (7.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft85604 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/content (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8559x (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8559x/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85604/DC (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85604/properties (8.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8561g/RELS-EXT (5.7ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:46', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8562t/RELS-EXT (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:47', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (30.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (22.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85635/RELS-EXT (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:47', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8564h/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8565v/RELS-EXT (98.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:48', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8565v', '2013-04-10 15:41:48', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8565v/content (100.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/rightsMetadata (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/content (5.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/rightsMetadata (14.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8565v/content (14.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:48', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8565v', '2013-04-10 15:41:48', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8565v/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (26.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (16.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (22.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:49', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85666/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft85666 (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85666/RELS-EXT (104.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85666/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8567j/RELS-EXT (17.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8567j/content (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:50', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8567j', '2013-04-10 15:41:50', 'content.0')  (3.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8567j/content (10.8ms)  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (4.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8568w/RELS-EXT (6.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.9ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:51', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85697/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8570f/RELS-EXT (14.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/descMetadata (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/content (6.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:41:52', 'content', 'sufia:x920ft8570f', '2013-04-10 15:41:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8570f (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8570f/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8570f/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8570f/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8570f/content (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8570f/content (8.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8571s/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft8571s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8571s (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8571s/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8571s/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85724/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft85724"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft85724 (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85724/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85724/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 40ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.6ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8573g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft8573g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8573g (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8573g/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8573g/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 148ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:53', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:53', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8574t/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft8574t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8574t (10.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8574t/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8574t/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 51ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:53', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85755/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft85755"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft85755 (16.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft85755/RELS-EXT (19.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft85755/RELS-EXT (14.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 71ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:41:53', '', '2013-04-10 15:41:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8576h/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x920ft8576h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x920ft8576h (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x920ft8576h/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x920ft8576h/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 44ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`; 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 (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.5ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h7m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:31', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h8z/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148h99/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:32', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148h99', '2013-04-10 15:43:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148h99 (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148h99/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148h99/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148h99/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148h99/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148h99/content (6.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 5.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:32', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j0h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:33', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j1v/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j26/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148j3j/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j3j/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:34', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148j3j', '2013-04-10 15:43:34', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:34', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j4w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j57/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148j6k/RELS-EXT (13.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/rightsMetadata (82.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j6k/content (6.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:35', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148j6k', '2013-04-10 15:43:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:35', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j7x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j88/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148j9m/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148j9m/content (7.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:35', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148j9m', '2013-04-10 15:43:35', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:35', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k0t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k15/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148k2h/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/descMetadata (76.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k2h/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:36', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148k2h', '2013-04-10 15:43:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:36', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k3v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k46/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148k5j/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k5j/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:37', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148k5j', '2013-04-10 15:43:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:37', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k6w/RELS-EXT (79.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k77/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148k8k/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k8k/content (7.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:38', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148k8k', '2013-04-10 15:43:38', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:38', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:38', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k9x/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148k9x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148k9x (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148k9x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148k9x/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:38', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:38', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m04/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148m04"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m04 (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m04/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m04/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 39ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (7.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m1g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148m1g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m1g (11.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m1g/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m1g/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 38ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m2t/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148m2t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m2t (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m2t/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m2t/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 132ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m35/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148m35"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m35 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m35/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m35/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 47ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m4h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148m4h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m4h (92.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m4h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m4h/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 135ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m5v (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (9.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:54', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:55', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148m66', '2013-04-10 15:43:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m5v (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m66 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/descMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m66 (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/rightsMetadata (90.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/properties (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/content (5.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148m5v (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m5v/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m66/DC (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148m66/properties (7.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m7j/RELS-EXT (9.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:55', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m8w/RELS-EXT (6.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:56', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148m97/RELS-EXT (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:56', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n0f/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148n1s/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/content (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:57', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148n1s', '2013-04-10 15:43:57', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148n1s/content (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/content (6.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/descMetadata (89.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n1s/content (9.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:57', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148n1s', '2013-04-10 15:43:57', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148n1s/content (8.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:57', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:58', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n24/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148n3g/RELS-EXT (15.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/descMetadata (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n3g/content (7.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:43:59', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148n3g', '2013-04-10 15:43:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:43:59', '', '2013-04-10 15:43:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n4t/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/rightsMetadata (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148n55/RELS-EXT (12.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n55/content (8.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:44:00', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148n55', '2013-04-10 15:44:00', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (1.5ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n6h/RELS-EXT (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n7v/RELS-EXT (6.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n86/RELS-EXT (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (2.8ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148n9j/RELS-EXT (6.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p0r/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148p0r (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p0r/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p0r/RELS-EXT (10.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/properties (8.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p13/RELS-EXT (11.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/descMetadata (10.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p13/content (7.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:44:02', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148p13', '2013-04-10 15:44:02', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p13/content (8.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 11ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:03', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (6.6ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p2f/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p3s/RELS-EXT (14.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p3s/content (6.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:44:03', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148p3s', '2013-04-10 15:44:03', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:03', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:04', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p44/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p5g/RELS-EXT (10.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:44:04', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148p5g', '2013-04-10 15:44:04', 'content.0')  (1.9ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2n49t148p5g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2n49t148p5g (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p5g/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p5g/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p5g/descMetadata (10.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p5g/content (5.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 96ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('2013-04-10 15:44:05', '', '2013-04-10 15:44:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p6t/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2n49t148p75/RELS-EXT (14.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2n49t148p75/content (9.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:44:06', 'content', 'sufia:2n49t148p75', '2013-04-10 15:44:06', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) DROP TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.3ms) CREATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `pid` varchar(255), `dsid` varchar(255), `version` varchar(255), `pass` int(11), `expected_result` varchar(255), `actual_result` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (14.1ms) CREATE INDEX `by_pid_and_dsid` ON `checksum_audit_logs` (`pid`, `dsid`)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) DROP TABLE `conversations`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.5ms) CREATE TABLE `conversations` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (22.2ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `model` varchar(255), `term` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (15.0ms) CREATE INDEX `terms_by_model_and_term` ON `domain_terms` (`model`, `term`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.4ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id` int(11), `local_authority_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (21.1ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids2` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id`, `local_authority_id`)  (13.5ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids1` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`local_authority_id`, `domain_term_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `follows`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.1ms) CREATE TABLE `follows` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `followable_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `followable_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `follower_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `follower_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `blocked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (20.9ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_followables` ON `follows` (`followable_id`, `followable_type`)  (13.8ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_follows` ON `follows` (`follower_id`, `follower_type`)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) DROP TABLE `help_requests`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (16.5ms) CREATE TABLE `help_requests` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `view_port` varchar(255), `current_url` text, `user_agent` varchar(255), `resolution` varchar(255), `how_can_we_help_you` text, `javascript_enabled` tinyint(1), `release_version` varchar(255), `user_id` int(11), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.2ms) CREATE INDEX `index_help_requests_on_created_at` ON `help_requests` (`created_at`)  (12.5ms) CREATE INDEX `index_help_requests_on_user_id` ON `help_requests` (`user_id`)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `local_authorities`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (10.9ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authorities` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `local_authority_entries`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.5ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `local_authority_id` int(11), `label` varchar(255), `uri` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (21.8ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_label` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `label`)  (14.6ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_uri` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `uri`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `notifications`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (11.2ms) CREATE TABLE `notifications` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `type` varchar(255), `body` text, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `sender_id` int(11), `sender_type` varchar(255), `conversation_id` int(11), `draft` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `notified_object_id` int(11), `notified_object_type` varchar(255), `notification_code` varchar(255), `attachment` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (22.3ms) CREATE INDEX `index_notifications_on_conversation_id` ON `notifications` (`conversation_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `object_access`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (19.0ms) CREATE TABLE `object_access` (`access_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `date_accessed` datetime, `ip_address` varchar(255), `host_name` varchar(255), `user_agent` varchar(255), `request_method` varchar(255), `path_info` varchar(255), `repo_object_id` int(11), `purl_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) DROP TABLE `purl`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (14.1ms) CREATE TABLE `purl` (`purl_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `repo_object_id` int(11), `access_count` varchar(255), `last_accessed` datetime, `source_app` varchar(255), `date_created` datetime) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `receipts`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (10.4ms) CREATE TABLE `receipts` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `receiver_id` int(11), `receiver_type` varchar(255), `notification_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `is_read` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `trashed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `mailbox_type` varchar(25), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (12.0ms) CREATE INDEX `index_receipts_on_notification_id` ON `receipts` (`notification_id`)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (13.3ms) CREATE TABLE `repo_object` (`repo_object_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `filename` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255), `date_added` datetime, `add_source_ip` varchar(255), `date_modified` datetime, `information` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `single_use_links`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (10.7ms) CREATE TABLE `single_use_links` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `downloadKey` varchar(255), `path` varchar(255), `itemId` varchar(255), `expires` datetime, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (8.6ms) CREATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `label` varchar(255), `lowerLabel` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (11.8ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_lower_label` ON `subject_local_authority_entries` (`lowerLabel`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `trophies`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (8.3ms) CREATE TABLE `trophies` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` int(11), `generic_file_id` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `users`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (18.3ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `email` varchar(255), `agreed_to_terms_of_service` tinyint(1), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `version_committers`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (10.2ms) CREATE TABLE `version_committers` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `obj_id` varchar(255), `datastream_id` varchar(255), `version_id` varchar(255), `committer_login` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (14.7ms) ALTER TABLE `notifications` ADD CONSTRAINT `notifications_on_conversation_id` FOREIGN KEY (`conversation_id`) REFERENCES `conversations`(id)  (21.9ms) ALTER TABLE `receipts` ADD CONSTRAINT `receipts_on_notification_id` FOREIGN KEY (`notification_id`) REFERENCES `notifications`(id)  (0.2ms) SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations` Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/2_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 5.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.7ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.4ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10j30 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (9.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:50', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:51', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10j4b', '2013-04-10 15:46:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10j30 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10j4b (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10j4b (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10j30 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j30/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j4b/DC (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j4b/properties (6.9ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j5p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j61/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j7c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:52', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j8q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j92/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:53', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10j92', '2013-04-10 15:46:53', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j92/content (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/content (4.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10j92/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:53', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10j92', '2013-04-10 15:46:53', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10j92/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:53', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k08/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10k08 (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k08/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10k08/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10k1m/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k1m/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:54', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10k1m', '2013-04-10 15:46:54', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10k1m/content (7.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:54', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k2z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k39/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10k4n/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k4n/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:55', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10k4n', '2013-04-10 15:46:55', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:55', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k50/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k6b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10k7p/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k7p/content (7.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:56', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10k7p', '2013-04-10 15:46:56', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:56', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k81/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10k9c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10m0k/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m0k/content (6.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:57', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10m0k', '2013-04-10 15:46:57', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:57', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:57', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m1x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m28/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10m3m/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m3m/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:58', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10m3m', '2013-04-10 15:46:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:58', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m4z/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m59/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10m6n/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m6n/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:46:59', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10m6n', '2013-04-10 15:46:59', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:59', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m70/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:59', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:46:59', '', '2013-04-10 15:46:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m8b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10m9p/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n0w/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n0w/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:00', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10n0w', '2013-04-10 15:47:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:00', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:00', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:00', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n17/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10n17"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n17 (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n17/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n17/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 35ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:00', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:00', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:00', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n2k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10n2k"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n2k (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n2k/RELS-EXT (77.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n2k/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 106ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n3x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10n3x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n3x (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n3x/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n3x/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n48/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10n48"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n48 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n48/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n48/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 126ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n5m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10n5m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n5m (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n5m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n5m/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 49ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:01', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n6z/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10n6z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n6z (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n6z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n6z/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 50ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.5ms) COMMIT SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n79/RELS-EXT (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:02', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n8n/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n90/RELS-EXT (12.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/content (7.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:02', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10n90', '2013-04-10 15:47:02', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10n90 (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n90/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n90/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n90/descMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10n90/content (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10n90/content (79.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 15:47:03', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 15:47:03', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 15:47:03', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (22.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (17.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (22.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (22.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:03', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p06/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p1j/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/rightsMetadata (98.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p1j/content (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:04', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10p1j', '2013-04-10 15:47:04', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:04', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p2w/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p37/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p37/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:05', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10p37', '2013-04-10 15:47:05', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p4k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p5x/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/rightsMetadata (75.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p5x/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:20', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10p5x', '2013-04-10 15:47:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:20', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:20', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p68/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p7m/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p7m/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:21', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10p7m', '2013-04-10 15:47:21', 'content.0')  (1.0ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:21', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p8z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p99/RELS-EXT (13.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:47:22', 'content', 'sufia:c534fn10p99', '2013-04-10 15:47:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"c534fn10p99"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:c534fn10p99 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p99/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p99/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:c534fn10p99/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10p99/content (4.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 78ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:22', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10q0h/RELS-EXT (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:22', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10q1v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:22', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10q26/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:47:23', '', '2013-04-10 15:47:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:c534fn10q3j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:16', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:6969z029v4m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:16', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6969z029v5z/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (12.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (2.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:16', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6969z029v69/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:17', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6969z029v7n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 15:52:35', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 15:52:35', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 15:52:35', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:35', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d0m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d1z/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d1z/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:36', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85d1z', '2013-04-10 15:52:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:37', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d29/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d3n/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d3n/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:37', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85d3n', '2013-04-10 15:52:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:38', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d40/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85d40 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d40/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d40/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d5b/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d5b/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:38', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85d5b', '2013-04-10 15:52:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d5b/content (7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d6p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85d6p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85d6p (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d6p/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d6p/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 152ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d71/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85d71"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85d71 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d71/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d71/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 52ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d8c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85d8c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85d8c (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d8c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d8c/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 114ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d9q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85d9q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85d9q (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85d9q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85d9q/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:39', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f0x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85f0x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85f0x (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f0x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f0x/RELS-EXT (73.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 95ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f18/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85f18"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85f18 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f18/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f18/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 28ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:40', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f2m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f3z/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:41', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85f3z', '2013-04-10 15:52:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"wp988g85f3z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85f3z (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f3z/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f3z/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f3z/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f3z/content (4.8ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 76ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:41', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f49/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f5n/RELS-EXT (12.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f5n/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:42', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85f5n', '2013-04-10 15:52:42', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:42', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 11ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:42', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f60/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85f7b/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f7b/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:42', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85f7b', '2013-04-10 15:52:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f8p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:42', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85f91/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g07/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:43', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85g07', '2013-04-10 15:52:43', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85g07 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g07/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g07/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g07/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g07/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g07/content (6.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:44', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g1k/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g2x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g38/RELS-EXT (17.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g38/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:45', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85g38', '2013-04-10 15:52:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:45', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:45', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:45', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:45', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g4m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:45', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g5z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g69/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/properties (8.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85g7n/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g7n/content (80.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:46', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85g7n', '2013-04-10 15:52:46', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:46', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g80/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85g9b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85h0j/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h0j/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:46', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85h0j', '2013-04-10 15:52:46', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:47', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h1w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h27/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85h3k/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h3k/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:47', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85h3k', '2013-04-10 15:52:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:47', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:47', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h4x/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h58/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/properties (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85h6m/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h6m/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:48', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85h6m', '2013-04-10 15:52:48', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:48', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h7z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h89/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85h9n/RELS-EXT (12.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85h9n/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:52:49', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85h9n', '2013-04-10 15:52:49', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (21.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (19.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (22.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:49', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:50', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:52:50', '', '2013-04-10 15:52:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:05', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j0v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (7.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (6.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:05', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j16/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (3.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:05', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j2j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:05', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j3w/RELS-EXT (6.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (6.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j47/RELS-EXT (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:06', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j5k/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85j6x/RELS-EXT (12.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:53:06', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85j6x', '2013-04-10 15:53:06', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85j6x/content (11.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/content (6.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j6x/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:53:07', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85j6x', '2013-04-10 15:53:07', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85j6x/content (5.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j78/RELS-EXT (82.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:07', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j8m/RELS-EXT (5.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:07', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85j9z (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (8.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:07', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 15:53:08', 'content', 'sufia:wp988g85k05', '2013-04-10 15:53:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85j9z (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85k05 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/rightsMetadata (10.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85k05 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:wp988g85j9z (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85j9z/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:wp988g85k05/DC (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:wp988g85k05/properties (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:08', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 15:53:08', '', '2013-04-10 15:53:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (5.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (6.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rr171v54705/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rr171v54705 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rr171v54705/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rr171v54705/RELS-EXT (6.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rr171v5471h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rr171v5472v/RELS-EXT (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rr171v54736/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:rr171v5474j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (26.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (18.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (20.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (23.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (26.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r5h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3f462514r5h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3f462514r5h (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r5h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514r5h/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 126ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r6v/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3f462514r6v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3f462514r6v (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r6v/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514r6v/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 29ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:49', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r76/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3f462514r76"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3f462514r76 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r76/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514r76/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 107ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r8j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3f462514r8j"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3f462514r8j (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r8j/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514r8j/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (9.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 52ms (Views: 23.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r9w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3f462514r9w"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3f462514r9w (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514r9w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514r9w/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 28ms (Views: 2.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s03/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3f462514s03"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3f462514s03 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s03/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514s03/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 28ms (Views: 2.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s1f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:50', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s2s/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s34/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/RELS-EXT (71.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514s4g/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s4g/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:32:51', 'content', 'sufia:3f462514s4g', '2013-04-10 16:32:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:51', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s5t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s65/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514s7h/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s7h/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:32:52', 'content', 'sufia:3f462514s7h', '2013-04-10 16:32:52', 'content.0')  (2.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:52', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:52', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:52', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s8v/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514s96/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514t0d/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t0d/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:32:53', 'content', 'sufia:3f462514t0d', '2013-04-10 16:32:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:53', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t1r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t23/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514t3f/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t3f/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:32:54', 'content', 'sufia:3f462514t3f', '2013-04-10 16:32:54', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:54', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:54', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t4s/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t54/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/properties (12.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514t6g/RELS-EXT (13.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/descMetadata (10.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t6g/content (8.3ms)  (2.8ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:32:55', 'content', 'sufia:3f462514t6g', '2013-04-10 16:32:55', 'content.0')  (1.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:55', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t7t/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t85/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3f462514t9h/RELS-EXT (12.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3f462514t9h/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:32:57', 'content', 'sufia:3f462514t9h', '2013-04-10 16:32:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:57', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:57', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:32:57', '', '2013-04-10 16:32:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:33:14', '', '2013-04-10 16:33:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:33:25', '', '2013-04-10 16:33:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:34:06', '', '2013-04-10 16:34:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 86ms (ActiveRecord: 5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:36:18', '', '2013-04-10 16:36:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 25ms (ActiveRecord: 5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:38:01', '', '2013-04-10 16:38:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:38:57', '', '2013-04-10 16:38:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 67ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 16:47:04', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 6ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 16:47:04', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 16:47:04', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:05', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w6n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w70/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653w8b/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w8b/content (4.8ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:06', 'content', 'sufia:sb397653w8b', '2013-04-10 16:47:06', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397653w8b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:06', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653w9p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x0w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653x17/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:07', 'content', 'sufia:sb397653x17', '2013-04-10 16:47:07', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397653x17"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397653x17 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653x17/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653x17/rightsMetadata (10.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653x17/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x17/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:07', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x2k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"sb397653x2k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:07', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x3x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"sb397653x3x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:07', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x48/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x5m/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653x6z/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x6z/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:08', 'content', 'sufia:sb397653x6z', '2013-04-10 16:47:08', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:08', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397653x6z"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 9ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:08', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x79/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x8n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653x90/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653x90/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:09', 'content', 'sufia:sb397653x90', '2013-04-10 16:47:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397653x90"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:09', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z06/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z1j/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653z2w/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z2w/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:10', 'content', 'sufia:sb397653z2w', '2013-04-10 16:47:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 12:47:10 -0400"}, "id"=>"sb397653z2w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:10', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z37/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z4k/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397653z5x/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z5x/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:11', 'content', 'sufia:sb397653z5x', '2013-04-10 16:47:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 12:47:11 -0400"}, "id"=>"sb397653z5x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:11', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:11', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z68/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"sb397653z68"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:11', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z7m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"sb397653z7m"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:11', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z8z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:11', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397653z99/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:11', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765400s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:12', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654014/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:12', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765402g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765403t/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765403t/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:13', 'content', 'sufia:sb39765403t', '2013-04-10 16:47:13', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:13', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654045/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765405h/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765405h/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:14', 'content', 'sufia:sb39765405h', '2013-04-10 16:47:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:14', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765406v/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654076/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:14', 'content', 'sufia:sb397654076', '2013-04-10 16:47:14', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397654076"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654076 (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654076/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654076/rightsMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654076/descMetadata (10.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654076/content (6.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 107ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:14', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765408j/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765409w/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:15', 'content', 'sufia:sb39765409w', '2013-04-10 16:47:15', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:15', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765409w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765409w (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765409w/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765409w/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765409w/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765409w/content (4.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 80ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:15', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654103/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765411f/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:16', 'content', 'sufia:sb39765411f', '2013-04-10 16:47:16', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765411f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765411f (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765411f/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765411f/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765411f/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765411f/content (4.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 80ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`; 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 (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (17.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (34.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:17', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765412s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765412s (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765412s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765412s/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654134/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654134/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:17', 'content', 'sufia:sb397654134', '2013-04-10 16:47:17', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654134/content (6.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (19.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (20.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765414g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:18', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765415t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654165/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:18', 'content', 'sufia:sb397654165', '2013-04-10 16:47:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654165/content (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/content (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/rightsMetadata (79.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654165/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:19', 'content', 'sufia:sb397654165', '2013-04-10 16:47:19', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654165/content (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765417h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765418v/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654196 (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (6.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:19', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:20', 'content', 'sufia:sb39765420d', '2013-04-10 16:47:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654196 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765420d (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765420d (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654196 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654196/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765420d/DC (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765420d/properties (6.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765421r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:21', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654223/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765423f/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 16:47:21', 'content', 'sufia:sb39765423f', '2013-04-10 16:47:21', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765423f (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765423f/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765423f/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765423f/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765423f/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765423f/content (6.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:36', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:36', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:36', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:36', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765424s/RELS-EXT (77.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765424s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765424s (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765424s/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765424s/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 52ms (Views: 14.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:37', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654254/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397654254"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654254 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654254/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654254/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 2.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:37', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765426g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765426g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765426g (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765426g/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765426g/RELS-EXT (78.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 101ms (Views: 2.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:37', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765427t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765427t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765427t (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765427t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765427t/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 37ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:37', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654285/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397654285"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654285 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654285/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654285/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:37', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:37', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765429h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765429h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765429h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765429h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765429h/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 33ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:38', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765430q/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765430q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765430q (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765430q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765430q/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:38', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654312/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397654312"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654312 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654312/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654312/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 104ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:38', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:38', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765432d/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765432d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765432d (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765432d/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765432d/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 37ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:38', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765433r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765433r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765433r (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765433r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765433r/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 43ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:38', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654343/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb397654343"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb397654343 (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb397654343/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb397654343/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 33ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:39', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:39', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765435f/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"sb39765435f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:sb39765435f (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:sb39765435f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:sb39765435f/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 36ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:39', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 16:47:39', '', '2013-04-10 16:47:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.7ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:01:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 8ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:01:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:01:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (1.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:21', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b5g/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80b5g (10.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b5g/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80b5g/RELS-EXT (15.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/rightsMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/properties (10.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80b6t/RELS-EXT (15.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b6t/content (7.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:23', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80b6t', '2013-04-10 17:01:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80b6t/content (9.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:23', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b75/RELS-EXT (7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:24', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b8h/RELS-EXT (7.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:24', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80b9v/RELS-EXT (6.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:24', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c02/RELS-EXT (9.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80c1d (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (7.2ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:25', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/rightsMetadata (10.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/descMetadata (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/properties (9.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/RELS-EXT (12.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/descMetadata (9.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/content (8.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:26', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80c2r', '2013-04-10 17:01:26', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80c1d (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80c2r (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/content (6.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80c2r (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/content (6.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80c1d (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c1d/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c2r/DC (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c2r/properties (7.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c33/RELS-EXT (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:26', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c4f/RELS-EXT (7.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:27', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c5s/RELS-EXT (8.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:27', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c64/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c7g/RELS-EXT (13.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/content (6.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:28', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80c7g', '2013-04-10 17:01:28', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c7g/content (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/content (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c7g/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:29', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80c7g', '2013-04-10 17:01:29', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c7g/content (7.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:29', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c8t/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/RELS-EXT (10.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/descMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/properties (118.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80c95/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80c95/content (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:30', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80c95', '2013-04-10 17:01:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:30', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d0c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80d1q/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d1q/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:32', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80d1q', '2013-04-10 17:01:32', 'content.0')  (2.1ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d22/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d3d/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/properties (9.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80d4r/RELS-EXT (13.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d4r/content (7.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:33', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80d4r', '2013-04-10 17:01:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80d4r"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 11ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d53/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d6f/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80d7s/RELS-EXT (12.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d7s/content (101.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:34', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80d7s', '2013-04-10 17:01:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80d7s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d84/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80d9g/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80f0p/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/rightsMetadata (79.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:35', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80f0p', '2013-04-10 17:01:35', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80f0p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80f0p (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80f0p/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/rightsMetadata (73.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80f0p/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80f0p/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f0p/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f11/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"5d86nz80f11"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f2c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"5d86nz80f2c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f3q/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"5d86nz80f3q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f42/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"5d86nz80f42"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f5d/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f6r/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80f73/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f73/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:37', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80f73', '2013-04-10 17:01:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:01:37 -0400"}, "id"=>"5d86nz80f73"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:37', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f8f/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80f9s/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/properties (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g00/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g00/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:39', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80g00', '2013-04-10 17:01:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:01:39 -0400"}, "id"=>"5d86nz80g00"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:39', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g1b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g2p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g31/RELS-EXT (13.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g31/content (6.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:40', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80g31', '2013-04-10 17:01:40', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80g31"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:40', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:40', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:40', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:40', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g4c/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g5q/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/content (6.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:41', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80g5q', '2013-04-10 17:01:41', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80g5q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80g5q (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g5q/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g5q/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g5q/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/properties (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g5q/content (7.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 111ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:41', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g62/RELS-EXT (17.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g7d/RELS-EXT (18.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:42', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80g7d', '2013-04-10 17:01:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80g7d"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80g7d (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g7d/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g7d/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g7d/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g7d/content (5.2ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 92ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:42', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g8r/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g93/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:43', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80g93', '2013-04-10 17:01:43', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:43', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80g93"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80g93 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g93/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g93/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80g93/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80g93/content (7.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 80ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:43', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h09/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h09"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h09 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h09/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h09/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 35ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h1n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h1n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h1n (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h1n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h1n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 33ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h20/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h20"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h20 (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h20/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h20/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 135ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h3b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h3b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h3b (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h3b/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h3b/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 39ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h4p/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h4p"} User Load (0.7ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h4p (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h4p/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h4p/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 54ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h51/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h51"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h51 (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h51/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h51/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 51ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h6c/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h6c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h6c (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h6c/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h6c/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 36ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h7q/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h7q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h7q (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h7q/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h7q/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 112ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h82/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h82"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h82 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h82/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h82/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:46', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h9d/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80h9d"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80h9d (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80h9d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80h9d/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 38ms (Views: 10.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:46', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j0m/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80j0m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80j0m (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j0m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j0m/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 27ms (Views: 2.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:46', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j1z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5d86nz80j1z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80j1z (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j1z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j1z/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 27ms (Views: 2.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j29/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:46', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j3n/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j40/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:01:47', 'content', 'sufia:5d86nz80j40', '2013-04-10 17:01:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5d86nz80j40 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j40/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j40/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j40/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5d86nz80j40/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5d86nz80j40/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:47', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:01:47', '', '2013-04-10 17:01:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:35:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:35:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p6h/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63p6h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p6h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p6h/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p6h/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 126ms Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:39:01', '', '2013-04-10 17:39:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416911t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w663416911t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w663416911t (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w663416911t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w663416911t/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 124ms Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Couldn't find SolrDocument  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:39:27', '', '2013-04-10 17:39:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:v979v119g63/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"v979v119g63"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:v979v119g63 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:v979v119g63/RELS-EXT (66.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:v979v119g63/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 124ms Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:40:59', '', '2013-04-10 17:40:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j099085"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j099085 (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 185ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:z316pz51940/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"z316pz51940"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:z316pz51940 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z316pz51940/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z316pz51940/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 133ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m3b/RELS-EXT (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:35', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m4p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m51/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:42:36', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82m51', '2013-04-10 17:42:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82m51 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m51/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m51/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m51/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m51/content (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m51/content (6.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/2_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 5.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:54', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m6c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82m6c (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m6c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m6c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m7q/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m7q/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:42:54', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82m7q', '2013-04-10 17:42:54', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m7q/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:55', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m82/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m9d/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n0m/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:42:56', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82n0m', '2013-04-10 17:42:56', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:56', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82n0m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82n0m (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n0m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n0m/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n0m/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n0m/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82m9d (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82m9d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82m9d/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 127ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:56', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n1z/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n29/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n3n/RELS-EXT (12.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:42:57', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82n3n', '2013-04-10 17:42:57', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82n3n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82n3n (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n3n/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n3n/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/descMetadata (79.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n3n/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n3n/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82n29 (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n29/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n29/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 207ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:57', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n40/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"1831cj82n40"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:57', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n5b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"1831cj82n5b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:57', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n6p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n71/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n8c/RELS-EXT (93.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:42:58', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82n8c', '2013-04-10 17:42:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82n8c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 85ms Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82n8c (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n8c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n8c/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82n8c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n8c/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:58', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82n9q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p0x/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82p18/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p18/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:42:59', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82p18', '2013-04-10 17:42:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82p18"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:42:59', '', '2013-04-10 17:42:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p2m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p3z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82p49/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p49/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:00', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82p49', '2013-04-10 17:43:00', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:43:00 -0400"}, "id"=>"1831cj82p49"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:00', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p5n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p60/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82p7b/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p7b/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:01', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82p7b', '2013-04-10 17:43:01', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:43:01 -0400"}, "id"=>"1831cj82p7b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:01', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:01', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p8p/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"1831cj82p8p"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:01', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82p91/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"1831cj82p91"} User Load (6.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 12ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (5.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q07/RELS-EXT (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:02', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q1k/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q2x/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:03', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82q2x', '2013-04-10 17:43:03', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q2x/content (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/content (5.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q2x/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:03', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82q2x', '2013-04-10 17:43:03', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q2x/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q38/RELS-EXT (6.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:03', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q4m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:03', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82q5z (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (7.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:04', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:04', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82q69', '2013-04-10 17:43:04', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82q5z (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82q69 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/content (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82q69 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/rightsMetadata (71.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82q5z (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q5z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q69/DC (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q69/properties (5.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:05', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q7n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82q80/RELS-EXT (11.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q80/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:06', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82q80', '2013-04-10 17:43:06', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82q9b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82r0j/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r0j/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:07', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82r0j', '2013-04-10 17:43:07', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:43:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:43:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:43:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r1w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r27/RELS-EXT (7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r3k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:08', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r4x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (23.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (20.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (20.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (22.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (15.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (5.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:08', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r58/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82r58"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82r58 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r58/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82r58/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 45ms (Views: 15.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:08', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r6m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82r6m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82r6m (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r6m/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82r6m/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 39ms (Views: 4.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (4.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:08', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r7z/RELS-EXT (26.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82r7z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82r7z (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r7z/RELS-EXT (14.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82r7z/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 43ms (Views: 3.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r89/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82r89"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82r89 (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r89/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82r89/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r9n/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82r9n"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82r9n (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82r9n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82r9n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 131ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s0v/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s0v"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s0v (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s0v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s0v/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 39ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s16/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s16"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s16 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s16/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s16/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 39ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s2j/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s2j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s2j (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s2j/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s2j/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 48ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s3w/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s3w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s3w (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s3w/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s3w/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 50ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s47/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s47"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s47 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s47/RELS-EXT (84.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s47/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 115ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s5k/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s5k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s5k (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s5k/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s5k/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 54ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:11', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:11', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s6x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s6x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s6x (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s6x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s6x/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 38ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:11', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s78/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s8m/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:12', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82s8m', '2013-04-10 17:43:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:12', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82s8m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82s8m (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s8m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s8m/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82s8m/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s8m/content (5.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 89ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:12', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82s9z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t05/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:13', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82t05', '2013-04-10 17:43:13', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82t05"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82t05 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t05/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t05/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t05/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t05/content (7.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 170ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t1h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t2v/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/content (4.5ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:43:14', 'content', 'sufia:1831cj82t2v', '2013-04-10 17:43:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1831cj82t2v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1831cj82t2v (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t2v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t2v/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1831cj82t2v/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1831cj82t2v/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 159ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:43:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:43:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:46:27', '', '2013-04-10 17:46:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q78/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1n79h415q78"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1n79h415q78 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q78/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1n79h415q78/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 140ms Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b14/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b2g/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:07', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b2g', '2013-04-10 17:49:07', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b3t/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b45/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:08', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b45', '2013-04-10 17:49:08', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:08', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b5h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:09', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b6v', '2013-04-10 17:49:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406b6v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406b6v (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (74.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 207ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b76/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:10', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b8j', '2013-04-10 17:49:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406b8j"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406b8j (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/content (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 81ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b9w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:11', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c03', '2013-04-10 17:49:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:11', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c03"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c03 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 87ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:11', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c1f/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c1f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c1f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c1f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c2s/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:12', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c2s', '2013-04-10 17:49:12', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c2s/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (16.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:12', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c34/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:12', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:12', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c5t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c7h/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c7h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c7h (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c7h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c7h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c8v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c8v (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 43ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c96/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c96"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c96 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c96/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c96/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 43ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d0d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d0d (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 38ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d1r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d1r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d1r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d1r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d1r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 108ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d23"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d23 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 40ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d3f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d3f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d3f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d3f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d3f/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 38ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d4s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d4s (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 38ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d54/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d54"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d54 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d54/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d54/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 48ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:14', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d6g/RELS-EXT (75.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d6g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d6g (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d6g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d6g/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 51ms (Views: 22.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:15', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d7t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d7t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d7t (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d7t/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d7t/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 42ms (Views: 5.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (7.6ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:15', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d85/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d85"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d85 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d85/RELS-EXT (78.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d85/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 2.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d9h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:15', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f0q/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f12/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:16', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406f12', '2013-04-10 17:49:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406f12 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f12/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f12/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f12/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f12/content (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f12/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:16', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:16', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:16', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (22.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (29.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (30.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (19.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (26.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:17', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:17', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (21.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:49:17', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:49:17', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:49:17', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (5.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406f2d (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (6.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:41', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:42', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406f3r', '2013-04-10 17:49:42', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406f2d (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406f3r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406f3r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406f2d (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f2d/RELS-EXT (78.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f3r/DC (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f3r/properties (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f43/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:42', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f5f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:43', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f6s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:43', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f74/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f8g/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:44', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406f8g', '2013-04-10 17:49:44', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f8g/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/content (5.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f8g/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:44', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406f8g', '2013-04-10 17:49:44', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406f8g/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406f9t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"mw22v406f9t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:44', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g01/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"mw22v406g01"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g1c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"mw22v406g1c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g2q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"mw22v406g2q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:45', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g32/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g4d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g5r/RELS-EXT (12.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:46', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406g5r', '2013-04-10 17:49:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406g5r"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406g5r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g5r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g5r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g5r/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g5r/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406g4d (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g4d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g4d/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 189ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:46', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g7f/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g8s/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:47', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406g8s', '2013-04-10 17:49:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:47', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406g8s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406g8s (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g8s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g8s/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g8s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g8s/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406g7f (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g7f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406g7f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 113ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:47', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406g94/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h0b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406h1p/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:48', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406h1p', '2013-04-10 17:49:48', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406h1p"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406h1p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406h1p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406h1p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406h1p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h1p/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:48', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h21/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h3c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406h4q/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h4q/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:49', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406h4q', '2013-04-10 17:49:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406h4q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 6ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:49', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h52/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h6d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406h7r/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h7r/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:50', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406h7r', '2013-04-10 17:49:50', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:49:50 -0400"}, "id"=>"mw22v406h7r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:49:50', '', '2013-04-10 17:49:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h83/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406h9f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406j0n/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406j0n/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:49:51', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406j0n', '2013-04-10 17:49:51', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:49:51 -0400"}, "id"=>"mw22v406j0n"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:03', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:04', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p', '2013-04-10 17:53:04', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31s9p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31s9p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 194ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:05', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:05', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t17', '2013-04-10 17:53:05', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31t17"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t17 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 82ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:06', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t3x', '2013-04-10 17:53:06', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31t3x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t3x (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t3x/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 82ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:53:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:53:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-10 17:53:06', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/RELS-EXT (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:07', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:08', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t6z', '2013-04-10 17:53:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t6z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:08', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t8n/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:09', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t8n', '2013-04-10 17:53:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t8n/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t90 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:09', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:09', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31v06', '2013-04-10 17:53:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t90 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31v06 (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31v06 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (80.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t90 (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/DC (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/properties (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:10', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v4k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v5x/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:11', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31v5x', '2013-04-10 17:53:11', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v5x/content (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/descMetadata (74.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/content (4.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/rightsMetadata (73.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v5x/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:11', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31v5x', '2013-04-10 17:53:11', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v5x/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:12', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v68/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/descMetadata (78.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v7m/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v7m/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:13', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31v7m', '2013-04-10 17:53:13', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:13', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v8z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v99/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v99/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:13', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31v99', '2013-04-10 17:53:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w0h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w0h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w0h (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w0h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w0h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 40ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w1v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w1v"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w1v (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w1v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w1v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 39ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w26/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w26"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w26 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w26/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w26/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 34ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w3j/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w3j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w3j (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w3j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w3j/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 113ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w4w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w4w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w4w (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w4w/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w4w/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 48ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w57/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w57"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w57 (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w57/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w57/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 52ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:33', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w6k/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w6k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w6k (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w6k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w6k/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 40ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w7x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w7x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w7x (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w7x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w7x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 38ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w88/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w88"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w88 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w88/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w88/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 36ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w9m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31w9m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31w9m (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31w9m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31w9m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 38ms (Views: 10.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x0t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31x0t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31x0t (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x0t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31x0t/RELS-EXT (78.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 99ms (Views: 2.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:34', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x15/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31x15"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31x15 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x15/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31x15/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 28ms (Views: 3.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:35', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x2h/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x3v/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31x46/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x46/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:36', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31x46', '2013-04-10 17:53:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31x46"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x5j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"2r36tx31x5j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 6ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x6w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"2r36tx31x6w"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:36', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x77/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x8k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31x9x/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31x9x/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:37', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31x9x', '2013-04-10 17:53:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:53:37 -0400"}, "id"=>"2r36tx31x9x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:37', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z04/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z1g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z2t/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z2t/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:38', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31z2t', '2013-04-10 17:53:38', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-10 13:53:38 -0400"}, "id"=>"2r36tx31z2t"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:38', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z35/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"2r36tx31z35"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:38', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:38', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z4h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"2r36tx31z4h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:38', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z5v/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z66/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z7j/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:39', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31z7j', '2013-04-10 17:53:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31z7j"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31z7j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z7j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z7j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z7j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z7j/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31z66 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z66/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z66/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 189ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:39', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z8w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z97/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3200q/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:40', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx3200q', '2013-04-10 17:53:40', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:40', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx3200q"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx3200q (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3200q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3200q/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3200q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3200q/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31z97 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31z97/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31z97/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 111ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:40', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx32012/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3202d/RELS-EXT (79.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3203r/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:53:41', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx3203r', '2013-04-10 17:53:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx3203r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx3203r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3203r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3203r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx3203r/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3203r/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:41', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx32043/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:41', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3205f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:42', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx3206s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:53:42', '', '2013-04-10 17:53:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx32074/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:55:52', '', '2013-04-10 17:55:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8988g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b89901/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/content (4.2ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:55:53', 'content', 'sufia:nk322b89901', '2013-04-10 17:55:53', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"nk322b89901"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 6ms Rendered text template (0.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:nk322b89901 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b89901/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b89901/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b89901/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b89901/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:57:58', '', '2013-04-10 17:57:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m5z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:s7526970m69/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m69/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:57:59', 'content', 'sufia:s7526970m69', '2013-04-10 17:57:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:57:59', '', '2013-04-10 17:57:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:57:59', '', '2013-04-10 17:57:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m7n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:s7526970m80/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m80/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:58:00', 'content', 'sufia:s7526970m80', '2013-04-10 17:58:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:58:00', '', '2013-04-10 17:58:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970m9b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:s7526970n0j/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:s7526970n0j/content (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:58:01', 'content', 'sufia:s7526970n0j', '2013-04-10 17:58:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0[0m  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (6.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:58:30', '', '2013-04-10 17:58:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m22/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n009w089m3d/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m3d/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:58:31', 'content', 'sufia:n009w089m3d', '2013-04-10 17:58:31', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:58:31', '', '2013-04-10 17:58:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:58:31', '', '2013-04-10 17:58:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m4r/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n009w089m53/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m53/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:58:32', 'content', 'sufia:n009w089m53', '2013-04-10 17:58:32', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:58:32', '', '2013-04-10 17:58:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m6f/RELS-EXT (74.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n009w089m7s/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n009w089m7s/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:58:33', 'content', 'sufia:n009w089m7s', '2013-04-10 17:58:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:59:46', '', '2013-04-10 17:59:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c5c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16c6q/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c6q/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:59:47', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16c6q', '2013-04-10 17:59:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:59:47', '', '2013-04-10 17:59:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:59:47', '', '2013-04-10 17:59:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c72/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16c8d/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c8d/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:59:48', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16c8d', '2013-04-10 17:59:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 17:59:48', '', '2013-04-10 17:59:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16c9r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0g354f16d0z/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0g354f16d0z/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 17:59:49', 'content', 'sufia:0g354f16d0z', '2013-04-10 17:59:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:00:32', '', '2013-04-10 18:00:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v6s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/RELS-EXT (67.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z890rr17v74/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/content (6.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:01:03', 'content', 'sufia:z890rr17v74', '2013-04-10 18:01:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:01:03', '', '2013-04-10 18:01:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:01:07', '', '2013-04-10 18:01:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.6ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v8g/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z890rr17v9t/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v9t/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:01:08', 'content', 'sufia:z890rr17v9t', '2013-04-10 18:01:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:01:10', '', '2013-04-10 18:01:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.6ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w01/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z890rr17w1c/RELS-EXT (15.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17w1c/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:01:11', 'content', 'sufia:z890rr17w1c', '2013-04-10 18:01:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:01:41', '', '2013-04-10 18:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:01:53', '', '2013-04-10 18:01:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544m9s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9s161544n00/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9s161544n00/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:01:54', 'content', 'sufia:9s161544n00', '2013-04-10 18:01:54', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:02:02', '', '2013-04-10 18:02:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:02:03', '', '2013-04-10 18:02:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.9ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n1p/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3197xk81n21/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3197xk81n21/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:02:04', 'content', 'sufia:3197xk81n21', '2013-04-10 18:02:04', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:03:04', '', '2013-04-10 18:03:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:03:04', '', '2013-04-10 18:03:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d24/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:03:05', 'content', 'sufia:9019s178d24', '2013-04-10 18:03:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""]  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:04:36', '', '2013-04-10 18:04:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4742988103r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:4742988103r (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4742988103r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [] [CANCAN] read_persons: [] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 144ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:05:19', '', '2013-04-10 18:05:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:05:19', '', '2013-04-10 18:05:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq88020/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qz20sq8803b/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qz20sq8803b/content (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:05:20', 'content', 'sufia:qz20sq8803b', '2013-04-10 18:05:20', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:05:33', '', '2013-04-10 18:05:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:05:33', '', '2013-04-10 18:05:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g5q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/descMetadata (67.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gb19f475g62/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gb19f475g62/content (5.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:05:34', 'content', 'sufia:gb19f475g62', '2013-04-10 18:05:34', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:05:58', '', '2013-04-10 18:05:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:05:58', '', '2013-04-10 18:05:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n7v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cj82k643n86/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cj82k643n86/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:05:59', 'content', 'sufia:cj82k643n86', '2013-04-10 18:05:59', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:07:14', '', '2013-04-10 18:07:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:07:14', '', '2013-04-10 18:07:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w79/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46w8n/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:07:15', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46w8n', '2013-04-10 18:07:15', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:11:22', '', '2013-04-10 18:11:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d46/RELS-EXT (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:11:23', '', '2013-04-10 18:11:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f7623b59d5j/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f7623b59d5j/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-10 18:11:24', 'content', 'sufia:f7623b59d5j', '2013-04-10 18:11:24', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:12:07', '', '2013-04-10 18:12:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (2.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:12:24', '', '2013-04-10 18:12:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:12:49', '', '2013-04-10 18:12:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:13:35', '', '2013-04-10 18:13:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:16:43', '', '2013-04-10 18:16:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (2.9ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:17:20', '', '2013-04-10 18:17:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:17:49', '', '2013-04-10 18:17:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-10 18:17:49', '', '2013-04-10 18:17:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/2_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 7.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (1.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 12:55:57', '', '2013-04-11 12:55:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:28', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/properties (8.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (22.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/descMetadata (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/content (8.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:30', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099085', '2013-04-11 13:05:30', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j099085 (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099085/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099085/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099085/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099085/content (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099085/content (9.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:30', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:30', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09909h/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09909h/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09909h/properties (73.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09909h/descMetadata (7.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"1r66j09909h"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 9ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:31', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09910q/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09910q/rightsMetadata (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09910q/properties (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09910q/descMetadata (7.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"1r66j09910q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 7ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:31', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099112/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099112/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099112/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099112/descMetadata (6.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"1r66j099112"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:32', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09912d/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09912d/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09912d/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09912d/descMetadata (6.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"1r66j09912d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:32', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09913r/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09913r/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09913r/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09913r/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099143/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099143/content (5.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:34', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099143', '2013-04-11 13:05:34', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j099143"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:34', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09915f/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09915f/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09915f/properties (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09915f/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09916s/RELS-EXT (12.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09916s/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:35', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09916s', '2013-04-11 13:05:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 09:05:35 -0400"}, "id"=>"1r66j09916s"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 5ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:35', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099174/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099174/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099174/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099174/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09918g/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09918g/content (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:36', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09918g', '2013-04-11 13:05:36', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 09:05:36 -0400"}, "id"=>"1r66j09918g"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:36', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099201/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/content (6.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:37', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099201', '2013-04-11 13:05:37', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:37', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j099201"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j099201 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099201/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099201/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099201/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/properties (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099201/content (8.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09919t (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09919t/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09919t/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09919t/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09919t/descMetadata (9.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 382ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:38', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/descMetadata (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09922q/RELS-EXT (13.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/content (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:39', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09922q', '2013-04-11 13:05:39', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09922q"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09922q (10.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09922q/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09922q/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09922q/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/properties (80.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09922q/content (5.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09921c (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09921c/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09921c/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09921c/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09921c/descMetadata (7.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 265ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:39', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099232/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099232/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099232/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099232/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09924d/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/content (6.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:40', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09924d', '2013-04-11 13:05:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09924d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09924d (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09924d/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09924d/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09924d/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09924d/content (6.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:40', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:41', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09925r/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09925r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09925r/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09925r/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099263/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:42', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099263', '2013-04-11 13:05:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j099263"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j099263 (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099263/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099263/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099263/descMetadata (79.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/properties (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099263/content (5.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 172ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:42', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09927f/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09927f/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09927f/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09927f/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09928s/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:43', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09928s', '2013-04-11 13:05:43', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:43', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09928s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09928s (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09928s/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09928s/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09928s/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09928s/content (4.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 94ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:43', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099294/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099294/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099294/properties (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099294/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09930b/RELS-EXT (32.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/rightsMetadata (11.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/descMetadata (13.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/content (8.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:45', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09930b', '2013-04-11 13:05:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09930b"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09930b (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09930b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09930b/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09930b/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09930b/content (5.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 102ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:45', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09931p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09931p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09931p/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09931p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099321/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099321/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:46', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099321', '2013-04-11 13:05:46', 'content.0')  (1.1ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:46', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09933c/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09933c/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09933c/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09933c/descMetadata (103.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/properties (76.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09934q/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09934q/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:48', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j09934q', '2013-04-11 13:05:48', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:48', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099352/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:48', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099352', '2013-04-11 13:05:48', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099352/content (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/descMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/content (5.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099352/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:05:49', 'content', 'sufia:1r66j099352', '2013-04-11 13:05:49', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099352/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:49', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:05:49', '', '2013-04-11 13:05:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.4ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:06:04', '', '2013-04-11 13:06:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09936d"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09936d (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09936d/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09936d/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09936d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09936d/descMetadata (5.4ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 72ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:06:04', '', '2013-04-11 13:06:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09937r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09937r (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09937r/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09937r/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09937r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09937r/descMetadata (8.5ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 68ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:06:05', '', '2013-04-11 13:06:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/descMetadata (5.6ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j099383"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j099383 (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099383/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/rightsMetadata (11.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099383/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/properties (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/descMetadata (103.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j099383/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j099383/descMetadata (6.8ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 207ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:06:05', '', '2013-04-11 13:06:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1r66j09939f"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:1r66j09939f (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09939f/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1r66j09939f/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1r66j09939f/descMetadata (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 74ms Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:08', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:08', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277d93/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277d93/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277d93/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277d93/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f09/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:09', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277f09', '2013-04-11 13:13:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277f09"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277f09 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f09/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f09/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f09/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 183ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:09', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f1n/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f1n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f1n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f1n/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f20/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:10', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277f20', '2013-04-11 13:13:10', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277f20"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277f20 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f20/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f20/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f20/content (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 149ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:10', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f3b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f3b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f3b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f3b/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f4p/RELS-EXT (12.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/content (6.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:11', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277f4p', '2013-04-11 13:13:11', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277f4p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277f4p (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f4p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f4p/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f4p/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 73ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:11', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:11', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f51/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f51/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f51/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f51/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f6c/RELS-EXT (13.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:13', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277f6c', '2013-04-11 13:13:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277f6c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277f6c (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f6c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f6c/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f6c/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 85ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:13', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f7q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f7q/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f7q/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f7q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f82/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/content (4.7ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:14', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277f82', '2013-04-11 13:13:14', 'content.0')  (0.9ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277f82"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277f82 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f82/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277f82/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f82/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:14', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f9d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f9d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f9d/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277f9d/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g0m/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:15', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277g0m', '2013-04-11 13:13:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277g0m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277g0m (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g0m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g0m/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g0m/content (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 142ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:15', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:15', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g1z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g1z/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g1z/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g1z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g29/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/content (6.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:16', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277g29', '2013-04-11 13:13:16', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277g29"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277g29 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g29/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g29/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g29/content (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:16', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g3n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g3n/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g3n/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g3n/descMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g40/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:17', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277g40', '2013-04-11 13:13:17', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277g40"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277g40 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g40/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g40/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g40/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 84ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:17', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g5b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g5b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g5b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g5b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/rightsMetadata (11.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g6p/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:18', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277g6p', '2013-04-11 13:13:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277g6p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277g6p (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g6p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g6p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g6p/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:18', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g71/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g71/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g71/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g71/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g8c/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:19', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277g8c', '2013-04-11 13:13:19', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277g8c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277g8c (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g8c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g8c/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g8c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277g8c/descMetadata (6.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 182ms (Views: 31.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:19', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g9q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g9q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g9q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277g9q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h0x/RELS-EXT (11.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:20', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277h0x', '2013-04-11 13:13:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277h0x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277h0x (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h0x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h0x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h0x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h0x/descMetadata (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 147ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:21', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h18/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h18/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h18/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h18/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h2m/RELS-EXT (11.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:22', 'content', 'sufia:br86b277h2m', '2013-04-11 13:13:22', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"br86b277h2m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:br86b277h2m (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h2m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h2m/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:br86b277h2m/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:br86b277h2m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 90ms (Views: 18.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:56', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:13:56', '', '2013-04-11 13:13:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt5562n/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt5562n/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt5562n/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt5562n/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pz50gt55630/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/content (4.5ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:13:58', 'content', 'sufia:pz50gt55630', '2013-04-11 13:13:58', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"pz50gt55630"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:pz50gt55630 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pz50gt55630/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pz50gt55630/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pz50gt55630/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 186ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:14:47', '', '2013-04-11 13:14:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:14:47', '', '2013-04-11 13:14:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s1621t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s1621t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s1621t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s1621t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:12579s16225/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/content (4.7ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:14:49', 'content', 'sufia:12579s16225', '2013-04-11 13:14:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"12579s16225"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:12579s16225 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:12579s16225/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:12579s16225/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:12579s16225/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 180ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:06', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:06', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r88/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r88/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r88/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r88/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95r9m/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:08', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95r9m', '2013-04-11 13:16:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95r9m"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95r9m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95r9m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95r9m/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95r9m/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 177ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:10', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s0t/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s0t/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s0t/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s0t/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s15/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/content (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:12', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95s15', '2013-04-11 13:16:12', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95s15"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95s15 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s15/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/rightsMetadata (70.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s15/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s15/content (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 165ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:12', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s2h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s2h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s2h/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s2h/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s3v/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/content (74.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:13', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95s3v', '2013-04-11 13:16:13', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95s3v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95s3v (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s3v/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/rightsMetadata (73.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s3v/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s3v/content (5.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 164ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:13', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:13', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s46/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s46/rightsMetadata (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s46/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s46/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s5j/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:14', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95s5j', '2013-04-11 13:16:14', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95s5j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95s5j (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s5j/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s5j/rightsMetadata (71.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s5j/content (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 166ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:15', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s6w/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s6w/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s6w/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s6w/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s77/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:16', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95s77', '2013-04-11 13:16:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95s77"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95s77 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s77/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s77/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s77/content (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 168ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:16', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s8k/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s8k/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s8k/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s8k/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s9x/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:17', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95s9x', '2013-04-11 13:16:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95s9x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95s9x (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s9x/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95s9x/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95s9x/content (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 166ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:17', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:17', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t04/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t04/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t04/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t04/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t1g/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:19', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95t1g', '2013-04-11 13:16:19', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95t1g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95t1g (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t1g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t1g/rightsMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/content (6.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t1g/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t1g/descMetadata (9.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 221ms (Views: 55.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:19', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t2t/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t2t/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t2t/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t2t/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/properties (69.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t35/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:20', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95t35', '2013-04-11 13:16:20', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95t35"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95t35 (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t35/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t35/rightsMetadata (11.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/content (8.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t35/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t35/descMetadata (10.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 264ms (Views: 45.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (7.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:20', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t4h/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t4h/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t4h/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t4h/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t5v/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:22', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95t5v', '2013-04-11 13:16:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95t5v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95t5v (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t5v/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t5v/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/content (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t5v/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t5v/descMetadata (7.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 118ms (Views: 31.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:22', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t66/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t66/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t66/properties (77.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t66/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/RELS-EXT (72.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t7j/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:23', 'content', 'sufia:7p88cf95t7j', '2013-04-11 13:16:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7p88cf95t7j"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:7p88cf95t7j (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t7j/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t7j/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/properties (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/content (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t7j/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7p88cf95t7j/descMetadata (8.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 118ms (Views: 26.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:23', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t8w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t8w/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t8w/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t8w/descMetadata (78.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t97/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t97/rightsMetadata (77.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t97/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7p88cf95t97/properties (5.4ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:31', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69356s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69356s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69356s/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69356s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/properties (70.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693574/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:32', 'content', 'sufia:df65v693574', '2013-04-11 13:16:32', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"df65v693574"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v693574 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693574/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693574/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/content (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693574/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (15.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 188ms (Views: 98.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:33', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69358g/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69358g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69358g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69358g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69359t/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/rightsMetadata (71.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:34', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69359t', '2013-04-11 13:16:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"df65v69359t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69359t (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69359t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69359t/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69359t/descMetadata (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 142ms (Views: 15.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:34', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693601/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693601/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693601/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693601/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69361c/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:35', 'content', 'sufia:df65v69361c', '2013-04-11 13:16:35', 'content.0')  (4.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"df65v69361c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v69361c (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69361c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69361c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (70.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v69361c/descMetadata (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 141ms (Views: 81.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:35', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:16:35', '', '2013-04-11 13:16:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69362q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69362q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69362q/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v69362q/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:16:36', 'content', 'sufia:df65v693632', '2013-04-11 13:16:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"df65v693632"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v693632 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693632/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 80ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:df65v693632 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693632/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693632/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:df65v693632/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:df65v693632/content (4.5ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:25', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7735k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7735k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7735k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7735k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7736x/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:26', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7736x', '2013-04-11 13:17:26', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7736x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7736x (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7736x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7736x/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7736x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7736x/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (15.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 195ms (Views: 36.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:27', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77378/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77378/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77378/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77378/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7738m/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:28', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7738m', '2013-04-11 13:17:28', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7738m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7738m (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7738m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7738m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7738m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7738m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 15.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:28', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7739z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7739z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7739z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7739z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77405/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:29', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd77405', '2013-04-11 13:17:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd77405"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd77405 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77405/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77405/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77405/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77405/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 15.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:29', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7741h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7741h/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7741h/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7741h/descMetadata (108.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/properties (82.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7742v/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:30', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7742v', '2013-04-11 13:17:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7742v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7742v (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7742v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7742v/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7742v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7742v/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 161ms (Views: 31.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:30', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77436/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77436/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77436/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77436/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7744j/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/content (79.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:31', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7744j', '2013-04-11 13:17:31', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7744j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7744j (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7744j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7744j/rightsMetadata (80.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/content (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7744j/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7744j/descMetadata (7.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 188ms (Views: 32.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:31', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:31', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7745w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7745w/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7745w/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7745w/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77467/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:32', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd77467', '2013-04-11 13:17:32', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd77467"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd77467 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77467/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77467/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77467/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77467/descMetadata (7.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 182ms (Views: 117.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:32', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7747k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7747k/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7747k/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7747k/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7748x/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:33', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7748x', '2013-04-11 13:17:33', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7748x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7748x (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7748x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7748x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7748x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7748x/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 24.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:33', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77498/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77498/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77498/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77498/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7750g/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:34', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7750g', '2013-04-11 13:17:34', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7750g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7750g (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7750g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7750g/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7750g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7750g/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 25.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:34', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:34', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7751t/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7751t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7751t/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7751t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77525/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:35', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd77525', '2013-04-11 13:17:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd77525"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd77525 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77525/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77525/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/content (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77525/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77525/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 23.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:35', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7753h/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7753h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7753h/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7753h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7754v/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:36', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7754v', '2013-04-11 13:17:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7754v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7754v (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7754v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7754v/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/descMetadata (74.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7754v/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7754v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 154ms (Views: 25.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:36', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77556/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77556/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77556/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77556/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7756j/RELS-EXT (22.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/content (8.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:37', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd7756j', '2013-04-11 13:17:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd7756j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd7756j (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7756j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7756j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7756j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd7756j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 26.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:38', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (70.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:17:38', '', '2013-04-11 13:17:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7757w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7757w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7757w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd7757w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77587/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:17:39', 'content', 'sufia:cc08hd77587', '2013-04-11 13:17:39', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cc08hd77587"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cc08hd77587 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77587/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77587/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cc08hd77587/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cc08hd77587/descMetadata (7.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 36.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:06', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07m8s/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/content (7.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:08', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07m8s', '2013-04-11 13:18:08', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07m8s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07m8s (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07m8s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07m8s/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (7.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (3.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (43.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (118.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (122.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 347ms (Views: 175.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:08', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n0b/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/content (6.2ms)  (1.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:09', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n0b', '2013-04-11 13:18:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07n0b"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n0b (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n0b/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n0b/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/content (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (7.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 127ms (Views: 35.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:09', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:09', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n21/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/content (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:11', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n21', '2013-04-11 13:18:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07n21"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n21 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n21/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n21/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 104ms (Views: 32.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:11', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:12', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n4q', '2013-04-11 13:18:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07n4q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n4q (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 84ms (Views: 25.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:12', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:13', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n6d', '2013-04-11 13:18:13', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07n6d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n6d (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (75.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/content (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 165ms (Views: 27.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:13', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:13', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:14', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n83', '2013-04-11 13:18:14', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07n83"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n83 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 157ms (Views: 91.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:14', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:15', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p0n', '2013-04-11 13:18:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p0n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p0n (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 24.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:15', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:16', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p2b', '2013-04-11 13:18:16', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p2b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p2b (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/content (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (6.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 105ms (Views: 27.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:16', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:16', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (12.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:17', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p41', '2013-04-11 13:18:17', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p41"} User Load (0.7ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p41 (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/content (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (8.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 134ms (Views: 36.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:17', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (15.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (6.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:19', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p6q', '2013-04-11 13:18:19', 'content.0')  (2.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p6q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (8.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 231ms (Views: 27.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:19', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (16.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:21', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p8d', '2013-04-11 13:18:21', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p8d"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p8d (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 78ms (Views: 15.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:18:21', '', '2013-04-11 13:18:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q0z/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:18:22', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07q0z', '2013-04-11 13:18:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07q0z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q0z (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q0z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q0z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 76ms (Views: 17.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:19:12', '', '2013-04-11 13:19:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z57/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z57/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z57/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z57/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2f75r781z6k/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/content (66.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:19:13', 'content', 'sufia:2f75r781z6k', '2013-04-11 13:19:13', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2f75r781z6k"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:2f75r781z6k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2f75r781z6k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2f75r781z6k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2f75r781z6k/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 170ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:19:37', '', '2013-04-11 13:19:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:19:37', '', '2013-04-11 13:19:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j3334z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j3334z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j3334z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j3334z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0c483j33359/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:19:38', 'content', 'sufia:0c483j33359', '2013-04-11 13:19:38', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"0c483j33359"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0c483j33359 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0c483j33359/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0c483j33359/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0c483j33359/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 233ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:19:51', '', '2013-04-11 13:19:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q8w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q8w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q8w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q8w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:dn39x059q97/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/content (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:19:53', 'content', 'sufia:dn39x059q97', '2013-04-11 13:19:53', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"dn39x059q97"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:dn39x059q97 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:dn39x059q97/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:dn39x059q97/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:dn39x059q97/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 246ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:33', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980114/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980114/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980114/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980114/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98012g/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:34', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98012g', '2013-04-11 13:20:34', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98012g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98012g (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98012g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98012g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98012g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98012g/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (14.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 184ms (Views: 34.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:35', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98013t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98013t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98013t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98013t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980145/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:36', 'content', 'sufia:6108v980145', '2013-04-11 13:20:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v980145"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v980145 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980145/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980145/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980145/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980145/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 72ms (Views: 15.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:36', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98015h/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98015h/rightsMetadata (68.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98015h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98015h/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/RELS-EXT (72.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98016v/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:37', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98016v', '2013-04-11 13:20:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98016v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98016v (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98016v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98016v/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/content (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98016v/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98016v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 145ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:37', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980176/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980176/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980176/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980176/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98018j/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:38', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98018j', '2013-04-11 13:20:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98018j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98018j (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98018j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98018j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/properties (68.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98018j/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 149ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:38', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98019w/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98019w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98019w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98019w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980203/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:39', 'content', 'sufia:6108v980203', '2013-04-11 13:20:39', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v980203"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v980203 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980203/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980203/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980203/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 143ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:39', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:39', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98021f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98021f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98021f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98021f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98022s/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:40', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98022s', '2013-04-11 13:20:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98022s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98022s (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98022s/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98022s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98022s/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 72ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:40', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980234/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980234/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980234/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980234/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98024g/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:41', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98024g', '2013-04-11 13:20:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98024g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98024g (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98024g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98024g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98024g/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98024g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 96ms (Views: 25.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:41', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98025t/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98025t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98025t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98025t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980265/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:42', 'content', 'sufia:6108v980265', '2013-04-11 13:20:42', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v980265"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v980265 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980265/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980265/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980265/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980265/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 20.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:42', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:42', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98027h/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98027h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98027h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98027h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98028v/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:43', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98028v', '2013-04-11 13:20:43', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98028v"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98028v (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98028v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98028v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98028v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98028v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 91ms (Views: 20.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:43', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980296/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980296/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980296/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980296/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98030d/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:44', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98030d', '2013-04-11 13:20:44', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98030d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98030d (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98030d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98030d/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98030d/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 142ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:44', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98031r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98031r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98031r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98031r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980323/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:45', 'content', 'sufia:6108v980323', '2013-04-11 13:20:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v980323"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v980323 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980323/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v980323/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v980323/content (5.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 144ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:45', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:20:45', '', '2013-04-11 13:20:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98033f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98033f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98033f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98033f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98034s/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:20:46', 'content', 'sufia:6108v98034s', '2013-04-11 13:20:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6108v98034s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6108v98034s (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98034s/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6108v98034s/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6108v98034s/content (5.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 95ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:24:44', '', '2013-04-11 13:24:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s2s/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/content (65.7ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:24:45', 'content', 'sufia:cz30pr76s2s', '2013-04-11 13:24:45', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cz30pr76s2s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cz30pr76s2s (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s2s/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s2s/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/content (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s2s/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:28:11', '', '2013-04-11 13:28:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m1f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m1f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m1f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m1f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8049g445m2s/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8049g445m2s/content (71.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:28:12', 'content', 'sufia:8049g445m2s', '2013-04-11 13:28:12', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8049g445m2s"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:30:38', '', '2013-04-11 13:30:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:30:39', 'content', 'sufia:fb494742p6q', '2013-04-11 13:30:39', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fb494742p6q"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fb494742p6q (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/content (5.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 230ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:33:43', '', '2013-04-11 13:33:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9w032227x02/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9w032227x02/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9w032227x02/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9w032227x02/descMetadata (4.9ms)  (1.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:35:36', '', '2013-04-11 13:35:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:38:34', '', '2013-04-11 13:38:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p268138/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p268138/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p268138/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p268138/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z029p26814m/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:38:36', 'content', 'sufia:z029p26814m', '2013-04-11 13:38:36', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"z029p26814m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:z029p26814m (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z029p26814m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z029p26814m/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z029p26814m/content (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 229ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:38:47', '', '2013-04-11 13:38:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v6s/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v6s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v6s/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v6s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z890rr17v74/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/content (5.2ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:39:53', 'content', 'sufia:z890rr17v74', '2013-04-11 13:39:53', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"z890rr17v74"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:z890rr17v74 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z890rr17v74/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/rightsMetadata (66.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:z890rr17v74/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:z890rr17v74/content (5.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 224ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:40:28', '', '2013-04-11 13:40:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g1n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g1n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g1n/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g1n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g20/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g20/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:40:29', 'content', 'sufia:xs55m901g20', '2013-04-11 13:40:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"xs55m901g20"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:43:34', '', '2013-04-11 13:43:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p4b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p4b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p4b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p4b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2b88qb98p5p/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/content (4.2ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:43:35', 'content', 'sufia:2b88qb98p5p', '2013-04-11 13:43:35', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2b88qb98p5p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2b88qb98p5p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2b88qb98p5p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2b88qb98p5p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2b88qb98p5p/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 242ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:45:23', '', '2013-04-11 13:45:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s34/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s34/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s34/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s34/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s4g/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:45:24', 'content', 'sufia:cz30pr76s4g', '2013-04-11 13:45:24', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cz30pr76s4g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cz30pr76s4g (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s4g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s4g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s4g/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 245ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:45:45', '', '2013-04-11 13:45:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:r207tm7184j/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/content (72.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:45:46', 'content', 'sufia:r207tm7184j', '2013-04-11 13:45:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"r207tm7184j"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:r207tm7184j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:r207tm7184j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:r207tm7184j/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/content (6.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 182ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:45:56', '', '2013-04-11 13:45:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q78/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q78/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q78/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q78/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1n79h415q8m/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:45:57', 'content', 'sufia:1n79h415q8m', '2013-04-11 13:45:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1n79h415q8m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:1n79h415q8m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1n79h415q8m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:1n79h415q8m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:1n79h415q8m/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 171ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:47:51', '', '2013-04-11 13:47:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8988g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8988g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8988g/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8988g/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b8989t/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:47:52', 'content', 'sufia:nk322b8989t', '2013-04-11 13:47:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"nk322b8989t"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:nk322b8989t (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b8989t/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:nk322b8989t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:nk322b8989t/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 247ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:55:40', '', '2013-04-11 13:55:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c0h/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c0h/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c0h/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c0h/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/properties (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2z10wp98c1v/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:55:41', 'content', 'sufia:2z10wp98c1v', '2013-04-11 13:55:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2z10wp98c1v"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2z10wp98c1v (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2z10wp98c1v/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2z10wp98c1v/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2z10wp98c1v/content (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 229ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:56:27', '', '2013-04-11 13:56:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zc77sn0148k/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:56:28', 'content', 'sufia:zc77sn0148k', '2013-04-11 13:56:28', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"zc77sn0148k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:zc77sn0148k (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zc77sn0148k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zc77sn0148k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn0148k/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 178ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 13:59:46', '', '2013-04-11 13:59:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn6022x/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn6022x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn6022x/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn6022x/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:d217qn60238/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:d217qn60238/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 13:59:47', 'content', 'sufia:d217qn60238', '2013-04-11 13:59:47', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"d217qn60238"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 9ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:00:50', '', '2013-04-11 14:00:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qn59q238509/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/content (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 14:00:51', 'content', 'sufia:qn59q238509', '2013-04-11 14:00:51', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"qn59q238509"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Completed 401 Unauthorized in 3551ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:02:35', '', '2013-04-11 14:02:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:04:19', '', '2013-04-11 14:04:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:06:32', '', '2013-04-11 14:06:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:06:32', '', '2013-04-11 14:06:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:08:25', '', '2013-04-11 14:08:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:08:25', '', '2013-04-11 14:08:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:08:26', '', '2013-04-11 14:08:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:11:31', '', '2013-04-11 14:11:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:11:31', '', '2013-04-11 14:11:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:11:31', '', '2013-04-11 14:11:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:11:31', '', '2013-04-11 14:11:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:12:06', '', '2013-04-11 14:12:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:13:23', '', '2013-04-11 14:13:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:16:15', '', '2013-04-11 14:16:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:16:30', '', '2013-04-11 14:16:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:17:25', '', '2013-04-11 14:17:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:21:50', '', '2013-04-11 14:21:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:24:14', '', '2013-04-11 14:24:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:26:37', '', '2013-04-11 14:26:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:26:46', '', '2013-04-11 14:26:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:28:39', '', '2013-04-11 14:28:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:30:58', '', '2013-04-11 14:30:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:31:20', '', '2013-04-11 14:31:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:31:37', '', '2013-04-11 14:31:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:32:29', '', '2013-04-11 14:32:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:32:29', '', '2013-04-11 14:32:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:32:45', '', '2013-04-11 14:32:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:35:27', '', '2013-04-11 14:35:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:36:23', '', '2013-04-11 14:36:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:36:53', '', '2013-04-11 14:36:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:37:01', '', '2013-04-11 14:37:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:38:07', '', '2013-04-11 14:38:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:38:19', '', '2013-04-11 14:38:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:39:11', '', '2013-04-11 14:39:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:42:10', '', '2013-04-11 14:42:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:43:41', '', '2013-04-11 14:43:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:44:18', '', '2013-04-11 14:44:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:45:08', '', '2013-04-11 14:45:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:45:24', '', '2013-04-11 14:45:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:46:11', '', '2013-04-11 14:46:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:50:43', '', '2013-04-11 14:50:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:52:17', '', '2013-04-11 14:52:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:52:38', '', '2013-04-11 14:52:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:53:20', '', '2013-04-11 14:53:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:54:14', '', '2013-04-11 14:54:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:59:06', '', '2013-04-11 14:59:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:59:23', '', '2013-04-11 14:59:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 14:59:54', '', '2013-04-11 14:59:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:19:54', '', '2013-04-11 15:19:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:21:34', '', '2013-04-11 15:21:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:25:20', '', '2013-04-11 15:25:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:25:36', '', '2013-04-11 15:25:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:25:46', '', '2013-04-11 15:25:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:26:53', '', '2013-04-11 15:26:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:36', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b14/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b14/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b14/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b14/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b2g/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:37', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b2g', '2013-04-11 15:29:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406b2g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406b2g (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b2g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b2g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b2g/descMetadata (6.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (18.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (11.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (18.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 199ms (Views: 45.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:38', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b3t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b3t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b3t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b3t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b45/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:39', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b45', '2013-04-11 15:29:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406b45"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406b45 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b45/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b45/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b45/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 72ms (Views: 15.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:39', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b5h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b5h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b5h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b5h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:40', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b6v', '2013-04-11 15:29:40', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406b6v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406b6v (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/RELS-EXT (72.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b6v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 144ms (Views: 15.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:40', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b76/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b76/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b76/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b76/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:41', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406b8j', '2013-04-11 15:29:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406b8j"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406b8j (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406b8j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 159ms (Views: 23.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:41', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b9w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b9w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b9w/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406b9w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:42', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c03', '2013-04-11 15:29:42', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c03"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c03 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c03/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 91ms (Views: 19.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:42', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:42', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c1f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c1f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c1f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c1f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c2s/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:43', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c2s', '2013-04-11 15:29:43', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c2s"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c2s (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c2s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c2s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c2s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 91ms (Views: 20.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:43', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c34/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c34/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c34/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c34/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c4g/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:44', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c4g', '2013-04-11 15:29:44', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c4g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c4g (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c4g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c4g/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c4g/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 145ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:44', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c5t/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c5t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c5t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c5t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c65/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/content (6.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:45', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c65', '2013-04-11 15:29:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c65"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c65 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c65/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c65/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c65/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 140ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:45', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:45', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c7h/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c7h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c7h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c7h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:46', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406c8v', '2013-04-11 15:29:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406c8v"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406c8v (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c8v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406c8v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c8v/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:46', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c96/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c96/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c96/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406c96/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:47', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406d0d', '2013-04-11 15:29:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d0d"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d0d (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d0d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d0d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d0d/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 72ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:47', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d1r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d1r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d1r/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d1r/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/content (7.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:48', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406d23', '2013-04-11 15:29:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d23"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d23 (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d23/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d23/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d23/content (79.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 165ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:48', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:29:48', '', '2013-04-11 15:29:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d3f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d3f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d3f/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d3f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:29:49', 'content', 'sufia:mw22v406d4s', '2013-04-11 15:29:49', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mw22v406d4s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mw22v406d4s (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d4s/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mw22v406d4s/rightsMetadata (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mw22v406d4s/content (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 98ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:02', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g3b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g3b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g3b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g3b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g4p/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:30:03', 'content', 'sufia:xs55m901g4p', '2013-04-11 15:30:03', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"xs55m901g4p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:xs55m901g4p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g4p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g4p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g4p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g4p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (23.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (92.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (97.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 288ms (Views: 128.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:03', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g51/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g51/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g51/properties (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g51/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g6c/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:30:04', 'content', 'sufia:xs55m901g6c', '2013-04-11 15:30:04', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"xs55m901g6c"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:xs55m901g6c (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g6c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g6c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g6c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g6c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 94ms (Views: 20.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:04', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:04', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g7q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g7q/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g7q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g7q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g82/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:30:05', 'content', 'sufia:xs55m901g82', '2013-04-11 15:30:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"xs55m901g82"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:xs55m901g82 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g82/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g82/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/descMetadata (10.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g82/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901g82/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 95ms (Views: 20.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:05', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g9d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g9d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g9d/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901g9d/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xs55m901h0m/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xs55m901h0m/content (4.7ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:23', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (2.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:23', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x634810/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x634810/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x634810/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x634810/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/descMetadata (69.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/properties (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zs25x63482b/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:30:24', 'content', 'sufia:zs25x63482b', '2013-04-11 15:30:24', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"zs25x63482b"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:zs25x63482b (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zs25x63482b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zs25x63482b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zs25x63482b/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 187ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:50', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:30:53', '', '2013-04-11 15:30:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p72/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p72/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p72/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p72/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p8d/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:30:55', 'content', 'sufia:fb494742p8d', '2013-04-11 15:30:55', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fb494742p8d"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fb494742p8d (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p8d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p8d/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p8d/content (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 227ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:31:03', '', '2013-04-11 15:31:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:32:24', '', '2013-04-11 15:32:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:32:24', '', '2013-04-11 15:32:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f1z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f1z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f1z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f1z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:41687h14f29/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/content (4.2ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 15:32:26', 'content', 'sufia:41687h14f29', '2013-04-11 15:32:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"41687h14f29"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:41687h14f29 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:41687h14f29/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:41687h14f29/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/properties (68.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:41687h14f29/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 176ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:35:14', '', '2013-04-11 15:35:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:36:05', '', '2013-04-11 15:36:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:39:49', '', '2013-04-11 15:39:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:42:32', '', '2013-04-11 15:42:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:46:22', '', '2013-04-11 15:46:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:48:44', '', '2013-04-11 15:48:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:52:03', '', '2013-04-11 15:52:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:52:54', '', '2013-04-11 15:52:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:55:00', '', '2013-04-11 15:55:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:55:45', '', '2013-04-11 15:55:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 15:58:25', '', '2013-04-11 15:58:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (23.0ms) CREATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `pid` varchar(255), `dsid` varchar(255), `version` varchar(255), `pass` int(11), `expected_result` varchar(255), `actual_result` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (23.5ms) CREATE INDEX `by_pid_and_dsid` ON `checksum_audit_logs` (`pid`, `dsid`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `conversations`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (15.5ms) CREATE TABLE `conversations` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (18.7ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `model` varchar(255), `term` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (13.9ms) CREATE INDEX `terms_by_model_and_term` ON `domain_terms` (`model`, `term`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) DROP TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (10.3ms) CREATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id` int(11), `local_authority_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (15.1ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids2` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`domain_term_id`, `local_authority_id`)  (13.7ms) CREATE INDEX `dtla_by_ids1` ON `domain_terms_local_authorities` (`local_authority_id`, `domain_term_id`)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `follows`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.4ms) CREATE TABLE `follows` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `followable_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `followable_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `follower_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `follower_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `blocked` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (14.9ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_followables` ON `follows` (`followable_id`, `followable_type`)  (12.2ms) CREATE INDEX `fk_follows` ON `follows` (`follower_id`, `follower_type`)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `help_requests`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.3ms) CREATE TABLE `help_requests` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `view_port` varchar(255), `current_url` text, `user_agent` varchar(255), `resolution` varchar(255), `how_can_we_help_you` text, `javascript_enabled` tinyint(1), `release_version` varchar(255), `user_id` int(11), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (16.0ms) CREATE INDEX `index_help_requests_on_created_at` ON `help_requests` (`created_at`)  (21.5ms) CREATE INDEX `index_help_requests_on_user_id` ON `help_requests` (`user_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `local_authorities`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.9ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authorities` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `local_authority_entries`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (17.6ms) CREATE TABLE `local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `local_authority_id` int(11), `label` varchar(255), `uri` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (17.9ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_label` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `label`)  (17.0ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_term_and_uri` ON `local_authority_entries` (`local_authority_id`, `uri`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `notifications`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (11.1ms) CREATE TABLE `notifications` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `type` varchar(255), `body` text, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `sender_id` int(11), `sender_type` varchar(255), `conversation_id` int(11), `draft` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `notified_object_id` int(11), `notified_object_type` varchar(255), `notification_code` varchar(255), `attachment` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (26.0ms) CREATE INDEX `index_notifications_on_conversation_id` ON `notifications` (`conversation_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `object_access`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (11.2ms) CREATE TABLE `object_access` (`access_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `date_accessed` datetime, `ip_address` varchar(255), `host_name` varchar(255), `user_agent` varchar(255), `request_method` varchar(255), `path_info` varchar(255), `repo_object_id` int(11), `purl_id` int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `purl`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (20.9ms) CREATE TABLE `purl` (`purl_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `repo_object_id` int(11), `access_count` varchar(255), `last_accessed` datetime, `source_app` varchar(255), `date_created` datetime) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) DROP TABLE `receipts`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (21.0ms) CREATE TABLE `receipts` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `receiver_id` int(11), `receiver_type` varchar(255), `notification_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `is_read` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `trashed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `deleted` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0, `mailbox_type` varchar(25), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (23.4ms) CREATE INDEX `index_receipts_on_notification_id` ON `receipts` (`notification_id`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `repo_object`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (15.3ms) CREATE TABLE `repo_object` (`repo_object_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `filename` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255), `date_added` datetime, `add_source_ip` varchar(255), `date_modified` datetime, `information` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `single_use_links`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (12.4ms) CREATE TABLE `single_use_links` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `downloadKey` varchar(255), `path` varchar(255), `itemId` varchar(255), `expires` datetime, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (20.0ms) CREATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `label` varchar(255), `lowerLabel` varchar(255), `url` varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB  (19.0ms) CREATE INDEX `entries_by_lower_label` ON `subject_local_authority_entries` (`lowerLabel`)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) DROP TABLE `trophies`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (22.8ms) CREATE TABLE `trophies` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` int(11), `generic_file_id` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE `users`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (13.7ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `email` varchar(255), `agreed_to_terms_of_service` tinyint(1), `encrypted_password` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) DROP TABLE `version_committers`  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (20.2ms) CREATE TABLE `version_committers` (`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, `obj_id` varchar(255), `datastream_id` varchar(255), `version_id` varchar(255), `committer_login` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  (24.2ms) ALTER TABLE `notifications` ADD CONSTRAINT `notifications_on_conversation_id` FOREIGN KEY (`conversation_id`) REFERENCES `conversations`(id)  (15.8ms) ALTER TABLE `receipts` ADD CONSTRAINT `receipts_on_notification_id` FOREIGN KEY (`notification_id`) REFERENCES `notifications`(id)  (0.3ms) SELECT version FROM `schema_migrations` Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:00:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:00:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:01:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:01:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h5r/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:36', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11h5r', '2013-04-11 16:03:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11h5r (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h5r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h5r/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h5r/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h5r/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h5r/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:03:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/terms_of_service_agreements/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/1_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 106ms (Views: 5.4ms | ActiveRecord: 5.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:03:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:03:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h63/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h63/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h63/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h63/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h7f/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:38', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11h7f', '2013-04-11 16:03:38', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11h7f"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11h7f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h7f/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h7f/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/content (7.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h7f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h7f/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 111ms (Views: 29.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h8s/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h8s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h8s/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h8s/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h94/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:39', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11h94', '2013-04-11 16:03:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11h94"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11h94 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h94/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h94/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11h94/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11h94/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 20.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j0b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j0b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j0b/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j0b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j1p/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:40', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11j1p', '2013-04-11 16:03:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11j1p"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11j1p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j1p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j1p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j1p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j1p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 16.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j21/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j21/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j21/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j21/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j3c/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:41', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11j3c', '2013-04-11 16:03:41', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11j3c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11j3c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j3c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j3c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j3c/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j4q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j4q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j4q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j4q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j52/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:42', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11j52', '2013-04-11 16:03:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11j52"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11j52 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j52/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j52/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j52/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j52/descMetadata (7.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 169ms (Views: 22.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j6d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j6d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j6d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j6d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j7r/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:43', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11j7r', '2013-04-11 16:03:43', 'content.0')  (1.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11j7r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11j7r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j7r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j7r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/descMetadata (74.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j7r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j7r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 156ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j83/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j83/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j83/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j83/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j9f/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:44', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11j9f', '2013-04-11 16:03:44', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11j9f"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11j9f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j9f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11j9f/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11j9f/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k0n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k0n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k0n/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k0n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k10/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:45', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11k10', '2013-04-11 16:03:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11k10"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11k10 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k10/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k10/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k10/content (5.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k2b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k2b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k2b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k2b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k3p/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:47', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11k3p', '2013-04-11 16:03:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11k3p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11k3p (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k3p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k3p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k3p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k3p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 15.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k41/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k41/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k41/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k41/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k5c/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:48', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11k5c', '2013-04-11 16:03:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11k5c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11k5c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k5c/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k5c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k5c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k5c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 76ms (Views: 16.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k6q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k6q/rightsMetadata (84.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k6q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k6q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k72/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:49', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11k72', '2013-04-11 16:03:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11k72"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11k72 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k72/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k72/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/content (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k72/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k72/descMetadata (6.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 103ms (Views: 18.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k8d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k8d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k8d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k8d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k9r/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:50', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11k9r', '2013-04-11 16:03:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11k9r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11k9r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k9r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k9r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11k9r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11k9r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 147ms (Views: 15.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m0z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m0z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m0z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m0z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m19/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:51', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11m19', '2013-04-11 16:03:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11m19"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11m19 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m19/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m19/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m19/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m19/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m2n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m2n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m2n/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m2n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m30/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m30/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:52', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11m30', '2013-04-11 16:03:52', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11m30"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m4b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m4b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m4b/properties (78.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m4b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"9c67wm11m4b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m5p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m5p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m5p/properties (80.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m5p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"9c67wm11m5p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m61/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m61/rightsMetadata (80.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m61/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m61/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/rightsMetadata (81.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m7c/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:54', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11m7c', '2013-04-11 16:03:54', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11m7c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 82ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11m7c (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m7c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m7c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11m7c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m7c/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m8q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m8q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m8q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m8q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"9c67wm11m8q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m92/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m92/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11m92/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"9c67wm11m92"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n08/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n08/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n08/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n08/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11n1m/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n1m/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:55', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11n1m', '2013-04-11 16:03:55', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 12:03:55 -0400"}, "id"=>"9c67wm11n1m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n2z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n2z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n2z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11n39/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n39/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:56', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11n39', '2013-04-11 16:03:56', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 12:03:56 -0400"}, "id"=>"9c67wm11n39"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:03:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n4n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n4n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n4n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n4n/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11n50/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n50/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:03:57', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11n50', '2013-04-11 16:03:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11n50"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n6b/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n6b/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n6b/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n6b/descMetadata (6.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n7p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n7p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n7p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n7p/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n81/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n81/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n81/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n81/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n9c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n9c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n9c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11n9c/descMetadata (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p0k/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:15', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11p0k', '2013-04-11 16:04:15', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p0k/content (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/content (6.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p0k/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:15', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11p0k', '2013-04-11 16:04:15', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p0k/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 86ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p1x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p1x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p1x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p1x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p28/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:16', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11p28', '2013-04-11 16:04:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11p28"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11p28 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p28/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p28/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p28/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p28/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 78ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p3m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p3m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p3m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p3m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p4z/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:18', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11p4z', '2013-04-11 16:04:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11p4z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11p4z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p4z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p4z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p4z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p4z/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p4z/content (5.0ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 84ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p4z/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p59/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p59/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p59/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p59/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p6n/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:19', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11p6n', '2013-04-11 16:04:19', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9c67wm11p6n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9c67wm11p6n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p6n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p6n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p6n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p6n/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p6n/content (4.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 81ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p70/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p70/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p70/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p70/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11p8b/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p8b/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:20', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11p8b', '2013-04-11 16:04:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p9p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p9p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p9p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11p9p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9c67wm11q0w/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/rightsMetadata (82.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9c67wm11q0w/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:04:21', 'content', 'sufia:9c67wm11q0w', '2013-04-11 16:04:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (19.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (26.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (17.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (17.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (22.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:33:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:33:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:33:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:33:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x1z/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x1z/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x1z/properties (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x1z/descMetadata (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/descMetadata (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pv63fx71x29/RELS-EXT (19.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pv63fx71x29/content (7.2ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:33:38', 'content', 'sufia:pv63fx71x29', '2013-04-11 16:33:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238493/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/rightsMetadata (14.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/properties (8.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qn59q238509/RELS-EXT (12.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qn59q238509/content (8.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:36:32', 'content', 'sufia:qn59q238509', '2013-04-11 16:36:32', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 3ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2044p/RELS-EXT (11.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/rightsMetadata (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:36:55', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2044p', '2013-04-11 16:36:55', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2044p/content (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/content (5.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2044p/content (7.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:36:55', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2044p', '2013-04-11 16:36:55', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2044p/content (8.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 12ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20451/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20451/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20451/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20451/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2046c/RELS-EXT (84.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/content (7.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:36:56', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2046c', '2013-04-11 16:36:56', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2046c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2046c (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2046c/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2046c/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2046c/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2046c/content (5.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 126ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2047q/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2047q/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2047q/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2047q/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20482/RELS-EXT (11.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/rightsMetadata (9.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/content (8.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:36:58', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20482', '2013-04-11 16:36:58', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20482"} User Load (2.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.7ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20482 (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20482/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20482/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20482/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20482/content (5.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20482/content (6.1ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 114ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20482/content (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2049d/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2049d/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2049d/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2049d/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2050m/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/content (6.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:36:59', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2050m', '2013-04-11 16:36:59', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:36:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2050m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2050m (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2050m/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2050m/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2050m/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2050m/content (6.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2050m/content (6.1ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 113ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2051z/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2051z/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2051z/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2051z/descMetadata (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20529/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20529/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20529/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20529/descMetadata (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2053n/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2053n/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2053n/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2053n/descMetadata (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20540/RELS-EXT (82.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20540/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20540/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20540/descMetadata (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2055b/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2055b/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2055b/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2055b/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2056p/RELS-EXT (13.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2056p/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:03', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2056p', '2013-04-11 16:37:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20571/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20571/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20571/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20571/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/rightsMetadata (11.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/properties (11.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2058c/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2058c/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:04', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2058c', '2013-04-11 16:37:04', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (5.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`; 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 (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2059q/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/content (8.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:20', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2059q', '2013-04-11 16:37:20', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2059q (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2059q/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2059q/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2059q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2059q/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2059q/content (6.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:37:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:37:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:37:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2060x/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2060x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2060x/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2060x/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20618/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20618/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:21', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20618', '2013-04-11 16:37:21', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2062m/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2062m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2062m/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2062m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2063z/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2063z/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:22', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2063z', '2013-04-11 16:37:22', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20649/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20649/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20649/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20649/descMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2065n/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2065n/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:23', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2065n', '2013-04-11 16:37:23', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20660/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20660/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20660/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20660/descMetadata (4.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"t435gb20660"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.8ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2067b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2067b/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2067b/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2067b/descMetadata (6.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"t435gb2067b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2068p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2068p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2068p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2068p/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20691/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:25', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20691', '2013-04-11 16:37:25', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20691"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20691 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20691/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20691/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20691/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20691/content (80.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20707/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20707/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20707/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20707/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2071k/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2071k/content (5.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:27', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2071k', '2013-04-11 16:37:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2071k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2072x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2072x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2072x/properties (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2072x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"t435gb2072x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20738/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20738/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20738/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20738/descMetadata (5.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"t435gb20738"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (1.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2074m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2074m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2074m/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2074m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2075z/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:28', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2075z', '2013-04-11 16:37:28', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2075z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2075z (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2075z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2075z/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2075z/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/properties (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2075z/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20769/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20769/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20769/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20769/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2077n/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2077n/content (6.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:30', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2077n', '2013-04-11 16:37:30', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2077n"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20780/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20780/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20780/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20780/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2079b/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2079b/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:31', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2079b', '2013-04-11 16:37:31', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 12:37:31 -0400"}, "id"=>"t435gb2079b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2080j/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2080j/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2080j/properties (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2080j/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2081w/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2081w/content (6.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:32', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2081w', '2013-04-11 16:37:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 12:37:32 -0400"}, "id"=>"t435gb2081w"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20827/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20827/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20827/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20827/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2083k/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:33', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2083k', '2013-04-11 16:37:33', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2083k"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2083k (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2083k/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2083k/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2083k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2083k/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 114ms (Views: 33.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2084x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2084x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2084x/properties (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2084x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20858/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:34', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20858', '2013-04-11 16:37:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20858"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20858 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20858/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20858/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/content (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20858/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20858/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 97ms (Views: 21.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2086m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2086m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2086m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2086m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2087z/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/content (6.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:36', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2087z', '2013-04-11 16:37:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2087z"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2087z (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2087z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2087z/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2087z/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2087z/descMetadata (6.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 96ms (Views: 20.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20889/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20889/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20889/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20889/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2089n/RELS-EXT (110.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/content (6.1ms)  (1.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:37', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2089n', '2013-04-11 16:37:37', 'content.0')  (1.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2089n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2089n (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2089n/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2089n/rightsMetadata (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2089n/content (5.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 291ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2090v/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2090v/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2090v/properties (10.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2090v/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20916/RELS-EXT (14.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/content (6.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:38', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20916', '2013-04-11 16:37:38', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20916"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20916 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20916/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20916/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/content (7.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20916/descMetadata (14.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20916/descMetadata (6.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 217ms (Views: 36.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2092j/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2092j/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2092j/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2092j/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2093w/RELS-EXT (12.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/content (9.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:40', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2093w', '2013-04-11 16:37:40', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2093w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2093w (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2093w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2093w/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/content (5.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2093w/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2093w/descMetadata (7.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 195ms (Views: 100.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20947/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20947/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20947/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20947/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2095k/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:41', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2095k', '2013-04-11 16:37:41', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2095k"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2095k (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2095k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2095k/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2095k/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 74ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2096x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2096x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2096x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2096x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20978/RELS-EXT (11.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:42', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20978', '2013-04-11 16:37:42', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20978"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20978 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20978/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20978/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20978/content (6.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 88ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2098m/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2098m/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2098m/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2098m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2099z/RELS-EXT (11.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:44', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb2099z', '2013-04-11 16:37:44', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb2099z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb2099z (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2099z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2099z/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb2099z/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb2099z/descMetadata (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 187ms (Views: 18.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b05/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b05/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b05/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b05/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b1h/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:45', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20b1h', '2013-04-11 16:37:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20b1h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20b1h (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b1h/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b1h/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/descMetadata (85.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b1h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b1h/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 162ms (Views: 17.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b2v/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b2v/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b2v/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b2v/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b36/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:46', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20b36', '2013-04-11 16:37:46', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20b36"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20b36 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b36/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b36/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b36/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b36/descMetadata (6.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 84ms (Views: 20.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b4j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b4j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b4j/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b4j/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b5w/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:37:47', 'content', 'sufia:t435gb20b5w', '2013-04-11 16:37:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t435gb20b5w"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t435gb20b5w (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b5w/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b5w/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t435gb20b5w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t435gb20b5w/descMetadata (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 16.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:37:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792641/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792641/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792641/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792641/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79265c/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:28', 'content', 'sufia:g732d79265c', '2013-04-11 16:40:28', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d79265c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d79265c (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79265c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79265c/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79265c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79265c/descMetadata (5.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (23.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (11.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 206ms (Views: 41.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79266q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79266q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79266q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79266q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792672/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:29', 'content', 'sufia:g732d792672', '2013-04-11 16:40:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d792672"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d792672 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792672/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792672/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/content (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792672/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792672/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 116ms (Views: 17.8ms | ActiveRecord: 6.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79268d/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79268d/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79268d/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79268d/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79269r/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/content (8.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:30', 'content', 'sufia:g732d79269r', '2013-04-11 16:40:30', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d79269r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d79269r (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79269r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79269r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79269r/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79269r/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 97ms (Views: 20.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79270z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79270z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79270z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79270z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792719/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:31', 'content', 'sufia:g732d792719', '2013-04-11 16:40:31', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d792719"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d792719 (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792719/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792719/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792719/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79272n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79272n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79272n/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79272n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/rightsMetadata (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792730/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/content (6.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:32', 'content', 'sufia:g732d792730', '2013-04-11 16:40:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d792730"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d792730 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792730/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792730/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792730/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792730/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 93ms (Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79274b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79274b/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79274b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79274b/descMetadata (81.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/properties (68.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79275p/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/content (6.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:33', 'content', 'sufia:g732d79275p', '2013-04-11 16:40:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d79275p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d79275p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79275p/RELS-EXT (77.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79275p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79275p/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 151ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792761/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792761/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792761/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792761/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/rightsMetadata (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79277c/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:34', 'content', 'sufia:g732d79277c', '2013-04-11 16:40:34', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d79277c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d79277c (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79277c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79277c/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79277c/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 147ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79278q/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79278q/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79278q/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79278q/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792792/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:36', 'content', 'sufia:g732d792792', '2013-04-11 16:40:36', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d792792"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d792792 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792792/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792792/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/content (5.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792792/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792792/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 104ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792808/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792808/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792808/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792808/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79281m/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:37', 'content', 'sufia:g732d79281m', '2013-04-11 16:40:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d79281m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d79281m (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79281m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79281m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79281m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79281m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 93ms (Views: 20.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79282z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79282z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79282z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79282z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792839/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:38', 'content', 'sufia:g732d792839', '2013-04-11 16:40:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d792839"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d792839 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792839/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792839/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792839/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792839/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 75ms (Views: 17.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79284n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79284n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79284n/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79284n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792850/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:39', 'content', 'sufia:g732d792850', '2013-04-11 16:40:39', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d792850"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d792850 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792850/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792850/rightsMetadata (10.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d792850/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d792850/descMetadata (5.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 16.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:40:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79286b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79286b/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79286b/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79286b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79287p/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/rightsMetadata (74.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:40:40', 'content', 'sufia:g732d79287p', '2013-04-11 16:40:40', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"g732d79287p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:g732d79287p (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79287p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/rightsMetadata (70.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79287p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:g732d79287p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:g732d79287p/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 142ms (Views: 15.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53573x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53573x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53573x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53573x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535748/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:10', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535748', '2013-04-11 16:44:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535748"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 22ms (ActiveRecord: 4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535748 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535748/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535748/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535748/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535748/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53575m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53575m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53575m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53575m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53576z/RELS-EXT (10.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53576z/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:11', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53576z', '2013-04-11 16:44:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53576z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535779/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535779/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535779/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535779/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"x059c535779"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53578n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53578n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53578n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53578n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"x059c53578n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535790/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535790/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535790/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535790/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"x059c535790"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535806/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535806/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535806/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535806/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"x059c535806"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53581j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53581j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53581j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53581j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53582w/RELS-EXT (11.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53582w/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:14', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53582w', '2013-04-11 16:44:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53582w"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535837/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535837/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535837/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535837/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53584k/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:15', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53584k', '2013-04-11 16:44:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53584k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c53584k (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53584k/RELS-EXT (74.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53584k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53584k/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53584k/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53585x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53585x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53585x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53585x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535868/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535868/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:16', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535868', '2013-04-11 16:44:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 12:44:16 -0400"}, "id"=>"x059c535868"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53587m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53587m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53587m/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53587m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53588z/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53588z/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:17', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53588z', '2013-04-11 16:44:17', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 12:44:17 -0400"}, "id"=>"x059c53588z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 5.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535899/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:18', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535899', '2013-04-11 16:44:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535899/content (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/content (4.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535899/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:19', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535899', '2013-04-11 16:44:19', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535899/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53590h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53590h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53590h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53590h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53591v/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:20', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53591v', '2013-04-11 16:44:20', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53591v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c53591v (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53591v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53591v/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/content (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53591v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53591v/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 175ms (Views: 29.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535926/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535926/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535926/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535926/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53593j/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/content (80.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:21', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53593j', '2013-04-11 16:44:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53593j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c53593j (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53593j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/rightsMetadata (74.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53593j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53593j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53593j/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 157ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53594w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53594w/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53594w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53594w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535957/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:22', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535957', '2013-04-11 16:44:22', 'content.0')  (9.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535957"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535957 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535957/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535957/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535957/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535957/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 166ms (Views: 20.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (5.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53596k/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53596k/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53596k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53596k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53597x/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:23', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53597x', '2013-04-11 16:44:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53597x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c53597x (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53597x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53597x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53597x/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535988/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535988/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535988/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535988/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53599m/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/content (7.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:24', 'content', 'sufia:x059c53599m', '2013-04-11 16:44:24', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c53599m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c53599m (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53599m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53599m/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c53599m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c53599m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 16.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b0t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b0t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b0t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b0t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b15/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:25', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535b15', '2013-04-11 16:44:25', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535b15"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535b15 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b15/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b15/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b15/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 76ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b2h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b2h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b2h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b2h/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b3v/RELS-EXT (84.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:26', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535b3v', '2013-04-11 16:44:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535b3v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535b3v (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b3v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b3v/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b3v/content (5.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 152ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b46/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b46/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b46/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b46/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/rightsMetadata (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b5j/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:27', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535b5j', '2013-04-11 16:44:27', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535b5j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535b5j (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b5j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b5j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/descMetadata (80.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b5j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b5j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 169ms (Views: 17.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b6w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b6w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b6w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b6w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b77/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:28', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535b77', '2013-04-11 16:44:28', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535b77"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535b77 (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b77/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b77/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b77/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b77/descMetadata (78.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 169ms (Views: 93.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b8k/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b8k/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b8k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b8k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b9x/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:29', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535b9x', '2013-04-11 16:44:29', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535b9x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535b9x (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b9x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b9x/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535b9x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535b9x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 76ms (Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c04/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c04/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c04/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c04/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c1g/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:31', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535c1g', '2013-04-11 16:44:31', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535c1g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535c1g (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c1g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c1g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c1g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c1g/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 16.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c2t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c2t/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c2t/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c2t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c35/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:32', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535c35', '2013-04-11 16:44:32', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535c35"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535c35 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c35/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c35/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c35/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c35/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 78ms (Views: 16.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c4h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c4h/rightsMetadata (77.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c4h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c4h/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/rightsMetadata (80.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c5v/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c5v/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:33', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535c5v', '2013-04-11 16:44:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c66/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c66/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c66/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c66/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535c7j/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c7j/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:34', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535c7j', '2013-04-11 16:44:34', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (29.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (30.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (32.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (6.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (18.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (22.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c8w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c8w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c8w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c8w/descMetadata (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c97/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c97/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c97/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535c97/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d0f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d0f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d0f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d0f/descMetadata (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d1s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d1s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d1s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d1s/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d24/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:36', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535d24', '2013-04-11 16:44:36', 'content.0')  (1.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535d24 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d24/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d24/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d24/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d24/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d24/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d3g/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d3g/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d3g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d3g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d4t/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:38', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535d4t', '2013-04-11 16:44:38', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535d4t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535d4t (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d4t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d4t/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d4t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d4t/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 80ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d55/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d55/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d55/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d55/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d6h/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:39', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535d6h', '2013-04-11 16:44:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535d6h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535d6h (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d6h/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d6h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d6h/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d6h/content (5.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d6h/content (6.4ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d7v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d7v/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d7v/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d7v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d86/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:40', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535d86', '2013-04-11 16:44:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"x059c535d86"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:x059c535d86 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d86/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d86/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d86/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d86/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d86/content (4.9ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 84ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535d86/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d9j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d9j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d9j/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535d9j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535f0r/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f0r/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:41', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535f0r', '2013-04-11 16:44:41', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f13/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f13/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f13/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f13/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535f2f/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/descMetadata (83.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f2f/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:42', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535f2f', '2013-04-11 16:44:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 16:44:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f3s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f3s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f3s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f3s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:x059c535f44/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x059c535f44/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 16:44:43', 'content', 'sufia:x059c535f44', '2013-04-11 16:44:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z3w"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z3w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z3w/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z3w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z3w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 156ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z47"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z47 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z47/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z47/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z47/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 154ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z5k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z5k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z5k/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z5k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z5k/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 58ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/descMetadata (5.9ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z6x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z6x (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z6x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z6x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z6x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 58ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z78"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z78 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z78/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z78/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z78/descMetadata (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 136ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z8m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z8m (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z8m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z8m/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z8m/descMetadata (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 138ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt44z9z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt44z9z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z9z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt44z9z/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt44z9z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 56ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/rightsMetadata (77.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt4500f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt4500f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4500f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4500f/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4500f/descMetadata (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 60ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt4501s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt4501s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4501s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4501s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4501s/descMetadata (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 63ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt45024"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt45024 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt45024/RELS-EXT (79.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt45024/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt45024/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt45024/descMetadata (4.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 143ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt4503g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt4503g (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4503g/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4503g/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4503g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4503g/descMetadata (5.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 61ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:02:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/descMetadata (71.7ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9593tt4504t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9593tt4504t (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4504t/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4504t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9593tt4504t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9593tt4504t/descMetadata (5.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 62ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m6w/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m6w/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m6w/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m6w/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m77/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/content (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:09', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63m77', '2013-04-11 17:03:09', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63m77"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63m77 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m77/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m77/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m77/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m77/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (15.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (75.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (80.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 252ms (Views: 102.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m8k/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:11', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63m9x', '2013-04-11 17:03:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63m9x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63m9x (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m9x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m9x/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63m9x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63m9x/descMetadata (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 79ms (Views: 16.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n04/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n1g/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:12', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n1g', '2013-04-11 17:03:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63n1g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n1g (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n1g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n1g/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n1g/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n1g/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 16.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n2t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n2t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n2t/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n2t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n35/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:13', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n35', '2013-04-11 17:03:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63n35"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n35 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n35/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n35/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/content (5.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n35/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n35/descMetadata (6.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 111ms (Views: 27.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n4h/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n4h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n4h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n4h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n5v/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:14', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n5v', '2013-04-11 17:03:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63n5v"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n5v (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n5v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n5v/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/content (7.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n5v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n5v/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 107ms (Views: 17.4ms | ActiveRecord: 5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n66/descMetadata (11.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n7j/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:15', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n7j', '2013-04-11 17:03:15', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63n7j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n7j (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n7j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n7j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n7j/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n7j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 98ms (Views: 23.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n8w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:16', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63n97', '2013-04-11 17:03:16', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63n97"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63n97 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n97/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/rightsMetadata (74.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63n97/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63n97/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 141ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p0f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p1s/RELS-EXT (12.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/rightsMetadata (10.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/content (6.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:17', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p1s', '2013-04-11 17:03:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63p1s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p1s (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p1s/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p1s/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/content (6.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p1s/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p1s/descMetadata (8.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 244ms (Views: 134.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p24/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p24/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p24/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p24/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p3g/RELS-EXT (93.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:19', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p3g', '2013-04-11 17:03:19', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63p3g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p3g (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p3g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p3g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p3g/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 74ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p4t/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p4t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p4t/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p4t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p55/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:20', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p55', '2013-04-11 17:03:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63p55"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p55 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p55/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p55/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p55/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p6h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p6h/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p6h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p6h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p7v/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:21', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p7v', '2013-04-11 17:03:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63p7v"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p7v (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p7v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p7v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p7v/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p7v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 159ms (Views: 16.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:03:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p86/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p86/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p86/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p86/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p9j/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/content (78.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:03:22', 'content', 'sufia:5h73pv63p9j', '2013-04-11 17:03:22', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5h73pv63p9j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5h73pv63p9j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p9j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p9j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5h73pv63p9j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5h73pv63p9j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 162ms (Views: 20.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158r64"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158r64 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r64/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r64/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r64/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r64/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (15.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 173ms (Views: 37.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158r7g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158r7g (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r7g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r7g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/properties (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r7g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r7g/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 130ms (Views: 14.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158r8t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158r8t (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r8t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r8t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r8t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r8t/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 60ms (Views: 14.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158r95"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158r95 (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/RELS-EXT (13.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r95/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158r95/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158r95/descMetadata (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 84ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s0c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s0c (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s0c/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s0c/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s0c/descMetadata (4.6ms) User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 167ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s1q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.7ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s1q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s1q/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s1q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s1q/descMetadata (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 128ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s22"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s22 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s22/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s22/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s22/descMetadata (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 56ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s3d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s3d (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s3d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s3d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s3d/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 62ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s4r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s4r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s4r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 59ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/descMetadata (5.2ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s53"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s53 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s53/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s53/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s53/descMetadata (4.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 127ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/descMetadata (5.8ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s6f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s6f (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s6f/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s6f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 66ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gf06g158s7s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gf06g158s7s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s7s/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gf06g158s7s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gf06g158s7s/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 59ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:27', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1162c', '2013-04-11 17:04:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1162c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1162c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/show_stub_information.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (15.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 187ms (Views: 35.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/properties (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11642/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:28', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11642', '2013-04-11 17:04:28', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11642"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11642 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11642/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11642/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11642/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 139ms (Views: 15.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:29', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1166r', '2013-04-11 17:04:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1166r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1166r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (74.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 141ms (Views: 84.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1168f/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:30', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1168f', '2013-04-11 17:04:30', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1168f"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1168f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1168f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1168f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/content (7.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 184ms (Views: 22.9ms | ActiveRecord: 5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11700/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:32', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11700', '2013-04-11 17:04:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11700"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11700 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11700/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11700/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11700/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 96ms (Views: 19.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1172p/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:33', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1172p', '2013-04-11 17:04:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1172p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1172p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1172p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1172p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 71ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1174c/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:34', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1174c', '2013-04-11 17:04:34', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1174c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1174c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1174c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1174c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 76ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11762/RELS-EXT (80.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:35', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11762', '2013-04-11 17:04:35', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11762"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11762 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11762/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11762/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11762/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 161ms (Views: 16.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1178r/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:36', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1178r', '2013-04-11 17:04:36', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1178r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1178r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1178r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1178r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/properties (74.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 141ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11809/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/content (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:37', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11809', '2013-04-11 17:04:37', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11809"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11809 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11809/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11809/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/content (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11809/descMetadata (6.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 103ms (Views: 25.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11820/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:38', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11820', '2013-04-11 17:04:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11820"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11820 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11820/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11820/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11820/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 16.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 17:04:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1184p/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 17:04:39', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1184p', '2013-04-11 17:04:39', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1184p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1184p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1184p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1184p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1184p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 20.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (3.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (15.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p31/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:46', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05p31', '2013-04-11 18:11:46', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05p31 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p31/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p31/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p31/descMetadata (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p31/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p31/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.4ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 22ms (ActiveRecord: 5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p4c/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p4c/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p4c/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p4c/descMetadata (88.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p5q/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p5q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p5q/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p5q/descMetadata (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p62/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p62/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p62/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p62/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p7d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p7d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p7d/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p7d/descMetadata (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p8r/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p8r/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p8r/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p8r/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/properties (96.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p93/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:49', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05p93', '2013-04-11 18:11:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05p93"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05p93 (85.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p93/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p93/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p93/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05p93/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p93/content (6.2ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 181ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05p93/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q09/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q09/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q09/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q09/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q1n/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:50', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05q1n', '2013-04-11 18:11:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05q1n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05q1n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q1n/RELS-EXT (74.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q1n/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q1n/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q1n/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q1n/content (5.1ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 154ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q20/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q20/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q20/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q20/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q3b/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:51', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05q3b', '2013-04-11 18:11:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05q3b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05q3b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q3b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q3b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q3b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q3b/content (76.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 154ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 9ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q4p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q4p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q4p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q4p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q51/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q51/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:53', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05q51', '2013-04-11 18:11:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05q51"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q6c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q6c/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q6c/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q6c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q7q/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:54', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05q7q', '2013-04-11 18:11:54', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05q7q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05q7q (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q7q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q7q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q7q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q7q/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q82/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q82/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q82/properties (81.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q82/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/rightsMetadata (81.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05q9d/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05q9d/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:55', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05q9d', '2013-04-11 18:11:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05q9d"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r0m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r0m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r0m/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r0m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:56', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05r1z', '2013-04-11 18:11:56', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05r1z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05r1z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r29/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r29/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r29/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r29/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"p2676t05r29"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r3n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r3n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r3n/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r3n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"p2676t05r3n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r40/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r40/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r40/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r40/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r5b/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r5b/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:58', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05r5b', '2013-04-11 18:11:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:11:58 -0400"}, "id"=>"p2676t05r5b"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r6p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r6p/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r6p/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r6p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r71/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r71/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:11:59', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05r71', '2013-04-11 18:11:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:11:59 -0400"}, "id"=>"p2676t05r71"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r8c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r8c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r8c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r8c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"p2676t05r8c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:11:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r9q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r9q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r9q/properties (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r9q/descMetadata (5.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"p2676t05r9q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.7ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s0x/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:14', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05s0x', '2013-04-11 18:12:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s0x/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/content (5.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s0x/content (7.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:14', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05s0x', '2013-04-11 18:12:14', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s0x/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:12:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:12:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:12:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s18/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s18/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s18/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s18/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s2m/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s2m/content (7.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:16', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05s2m', '2013-04-11 18:12:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s3z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s3z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s3z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s49/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s49/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:17', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05s49', '2013-04-11 18:12:17', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s5n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s5n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s5n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s5n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s60/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s60/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:18', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05s60', '2013-04-11 18:12:18', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s7b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s7b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s7b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s7b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05s8p/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s8p/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:19', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05s8p', '2013-04-11 18:12:19', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s91/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s91/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s91/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05s91/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t07/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t07/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:20', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05t07', '2013-04-11 18:12:20', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t1k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t1k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t1k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t1k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t2x/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:21', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05t2x', '2013-04-11 18:12:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05t2x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05t2x (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t2x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t2x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/content (74.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t2x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t2x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 157ms (Views: 23.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t38/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t38/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t38/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t38/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t4m/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:22', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05t4m', '2013-04-11 18:12:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05t4m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05t4m (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t4m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t4m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t4m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t4m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 16.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t5z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t5z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t5z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t5z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t69/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:23', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05t69', '2013-04-11 18:12:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05t69"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05t69 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t69/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t69/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t69/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t69/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 16.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t7n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t7n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t7n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t7n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t80/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:24', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05t80', '2013-04-11 18:12:24', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05t80"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05t80 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t80/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t80/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t80/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05t80/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 93ms (Views: 22.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t9b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t9b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t9b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05t9b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v0j/RELS-EXT (10.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/content (6.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:25', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05v0j', '2013-04-11 18:12:25', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05v0j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05v0j (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v0j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v0j/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v0j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v0j/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 90ms (Views: 16.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v1w/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v1w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v1w/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v1w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/rightsMetadata (94.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v27/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:26', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05v27', '2013-04-11 18:12:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05v27"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05v27 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/RELS-EXT (82.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v27/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v27/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v27/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 148ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v3k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v3k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v3k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v3k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v4x/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:27', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05v4x', '2013-04-11 18:12:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05v4x"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05v4x (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v4x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v4x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v4x/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 154ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v58/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v58/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v58/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v58/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v6m/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:28', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05v6m', '2013-04-11 18:12:28', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05v6m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05v6m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v6m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v6m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v6m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v6m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v7z/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v7z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v7z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v7z/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v89/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:30', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05v89', '2013-04-11 18:12:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05v89"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05v89 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v89/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05v89/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v89/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v9n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v9n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v9n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05v9n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w0v/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:31', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05w0v', '2013-04-11 18:12:31', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05w0v"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05w0v (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w0v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w0v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w0v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w0v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 90ms (Views: 20.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w16/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w16/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w16/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w16/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w2j/RELS-EXT (94.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:32', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05w2j', '2013-04-11 18:12:32', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05w2j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05w2j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w2j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w2j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w2j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w2j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 167ms (Views: 16.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:12:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w3w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w3w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w3w/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w3w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w47/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/descMetadata (79.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:12:33', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05w47', '2013-04-11 18:12:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"p2676t05w47"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05w47 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w47/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w47/rightsMetadata (83.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05w47/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05w47/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 164ms (Views: 20.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:16:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:16:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 5.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:17:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:17:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 36ms (ActiveRecord: 8.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:18:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:18:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 35ms (ActiveRecord: 7.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:18:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:18:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 98ms (ActiveRecord: 7.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2013-04-11 18:19:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:19:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Filter chain halted as :agreed_to_terms_of_service! rendered or redirected Completed 302 Found in 91ms (ActiveRecord: 6.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:19:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:19:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 36ms (ActiveRecord: 7.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:20:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:20:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (3.3ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 74ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:20:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:20:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 14ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:22:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:22:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (63.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 122ms (Views: 100.2ms | ActiveRecord: 5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:22:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:22:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 16ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 116ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 18:25:34', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 14:25:29', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:34', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 12ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/RELS-EXT (74.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c6f/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:35', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960c6f', '2013-04-11 18:25:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c6f/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/content (5.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c6f/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:35', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960c6f', '2013-04-11 18:25:35', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c6f/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/descMetadata (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"cf95j960c7s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960c7s (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c7s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c7s/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c7s/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (13.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 195ms (Views: 35.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/descMetadata (5.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"cf95j960c84"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960c84 (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c84/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c84/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c84/descMetadata (5.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 10.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:51', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960d0p', '2013-04-11 18:25:51', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960d0p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960c9g (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c9g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c9g/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960c9g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960c9g/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (76.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (93.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (5.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d0p (79.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d0p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d0p/content (5.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d0p' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1518.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1747ms (Views: 1524.0ms | ActiveRecord: 10.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:54', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960d2c', '2013-04-11 18:25:54', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960d2c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d11 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d11/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d11/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d11/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d11/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.8ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (75.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d2c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d2c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d2c/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:cf95j960d2c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1551.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1704ms (Views: 1559.2ms | ActiveRecord: 7.5ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d42/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:57', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960d42', '2013-04-11 18:25:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960d42"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d42 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d42/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d42/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d42/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d42/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d3q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d3q/RELS-EXT (76.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d3q/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d3q/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d3q/descMetadata (6.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d42' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d42' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d42' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d42' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d42' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d42' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (36.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 264ms (Views: 42.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/descMetadata (78.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/properties (82.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d6r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:58', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960d6r', '2013-04-11 18:25:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:25:58 -0400"}, "id"=>"cf95j960d6r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d6r (75.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d6r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d6r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d6r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d6r/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d5d (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d5d/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d5d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d5d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d5d/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d6r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d6r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d6r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d6r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d6r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:cf95j960d6r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (27.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 239ms (Views: 30.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:25:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:25:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d8f/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:25:59', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960d8f', '2013-04-11 18:25:59', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:25:59 -0400"}, "id"=>"cf95j960d8f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d8f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d8f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d8f/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d8f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d73 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d73/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d73/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d73/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d73/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d8f/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/DC (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d8f/DC (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d8f/descMetadata (5.6ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 327ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"cf95j960d9s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960d9s (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d9s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/rightsMetadata (80.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960d9s/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960d9s/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 143ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"cf95j960f00"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960f00 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f00/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f00/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f00/descMetadata (4.3ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (1.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 77ms (Views: 9.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f2p/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:01', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960f2p', '2013-04-11 18:26:01', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960f2p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960f2p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f2p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f2p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f2p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f2p/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960f1b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f1b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f1b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f1b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f1b/descMetadata (5.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'cf95j960f2p' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 247ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 11.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f31/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f31/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f31/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f31/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f4c/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f4c/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:03', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960f4c', '2013-04-11 18:26:03', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f5q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f5q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f5q/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f5q/descMetadata (78.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f62/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f62/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:04', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960f62', '2013-04-11 18:26:04', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:04', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f7d/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:04', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960f7d', '2013-04-11 18:26:04', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960f7d (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f7d/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f7d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f7d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f7d/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f7d/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f8r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f8r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f8r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f8r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f93/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:05', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960f93', '2013-04-11 18:26:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960f93"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960f93 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f93/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f93/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960f93/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960f93/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 93ms (Views: 21.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g09/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g09/rightsMetadata (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g09/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g09/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g1n/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:07', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960g1n', '2013-04-11 18:26:07', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960g1n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960g1n (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g1n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g1n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g1n/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 68ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g20/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g20/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g20/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g20/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/properties (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g3b/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:08', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960g3b', '2013-04-11 18:26:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960g3b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960g3b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g3b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g3b/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g3b/content (82.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 156ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g4p/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g4p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g4p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g4p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g51/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:09', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960g51', '2013-04-11 18:26:09', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960g51"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960g51 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g51/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g51/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g51/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g51/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 16.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g6c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g6c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g6c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g6c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g7q/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:10', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960g7q', '2013-04-11 18:26:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960g7q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960g7q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g7q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g7q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g7q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g7q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 22.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g82/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g82/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g82/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g82/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g9d/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:11', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960g9d', '2013-04-11 18:26:11', 'content.0')  (1.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960g9d"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960g9d (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g9d/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g9d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960g9d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960g9d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 19.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h0m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h0m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h0m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h0m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h1z/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:12', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960h1z', '2013-04-11 18:26:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960h1z"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960h1z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h1z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h1z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/properties (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h1z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h1z/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 16.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h29/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h29/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h29/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h29/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h3n/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/descMetadata (77.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:13', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960h3n', '2013-04-11 18:26:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960h3n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960h3n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h3n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h3n/rightsMetadata (77.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h3n/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 141ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h40/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h40/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h40/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h40/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h5b/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:14', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960h5b', '2013-04-11 18:26:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960h5b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960h5b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h5b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h5b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h5b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h5b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 164ms (Views: 95.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h6p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h6p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h6p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h6p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h71/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:15', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960h71', '2013-04-11 18:26:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960h71"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960h71 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h71/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h71/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h71/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h71/descMetadata (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 94ms (Views: 21.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h8c/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h8c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h8c/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h8c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h9q/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:16', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960h9q', '2013-04-11 18:26:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960h9q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960h9q (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h9q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h9q/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960h9q/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960h9q/descMetadata (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 17.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j0x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j0x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j0x/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j0x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j18/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:17', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960j18', '2013-04-11 18:26:17', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960j18"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960j18 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j18/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j18/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j18/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j18/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 153ms (Views: 15.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (22.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j2m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j2m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j2m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j2m/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j3z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j3z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j3z/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j49/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j49/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j49/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j49/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j5n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j5n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j5n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j5n/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (4.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j60/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j60/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j60/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j60/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j7b/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/content (7.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:20', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960j7b', '2013-04-11 18:26:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960j7b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960j7b (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j7b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j7b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j7b/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j7b/content (5.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 168ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j8p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j8p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j8p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j8p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j91/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:21', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960j91', '2013-04-11 18:26:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960j91"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960j91 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j91/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j91/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j91/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960j91/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960j91/content (6.0ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k07/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k07/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k07/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k07/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k1k/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:22', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960k1k', '2013-04-11 18:26:22', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cf95j960k1k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:cf95j960k1k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k1k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k1k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k1k/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k1k/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k1k/content (4.9ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k1k/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 7ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (19.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (18.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 1.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k2x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k2x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k2x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k2x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k38/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k38/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:24', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960k38', '2013-04-11 18:26:24', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k4m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k4m/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k4m/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k4m/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k5z/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k5z/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:25', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960k5z', '2013-04-11 18:26:25', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k69/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k69/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k69/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k69/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cf95j960k7n/RELS-EXT (10.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cf95j960k7n/content (6.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:26:26', 'content', 'sufia:cf95j960k7n', '2013-04-11 18:26:26', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (21.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:26:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:26:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 98ms (Views: 1.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39r9p/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:38', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39r9p', '2013-04-11 18:28:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39r9p/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/content (5.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:39', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39r9p', '2013-04-11 18:28:39', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39r9p/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s17/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:40', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39s17', '2013-04-11 18:28:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:28:40 -0400"}, "id"=>"mp48sb39s17"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s17 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s17/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/rightsMetadata (69.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s17/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s17/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s17/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s0w (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s0w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s0w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s0w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s0w/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s17' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s17' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s17' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s17' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s17' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s17' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (51.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 391ms (Views: 72.0ms | ActiveRecord: 6.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s3x/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:41', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39s3x', '2013-04-11 18:28:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:28:41 -0400"}, "id"=>"mp48sb39s3x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s3x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s3x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s3x/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s3x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s2k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s2k/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s2k/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s2k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s2k/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s3x/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/DC (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s3x/DC (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s3x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 417ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"mp48sb39s48"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s48 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s48/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s48/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s48/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 154ms (Views: 10.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"mp48sb39s5m"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s5m (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s5m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s5m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s5m/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 70ms (Views: 9.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"mp48sb39s6z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s6z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s6z/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s6z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s6z/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 64ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"mp48sb39s79"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s79 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s79/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s79/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s79/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 149ms (Views: 10.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s90/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/content (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:44', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39s90', '2013-04-11 18:28:44', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39s90"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s90 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s90/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s90/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s90/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/properties (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s90/content (79.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39s8n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s8n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s8n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39s8n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39s8n/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:mp48sb39s90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (27.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 246ms (Views: 31.0ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t1j/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:45', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39t1j', '2013-04-11 18:28:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39t1j"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t1j (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t1j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t1j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t1j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t1j/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t06 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t06/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t06/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t06/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t06/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'mp48sb39t1j' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 172ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (6.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:47', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39t37', '2013-04-11 18:28:47', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39t37"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t2w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t2w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t2w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t2w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t2w/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (77.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (73.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (96.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t37/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t37/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t37' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1542.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1689ms (Views: 1548.7ms | ActiveRecord: 10.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/descMetadata (76.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:49', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x', '2013-04-11 18:28:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39t5x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t4k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t4k/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t4k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t4k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t4k/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (76.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (74.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (87.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (5.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (6.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (114.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (9.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39t5x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t5x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t5x/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:mp48sb39t5x' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1609.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1908ms (Views: 1697.4ms | ActiveRecord: 6.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 25ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 18:28:51', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 14:28:19', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 2.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 13ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t68/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t68/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t68/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t68/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t7m/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t7m/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:52', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39t7m', '2013-04-11 18:28:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t8z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t8z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t8z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t8z/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39t99/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39t99/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:53', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39t99', '2013-04-11 18:28:53', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v0h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v0h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v0h/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v0h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v1v/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v1v/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:55', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39v1v', '2013-04-11 18:28:55', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v26/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v26/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v26/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v26/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v3j/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/rightsMetadata (87.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:56', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39v3j', '2013-04-11 18:28:56', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39v3j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39v3j (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v3j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v3j/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v3j/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v3j/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v3j/content (5.5ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 167ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v3j/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v4w/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v4w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v4w/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v4w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v57/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:57', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39v57', '2013-04-11 18:28:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39v57"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39v57 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v57/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v57/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v57/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/properties (87.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v57/content (6.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v57/content (6.4ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 173ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 9ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v6k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v6k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v6k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v6k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v7x/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:58', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39v7x', '2013-04-11 18:28:58', 'content.0')  (1.1ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39v7x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39v7x (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v7x/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v7x/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v7x/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v7x/content (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 100ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v88/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:28:59', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39v88', '2013-04-11 18:28:59', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39v88 (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v88/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v88/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v88/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v88/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39v88/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 82ms (Views: 80.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 11.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:28:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:28:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v9m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v9m/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v9m/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39v9m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w0t/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w0t/content (87.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:00', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39w0t', '2013-04-11 18:29:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (19.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (27.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (19.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w15/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w15/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w15/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w15/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w2h/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w2h/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:02', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39w2h', '2013-04-11 18:29:02', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w3v/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w3v/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w3v/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w3v/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/rightsMetadata (105.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w46/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:03', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39w46', '2013-04-11 18:29:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39w46"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39w46 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w46/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w46/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w46/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w46/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 173ms (Views: 24.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w5j/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w5j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w5j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w5j/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w6w/RELS-EXT (15.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/content (5.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:04', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39w6w', '2013-04-11 18:29:04', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39w6w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39w6w (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w6w/RELS-EXT (92.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w6w/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/content (5.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w6w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w6w/descMetadata (6.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 202ms (Views: 23.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (6.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:04', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w77/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w77/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w77/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w77/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w8k/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:05', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39w8k', '2013-04-11 18:29:05', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39w8k"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39w8k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w8k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39w8k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w8k/content (77.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 144ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w9x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w9x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w9x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39w9x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x04/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:06', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39x04', '2013-04-11 18:29:06', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39x04"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39x04 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x04/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x04/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x04/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 82ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x1g/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x1g/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x1g/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x1g/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x2t/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/rightsMetadata (11.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/content (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:08', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39x2t', '2013-04-11 18:29:08', 'content.0')  (1.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39x2t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39x2t (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x2t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x2t/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/content (6.0ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x2t/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x2t/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 103ms (Views: 17.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x35/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x35/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x35/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x35/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x4h/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:09', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39x4h', '2013-04-11 18:29:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39x4h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39x4h (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x4h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x4h/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x4h/content (6.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 89ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x5v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x5v/rightsMetadata (88.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x5v/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x5v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x66/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:10', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39x66', '2013-04-11 18:29:10', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39x66"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39x66 (81.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x66/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x66/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x66/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x66/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 172ms (Views: 21.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x7j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x7j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x7j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x7j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x8w/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:11', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39x8w', '2013-04-11 18:29:11', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39x8w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39x8w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x8w/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x8w/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x8w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39x8w/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 164ms (Views: 16.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x97/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x97/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x97/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39x97/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z0f/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:12', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39z0f', '2013-04-11 18:29:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39z0f"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39z0f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z0f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z0f/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z0f/descMetadata (75.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z0f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 154ms (Views: 90.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z1s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z1s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z1s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z1s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z24/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:13', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39z24', '2013-04-11 18:29:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39z24"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39z24 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z24/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z24/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z24/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z24/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z3g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z3g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z3g/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z3g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z4t/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:14', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39z4t', '2013-04-11 18:29:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39z4t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39z4t (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z4t/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z4t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z4t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z4t/descMetadata (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 15.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z55/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z55/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z55/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z55/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z6h/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:29:15', 'content', 'sufia:mp48sb39z6h', '2013-04-11 18:29:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39z6h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:mp48sb39z6h (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z6h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z6h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z6h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:mp48sb39z6h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 78ms (Views: 15.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z7v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z7v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z7v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z7v/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z86/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z86/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z86/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z86/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z9j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z9j/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z9j/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39z9j/descMetadata (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:29:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:29:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb4000h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb4000h/rightsMetadata (105.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb4000h/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb4000h/descMetadata (7.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hx11xd07z1q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:27', 'content', 'sufia:hx11xd07z22', '2013-04-11 18:31:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hx11xd07z1q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (71.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hx11xd07z22 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hx11xd07z22 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hx11xd07z1q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z1q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z22/DC (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z22/properties (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z3d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z3d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z3d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z3d/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z4r/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z53/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z53/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z53/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z53/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z6f/RELS-EXT (12.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:29', 'content', 'sufia:hx11xd07z6f', '2013-04-11 18:31:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z6f/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/content (4.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hx11xd07z6f/content (7.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:30', 'content', 'sufia:hx11xd07z6f', '2013-04-11 18:31:30', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:hx11xd07z6f/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/2_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 71ms (Views: 5.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485q46 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:46', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485q5j', '2013-04-11 18:31:46', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485q46 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (76.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485q5j (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485q5j (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485q46 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q46/descMetadata (73.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q5j/DC (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q5j/properties (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q6w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q6w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q6w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q6w/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q77/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q77/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q77/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q77/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q8k/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q8k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q8k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q8k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q9x/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:48', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485q9x', '2013-04-11 18:31:48', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q9x/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/content (4.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485q9x/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:48', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485q9x', '2013-04-11 18:31:48', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485q9x/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r04/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r04/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r04/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r04/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r1g/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r1g/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:49', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485r1g', '2013-04-11 18:31:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r2t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r2t/rightsMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r2t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r2t/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r35/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r35/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:50', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485r35', '2013-04-11 18:31:50', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (5.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 53ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (6.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 18:31:51', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 14:31:40', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:51', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 1.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 12ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r4h/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:31:51', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485r4h', '2013-04-11 18:31:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485r4h (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r4h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r4h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r4h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r4h/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485r4h/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 19.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r5v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r5v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r5v/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r5v/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r66/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r66/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r66/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r66/descMetadata (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r7j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r7j/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r7j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r7j/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:31:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:31:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r8w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r8w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r8w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r8w/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r97/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r97/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r97/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485r97/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/rightsMetadata (80.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s0f/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:07', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485s0f', '2013-04-11 18:32:07', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485s0f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485s0f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s0f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s0f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s0f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s0f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 172ms (Views: 24.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s1s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s1s/rightsMetadata (85.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s1s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s1s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/rightsMetadata (80.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s24/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:09', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485s24', '2013-04-11 18:32:09', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485s24"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (83.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485s24 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s24/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s24/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/content (5.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s24/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s24/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 192ms (Views: 20.1ms | ActiveRecord: 84.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s3g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s3g/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s3g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s3g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s4t/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:10', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485s4t', '2013-04-11 18:32:10', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485s4t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485s4t (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s4t/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s4t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s4t/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 147ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s55/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s55/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s55/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s55/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s6h/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:11', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485s6h', '2013-04-11 18:32:11', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485s6h"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485s6h (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s6h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s6h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s6h/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s7v/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s7v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s7v/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s7v/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s86/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/content (8.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:12', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485s86', '2013-04-11 18:32:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485s86"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485s86 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s86/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s86/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/content (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s86/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485s86/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 17.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s9j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s9j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s9j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485s9j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t0r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/content (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:13', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485t0r', '2013-04-11 18:32:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485t0r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485t0r (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t0r/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t0r/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t0r/content (6.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 97ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t13/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t13/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t13/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t13/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t2f/RELS-EXT (21.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/content (6.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:14', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485t2f', '2013-04-11 18:32:14', 'content.0')  (1.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485t2f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485t2f (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t2f/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t2f/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/content (5.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t2f/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t2f/descMetadata (6.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 121ms (Views: 24.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t3s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t3s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t3s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t3s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t44/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:15', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485t44', '2013-04-11 18:32:15', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485t44"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485t44 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t44/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t44/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t44/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t44/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 162ms (Views: 17.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t5g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t5g/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t5g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t5g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t6t/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:16', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485t6t', '2013-04-11 18:32:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485t6t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485t6t (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t6t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t6t/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t6t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t6t/descMetadata (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 189ms (Views: 25.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t75/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t75/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t75/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t75/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t8h/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:18', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485t8h', '2013-04-11 18:32:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485t8h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485t8h (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t8h/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t8h/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t8h/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485t8h/descMetadata (8.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 103ms (Views: 27.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t9v/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t9v/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t9v/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485t9v/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v02/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:19', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485v02', '2013-04-11 18:32:19', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485v02"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485v02 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v02/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v02/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v02/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 81ms (Views: 17.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v1d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v1d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v1d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v1d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v2r/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:20', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485v2r', '2013-04-11 18:32:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485v2r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485v2r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v2r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v2r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v2r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 71ms (Views: 15.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v33/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v33/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v33/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v33/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v4f/RELS-EXT (85.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:21', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485v4f', '2013-04-11 18:32:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485v4f"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485v4f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v4f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v4f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v4f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v4f/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v4f/content (4.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v4f/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v5s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v5s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v5s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v5s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v64/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/descMetadata (81.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:22', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485v64', '2013-04-11 18:32:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485v64"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485v64 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v64/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/rightsMetadata (75.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v64/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v64/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v64/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v64/content (4.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 153ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 7ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v7g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v7g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v7g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v7g/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v8t/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:23', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485v8t', '2013-04-11 18:32:23', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485v8t"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485v8t (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v8t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v8t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v8t/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v8t/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 155ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w0c/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:25', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485w0c', '2013-04-11 18:32:25', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485w0c"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w0c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w0c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w0c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w0c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w0c/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485v95 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v95/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v95/rightsMetadata (78.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485v95/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485v95/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.1ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'w3763485w0c' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 244ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"w3763485w1q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w1q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w1q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w1q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w1q/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 67ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/descMetadata (83.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"w3763485w22"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w22 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w22/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w22/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w22/descMetadata (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (18.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 97ms (Views: 27.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:27', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485w4r', '2013-04-11 18:32:27', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485w4r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w3d (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w3d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w3d/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w3d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w3d/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (87.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (7.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.7ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w4r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w4r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w4r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w4r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1553.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1710ms (Views: 1556.3ms | ActiveRecord: 10.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (85.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:29', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485w6f', '2013-04-11 18:32:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485w6f"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (8.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w53 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w53/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w53/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w53/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w53/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (81.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w6f (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w6f/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w6f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:w3763485w6f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1469.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1703ms (Views: 1477.9ms | ActiveRecord: 7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"w3763485w7s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w7s (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w7s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w7s/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w7s/descMetadata (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 144ms (Views: 9.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"w3763485w84"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w84 (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w84/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w84/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w84/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (1.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 9.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/rightsMetadata (82.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/rightsMetadata (81.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x0p/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:33', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485x0p', '2013-04-11 18:32:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"w3763485x0p"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485x0p (82.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x0p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x0p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x0p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x0p/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485w9g (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w9g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w9g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485w9g/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485w9g/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x0p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x0p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x0p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x0p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x0p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x0p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (29.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 247ms (Views: 33.6ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x2c/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:34', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485x2c', '2013-04-11 18:32:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:32:34 -0400"}, "id"=>"w3763485x2c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485x2c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x2c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x2c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x2c/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x2c/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485x11 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x11/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x11/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x11/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x11/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x2c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x2c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x2c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x2c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x2c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:w3763485x2c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (105.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 249ms (Views: 109.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x42/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:35', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485x42', '2013-04-11 18:32:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:32:35 -0400"}, "id"=>"w3763485x42"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485x42 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x42/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x42/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x42/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:w3763485x3q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/RELS-EXT (78.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x3q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x3q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x3q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x3q/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x42/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/DC (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x42/DC (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x42/descMetadata (4.4ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 406ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:32:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 3.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:32:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:32:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x5d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x5d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x5d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x5d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x6r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x6r/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:37', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485x6r', '2013-04-11 18:32:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x73/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x73/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x73/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x73/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485x8f/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x8f/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:38', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485x8f', '2013-04-11 18:32:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:32:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:32:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x9s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x9s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x9s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485x9s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:w3763485z00/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:w3763485z00/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:32:39', 'content', 'sufia:w3763485z00', '2013-04-11 18:32:39', 'content.0')  (1.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s4b/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s4b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s4b/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s4b/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s5p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s5p/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s5p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s5p/descMetadata (4.4ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s61/RELS-EXT (76.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s61/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s61/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s61/descMetadata (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s7c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s7c/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s7c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s7c/descMetadata (4.8ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:40:41', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257s92', '2013-04-11 18:40:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257s92"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s8q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s8q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s8q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s8q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s8q/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (100.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (5.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (76.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257s92 (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (74.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257s92/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257s92' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1520.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 1877ms (Views: 1609.0ms | ActiveRecord: 15.7ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:40:44', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257t1m', '2013-04-11 18:40:44', 'content.0')  (1.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257t1m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (10.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t08 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t08/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t08/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t08/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t08/descMetadata (6.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (8.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (74.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (80.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t1m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t1m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t1m/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:j6731257t1m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1578.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1768ms (Views: 1586.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.2ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t39/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:40:47', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257t39', '2013-04-11 18:40:47', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257t39"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t39 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t39/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t39/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t39/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t39/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t2z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t2z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/rightsMetadata (95.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t2z/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t2z/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t2z/descMetadata (5.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t39' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t39' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t39' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t39' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t39' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t39' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (7.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (76.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 324ms (Views: 85.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"j6731257t4n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t4n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t4n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t4n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t4n/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 141ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/descMetadata (5.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"j6731257t50"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t50 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t50/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t50/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t50/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 71ms (Views: 10.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"j6731257t6b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t6b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t6b/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t6b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t6b/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (1.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 75ms (Views: 9.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/descMetadata (8.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"j6731257t7p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t7p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t7p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t7p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t7p/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (1.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 68ms (Views: 9.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t9c/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:40:50', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257t9c', '2013-04-11 18:40:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:40:50 -0400"}, "id"=>"j6731257t9c"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t9c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t9c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t9c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t9c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t9c/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257t81 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t81/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t81/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257t81/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257t81/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t9c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t9c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t9c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t9c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t9c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:j6731257t9c' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (28.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 239ms (Views: 31.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v1x/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:40:51', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257v1x', '2013-04-11 18:40:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:40:51 -0400"}, "id"=>"j6731257v1x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257v1x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v1x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v1x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v1x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/content (76.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257v0k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v0k/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v0k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v0k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v0k/descMetadata (8.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v1x/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/DC (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v1x/DC (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v1x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 393ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v3m/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:40:52', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257v3m', '2013-04-11 18:40:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257v3m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257v3m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v3m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v3m/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v3m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v3m/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257v28 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v28/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v28/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v28/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v28/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'j6731257v3m' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 242ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 19ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 18:40:53', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 14:40:35', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:53', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:40:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:40:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 87ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 11.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v4z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v4z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v4z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v4z/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v59/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v59/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:08', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257v59', '2013-04-11 18:41:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v6n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v6n/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v6n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v6n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v70/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/rightsMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v70/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:09', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257v70', '2013-04-11 18:41:09', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:41:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 2.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:41:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:41:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 1.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (1.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.0ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v8b/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:10', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257v8b', '2013-04-11 18:41:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257v8b (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v8b/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v8b/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v8b/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v8b/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257v8b/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v9p/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v9p/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v9p/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257v9p/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w0w/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:12', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257w0w', '2013-04-11 18:41:12', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257w0w"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257w0w (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w0w/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w0w/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/content (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w0w/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w0w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 115ms (Views: 25.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w17/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w17/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w17/properties (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w17/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w2k/RELS-EXT (12.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (1.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:13', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257w2k', '2013-04-11 18:41:13', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257w2k"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257w2k (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w2k/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w2k/rightsMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/content (5.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w2k/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w2k/descMetadata (6.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 123ms (Views: 21.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w3x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w3x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w3x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w3x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w48/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/content (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:15', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257w48', '2013-04-11 18:41:15', 'content.0')  (1.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257w48"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257w48 (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w48/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w48/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w48/content (5.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 94ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w5m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w5m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w5m/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w5m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/properties (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w6z/RELS-EXT (12.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/content (83.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:16', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257w6z', '2013-04-11 18:41:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257w6z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257w6z (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w6z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w6z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w6z/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 162ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w79/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w79/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w79/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w79/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w8n/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:17', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257w8n', '2013-04-11 18:41:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257w8n"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257w8n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w8n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w8n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w8n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257w8n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w90/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w90/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w90/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257w90/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x06/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:18', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257x06', '2013-04-11 18:41:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257x06"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257x06 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x06/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x06/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x06/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 68ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x1j/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x1j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x1j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x1j/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x2w/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:19', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257x2w', '2013-04-11 18:41:19', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257x2w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257x2w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x2w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x2w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/content (7.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x2w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x2w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 93ms (Views: 19.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x37/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x37/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x37/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x4k/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:20', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257x4k', '2013-04-11 18:41:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257x4k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257x4k (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x4k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x4k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/properties (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x4k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x4k/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 169ms (Views: 16.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x5x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x5x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x5x/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x68/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:21', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257x68', '2013-04-11 18:41:21', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257x68"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257x68 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x68/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x68/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/properties (80.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x68/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x68/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 160ms (Views: 20.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x7m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x7m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x7m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x7m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x8z/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:22', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257x8z', '2013-04-11 18:41:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257x8z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257x8z (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x8z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x8z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x8z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257x8z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 16.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x99/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x99/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x99/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257x99/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z0h/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:23', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257z0h', '2013-04-11 18:41:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257z0h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z0h (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z0h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z0h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z0h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z0h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 77ms (Views: 15.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z1v/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z1v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z1v/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z1v/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z26/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/content (6.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:25', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257z26', '2013-04-11 18:41:25', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731257z26"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z26 (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z26/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z26/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/properties (10.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z26/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z26/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 17.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z3j (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:26', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257z4w', '2013-04-11 18:41:26', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z3j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z4w (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z4w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/content (83.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731257z3j (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z3j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z4w/DC (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z4w/properties (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z57/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z57/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z57/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z57/descMetadata (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z6k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z6k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z6k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z6k/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z7x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z7x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z7x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z7x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z88/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:28', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257z88', '2013-04-11 18:41:28', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z88/content (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/descMetadata (11.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/content (5.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z88/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:29', 'content', 'sufia:j6731257z88', '2013-04-11 18:41:29', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731257z88/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z9m/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z9m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z9m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731257z9m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258003/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258003/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:30', 'content', 'sufia:j6731258003', '2013-04-11 18:41:30', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125801f/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125801f/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125801f/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125801f/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125802s/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125802s/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:31', 'content', 'sufia:j673125802s', '2013-04-11 18:41:31', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258034/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258034/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258034/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258034/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125804g/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125804g/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:32', 'content', 'sufia:j673125804g', '2013-04-11 18:41:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (17.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (20.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (22.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 1.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (17.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (27.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125805t/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125805t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125805t/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125805t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/descMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258065/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:33', 'content', 'sufia:j6731258065', '2013-04-11 18:41:33', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j6731258065"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j6731258065 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258065/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258065/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258065/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258065/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258065/content (4.7ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 161ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j6731258065/content (4.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125807h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125807h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125807h/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125807h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125808v/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:34', 'content', 'sufia:j673125808v', '2013-04-11 18:41:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j673125808v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:j673125808v (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125808v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125808v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/descMetadata (80.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125808v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125808v/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 152ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258096/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258096/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258096/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j6731258096/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125810d/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:41:35', 'content', 'sufia:j673125810d', '2013-04-11 18:41:35', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:41:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:41:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"j673125810d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:j673125810d (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125810d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125810d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125810d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:j673125810d/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:j673125810d/content (4.9ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 81ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:43:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:43:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/help_requests/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (84.1ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 125ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:45:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:45:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/help_requests/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (93.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 144ms (Views: 111.2ms | ActiveRecord: 7.5ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (15.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:46:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/terms_of_service_agreements/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/1_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 30ms (Views: 6.5ms | ActiveRecord: 5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:46:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.3ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:46:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (1.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d53/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d53/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d53/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d53/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703d6f/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d6f/content (7.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:31', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703d6f', '2013-04-11 18:46:31', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d7s/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d7s/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d7s/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d7s/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703d84/RELS-EXT (10.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d84/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:32', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703d84', '2013-04-11 18:46:32', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d9g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d9g/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d9g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703d9g/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f0p/RELS-EXT (10.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f0p/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:33', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703f0p', '2013-04-11 18:46:33', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f11/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:34', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703f11', '2013-04-11 18:46:34', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703f11 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f11/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f11/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f11/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f11/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f11/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (2.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (2.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.8ms) Completed 200 OK in 67ms (Views: 57.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 77ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f2c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f2c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f2c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f3q/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f3q/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:36', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703f3q', '2013-04-11 18:46:36', 'content.0')  (1.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f42/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f42/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f42/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f42/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f5d/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f5d/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:37', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703f5d', '2013-04-11 18:46:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f6r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f6r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f6r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f6r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f73/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:38', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703f73', '2013-04-11 18:46:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703f73"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703f73 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f73/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f73/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/content (79.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f73/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f73/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 165ms (Views: 23.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f8f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f8f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f8f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f8f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f9s/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:39', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703f9s', '2013-04-11 18:46:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703f9s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703f9s (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f9s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f9s/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703f9s/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703f9s/descMetadata (6.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 208ms (Views: 26.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g00/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g00/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g00/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g00/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g1b/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:40', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703g1b', '2013-04-11 18:46:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703g1b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703g1b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g1b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g1b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g1b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g1b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 17.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (79.8ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g2p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g2p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g2p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g2p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g31/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:41', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703g31', '2013-04-11 18:46:41', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703g31"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703g31 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g31/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g31/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g31/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 71ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g4c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g4c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g4c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g4c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g5q/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:42', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703g5q', '2013-04-11 18:46:42', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703g5q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703g5q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g5q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g5q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g5q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g5q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 19.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g62/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g62/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g62/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g7d/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:43', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703g7d', '2013-04-11 18:46:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703g7d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703g7d (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g7d/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g7d/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g7d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g7d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 15.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g8r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g8r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g8r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g8r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g93/RELS-EXT (78.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:44', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703g93', '2013-04-11 18:46:44', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703g93"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703g93 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g93/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703g93/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703g93/content (5.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 147ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h09/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h09/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h09/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h09/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h1n/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:45', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703h1n', '2013-04-11 18:46:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703h1n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703h1n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h1n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h1n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/descMetadata (74.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h1n/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 144ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h20/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h20/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h20/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h20/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h3b/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:46', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703h3b', '2013-04-11 18:46:46', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703h3b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703h3b (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h3b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h3b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h3b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h3b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 16.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h4p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h4p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h4p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h4p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h51/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:47', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703h51', '2013-04-11 18:46:47', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703h51"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703h51 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h51/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h51/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h51/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h51/descMetadata (6.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 19.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h6c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h6c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h6c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h6c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h7q/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:48', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703h7q', '2013-04-11 18:46:48', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703h7q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703h7q (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h7q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h7q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h7q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h7q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h82/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h82/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h82/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h82/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h9d/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:50', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703h9d', '2013-04-11 18:46:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703h9d"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703h9d (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h9d/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h9d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703h9d/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703h9d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 71ms (Views: 15.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"t722h703j0m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j0m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j0m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j0m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j0m/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (13.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 21.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"t722h703j1z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j1z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j1z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j1z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j1z/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (84.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 147ms (Views: 88.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j3n/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:51', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703j3n', '2013-04-11 18:46:51', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703j3n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j3n (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j3n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j3n/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j3n/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j3n/content (5.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j29 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j29/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j29/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j29/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j29/descMetadata (7.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.4ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 't722h703j3n' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 391ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j5b/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:53', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703j5b', '2013-04-11 18:46:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:46:53 -0400"}, "id"=>"t722h703j5b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j5b (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j5b/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j5b/rightsMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j5b/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j5b/content (11.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j40 (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j40/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j40/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j40/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j40/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j5b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j5b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j5b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j5b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j5b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j5b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (36.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 328ms (Views: 41.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j71/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:55', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703j71', '2013-04-11 18:46:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:46:55 -0400"}, "id"=>"t722h703j71"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j71 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j71/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j71/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j71/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j6p (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j6p/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j6p/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j6p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j6p/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j71/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/DC (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j71/DC (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j71/descMetadata (7.5ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 331ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j9q/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/content (7.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:56', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703j9q', '2013-04-11 18:46:56', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703j9q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j9q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j9q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j9q/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j9q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j9q/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703j8c (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j8c/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j8c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/properties (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703j8c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703j8c/descMetadata (8.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j9q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j9q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j9q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j9q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j9q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:t722h703j9q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (7.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (130.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 297ms (Views: 137.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/descMetadata (5.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"t722h703k0x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k0x (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k0x/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k0x/rightsMetadata (11.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k0x/descMetadata (6.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 93ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/descMetadata (5.6ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"t722h703k18"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (1.1ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k18 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k18/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k18/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k18/descMetadata (5.5ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (11.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 104ms (Views: 17.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (22.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:46:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:46:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:46:58', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703k3z', '2013-04-11 18:46:58', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703k3z"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k2m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k2m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k2m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k2m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k2m/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (11.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (5.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (7.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (6.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k3z (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k3z/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k3z/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k3z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1655.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1813ms (Views: 1667.4ms | ActiveRecord: 8.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/properties (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (10.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:01', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703k5n', '2013-04-11 18:47:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703k5n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k49 (97.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k49/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k49/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k49/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k49/descMetadata (5.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (6.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (110.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (82.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (7.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (83.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (81.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k5n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k5n/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:t722h703k5n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1549.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1816ms (Views: 1558.9ms | ActiveRecord: 7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k60 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:04', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703k7b', '2013-04-11 18:47:04', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k60 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k7b (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k7b (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/rightsMetadata (84.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703k60 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k60/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k7b/DC (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703k7b/properties (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k8p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k8p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k8p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k8p/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k91/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k91/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k91/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703k91/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m07/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m07/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m07/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m07/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m1k/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:06', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703m1k', '2013-04-11 18:47:06', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m1k/content (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/content (4.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m1k/content (81.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:07', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703m1k', '2013-04-11 18:47:07', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m1k/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 134ms (Views: 16.1ms | ActiveRecord: 3.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 18:47:07', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 14:46:24', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 12ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 7.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 1.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m2x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m2x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m2x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m2x/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m38/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m38/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m38/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m38/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m4m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m4m/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m4m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m4m/descMetadata (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m5z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m5z/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m5z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m5z/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m69/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m69/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m69/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m69/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m7n/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:24', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703m7n', '2013-04-11 18:47:24', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703m7n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703m7n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m7n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m7n/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m7n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m7n/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 82ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m80/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m80/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m80/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m80/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m9b/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:25', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703m9b', '2013-04-11 18:47:25', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703m9b"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703m9b (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m9b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m9b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m9b/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703m9b/content (7.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703m9b/content (4.7ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:47:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:47:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n0j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n0j/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n0j/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n0j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/properties (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703n1w/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:47:26', 'content', 'sufia:t722h703n1w', '2013-04-11 18:47:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"t722h703n1w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:t722h703n1w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703n1w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703n1w/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703n1w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:t722h703n1w/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703n1w/content (4.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:t722h703n1w/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:48:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:48:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:48:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:48:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:r207tm71836 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm71836/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:r207tm71836/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:r207tm7184j/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:r207tm7184j/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:48:52', 'content', 'sufia:r207tm7184j', '2013-04-11 18:48:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:r207tm7184j/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p7s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p7s/rightsMetadata (73.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p7s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p7s/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p84/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p84/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p84/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p84/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p9g/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p9g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p9g/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79p9g/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q0p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q0p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q0p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q0p/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q11/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q11/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q11/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q11/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79q2c/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q2c/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:31', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79q2c', '2013-04-11 18:50:31', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q3q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q3q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q3q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q3q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79q42/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q42/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:32', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79q42', '2013-04-11 18:50:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q5d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q5d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q5d/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q5d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79q6r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q6r/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:34', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79q6r', '2013-04-11 18:50:34', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q73/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q73/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q73/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q73/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79q8f/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q8f/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:35', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79q8f', '2013-04-11 18:50:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q9s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q9s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q9s/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79q9s/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r00/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r00/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:36', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79r00', '2013-04-11 18:50:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r2p/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:37', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79r2p', '2013-04-11 18:50:37', 'content.0')  (1.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79r2p"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r2p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r2p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r2p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r2p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r2p/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r1b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r1b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/rightsMetadata (72.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r1b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r1b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r1b/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79r2p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79r2p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79r2p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79r2p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79r2p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79r2p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (6.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (58.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 397ms (Views: 80.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:38', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79r4c', '2013-04-11 18:50:38', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79r4c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r31 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r31/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r31/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/properties (88.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r31/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r31/descMetadata (5.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (5.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (76.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (99.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (77.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (6.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (111.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (5.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r4c (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r4c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r4c/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r4c' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1557.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1797ms (Views: 1562.7ms | ActiveRecord: 9.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:41', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79r62', '2013-04-11 18:50:41', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79r62"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r5q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r5q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r5q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r5q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r5q/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (7.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (95.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r62 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r62/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r62/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:6m311n79r62' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1536.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1687ms (Views: 1544.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r8r/RELS-EXT (10.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:43', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79r8r', '2013-04-11 18:50:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79r8r"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r8r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r8r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r8r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r8r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r8r/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r7d (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r7d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r7d/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r7d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r7d/descMetadata (5.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '6m311n79r8r' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 274ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s09/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/rightsMetadata (80.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:45', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79s09', '2013-04-11 18:50:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:50:45 -0400"}, "id"=>"6m311n79s09"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s09 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s09/RELS-EXT (74.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s09/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s09/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s09/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79r93 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r93/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r93/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79r93/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79r93/descMetadata (5.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79s09' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79s09' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79s09' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79s09' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79s09' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:6m311n79s09' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (27.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 235ms (Views: 31.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s20/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:46', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79s20', '2013-04-11 18:50:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:50:46 -0400"}, "id"=>"6m311n79s20"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s20 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s20/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s20/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s20/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s1n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s1n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s1n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s1n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s1n/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s20/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/DC (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s20/DC (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s20/descMetadata (4.2ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 335ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/descMetadata (4.6ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"6m311n79s3b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s3b (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s3b/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s3b/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s3b/descMetadata (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 157ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"6m311n79s4p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s4p (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s4p/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s4p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s4p/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 72ms (Views: 11.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"6m311n79s51"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s51 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s51/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s51/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s51/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 66ms (Views: 9.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"6m311n79s6c"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s6c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s6c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s6c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s6c/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (75.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 144ms (Views: 85.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s7q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s7q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s7q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s7q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s82/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:49', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79s82', '2013-04-11 18:50:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79s82"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79s82 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s82/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s82/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s82/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79s82/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 92ms (Views: 20.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s9d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s9d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s9d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79s9d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t0m/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:50', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79t0m', '2013-04-11 18:50:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79t0m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79t0m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t0m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t0m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t0m/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 70ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t1z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t1z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t1z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t1z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t29/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:51', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79t29', '2013-04-11 18:50:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79t29"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79t29 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t29/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t29/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t29/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t3n/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t3n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t3n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t3n/descMetadata (84.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/properties (84.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t40/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:52', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79t40', '2013-04-11 18:50:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79t40"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79t40 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t40/RELS-EXT (78.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t40/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t40/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t40/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 162ms (Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t5b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t5b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t5b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t5b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t6p/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:53', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79t6p', '2013-04-11 18:50:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79t6p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79t6p (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t6p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t6p/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t6p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t6p/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 167ms (Views: 20.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t71/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t71/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t71/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t71/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t8c/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:54', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79t8c', '2013-04-11 18:50:54', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79t8c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79t8c (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t8c/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t8c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t8c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79t8c/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 167ms (Views: 95.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t9q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t9q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t9q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79t9q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v0x/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:55', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79v0x', '2013-04-11 18:50:55', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79v0x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79v0x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v0x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v0x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v0x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v0x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 15.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v18/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v18/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v18/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v18/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v2m/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:56', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79v2m', '2013-04-11 18:50:56', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79v2m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79v2m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v2m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v2m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v2m/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 67ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v3z/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v3z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v3z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v3z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v49/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:57', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79v49', '2013-04-11 18:50:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79v49"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79v49 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v49/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v49/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v49/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v49/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 19.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v5n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v5n/rightsMetadata (83.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v5n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v60/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:58', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79v60', '2013-04-11 18:50:58', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79v60"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79v60 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v60/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v60/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v60/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v60/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 147ms (Views: 17.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:50:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:50:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v7b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v7b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v7b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v7b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v8p/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:50:59', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79v8p', '2013-04-11 18:50:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79v8p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79v8p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v8p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v8p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v8p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79v8p/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 155ms (Views: 15.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v91/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v91/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v91/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79v91/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w07/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:00', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79w07', '2013-04-11 18:51:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79w07"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79w07 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w07/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w07/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/content (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w07/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w07/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 15.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 12.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (20.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w1k/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:02', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79w1k', '2013-04-11 18:51:02', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79w1k (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w1k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w1k/rightsMetadata (86.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w1k/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w1k/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w1k/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 32ms (Views: 14.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 18:51:15', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 14:50:25', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:15', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 16ms (Views: 6.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:51:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:51:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 18:51:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w2x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w2x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w2x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w2x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79w2x (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w2x/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w2x/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w38/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w38/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:17', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79w38', '2013-04-11 18:51:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w38/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w4m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w4m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w4m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w4m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w5z/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:18', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79w5z', '2013-04-11 18:51:18', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79w5z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79w5z (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w5z/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w5z/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w5z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w5z/content (4.9ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w5z/content (5.7ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 101ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w5z/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w69/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w69/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w69/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w69/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w7n/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:19', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79w7n', '2013-04-11 18:51:19', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79w7n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79w7n (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/RELS-EXT (84.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w7n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w7n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w7n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w7n/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w7n/content (4.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 162ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w80/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w80/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w80/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w80/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w9b/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:20', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79w9b', '2013-04-11 18:51:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6m311n79w9b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79w9b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w9b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w9b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79w9b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79w9b/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 150ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79x0j (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/descMetadata (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/properties (14.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/RELS-EXT (13.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:22', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79x1w', '2013-04-11 18:51:22', 'content.0')  (1.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79x0j (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79x1w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79x1w (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/content (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:6m311n79x0j (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/properties (104.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x0j/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x1w/DC (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x1w/properties (7.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x27/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x27/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x27/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x27/descMetadata (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x3k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x3k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x3k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x3k/descMetadata (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x4x/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x4x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x4x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x4x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x58/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:24', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79x58', '2013-04-11 18:51:24', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x58/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/content (4.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:6m311n79x58/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:24', 'content', 'sufia:6m311n79x58', '2013-04-11 18:51:24', 'content.1')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:6m311n79x58/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:51:59', 'content', 'sufia:f1881j92v3f', '2013-04-11 18:51:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:51:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:51:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"f1881j92v3f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v23 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v23/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v23/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v23/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v23/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (71.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (70.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (73.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:f1881j92v3f (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v3f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v3f/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:f1881j92v3f' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1522.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/show.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (1536.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (8.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1806ms (Views: 1552.0ms | ActiveRecord: 14.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:52:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:52:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v4s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v4s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v4s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v4s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:f1881j92v54/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:f1881j92v54/content (4.4ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:52:43', 'content', 'sufia:f1881j92v54', '2013-04-11 18:52:43', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:52:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:52:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"f1881j92v54"}  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 40ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:54:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:54:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:54:49', 'content', 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r', '2013-04-11 18:54:49', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:54:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:54:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7m01bk12g8r"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g7d (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g7d/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g7d/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g7d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g7d/descMetadata (6.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (71.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (73.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:7m01bk12g8r (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:7m01bk12g8r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:7m01bk12g8r/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:7m01bk12g8r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1806.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/show.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (1825.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (20.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (2.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (4.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 2247ms (Views: 1858.4ms | ActiveRecord: 17.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:55:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:55:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cz30pr76s2s/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s2s/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:55:06', 'content', 'sufia:cz30pr76s2s', '2013-04-11 18:55:06', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:55:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:55:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:55:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:55:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:55:52', 'content', 'sufia:0p096682x8h', '2013-04-11 18:55:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:55:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:55:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"0p096682x8h"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (69.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x75 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x75/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x75/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x75/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x75/descMetadata (6.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (74.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (9.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (75.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0p096682x8h (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0p096682x8h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0p096682x8h/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0p096682x8h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1811.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/show.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (1830.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (21.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (2.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (4.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 2252ms (Views: 1932.2ms | ActiveRecord: 17.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/content (4.4ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:12', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p', '2013-04-11 18:56:12', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31s9p"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31s9p (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s9p/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s9p/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31s8b (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s8b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s8b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31s8b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31s8b/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31s9p' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (58.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/edit.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (126.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 394ms (Views: 142.1ms | ActiveRecord: 7.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:14', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t17', '2013-04-11 18:56:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31t17"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t17 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t17/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t17/content (7.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t0w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t0w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t0w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t0w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t0w/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '2r36tx31t17' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 241ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/descMetadata (4.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"2r36tx31t2k"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t2k (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t2k/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t2k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t2k/descMetadata (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/descMetadata (5.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"2r36tx31t3x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t3x (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t3x/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t3x/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t3x/descMetadata (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (7.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 87ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:16', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m', '2013-04-11 18:56:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31t5m"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t48 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t48/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t48/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t48/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t48/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (69.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (90.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (100.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.6ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t5m (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t5m/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t5m/content (6.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t5m' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1773.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1926ms (Views: 1781.8ms | ActiveRecord: 10.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:19', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t79', '2013-04-11 18:56:19', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2r36tx31t79"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (70.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t6z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t6z/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (77.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t79 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t79/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t79/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t79' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1441.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1662ms (Views: 1453.7ms | ActiveRecord: 7.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:21', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31t90', '2013-04-11 18:56:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:56:21 -0400"}, "id"=>"2r36tx31t90"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t90 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t90/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t90/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31t8n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t8n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t8n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31t8n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31t8n/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:2r36tx31t90' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (102.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 239ms (Views: 105.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v1j/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:23', 'content', 'sufia:2r36tx31v1j', '2013-04-11 18:56:23', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:56:23 -0400"}, "id"=>"2r36tx31v1j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31v1j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v1j/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v1j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v1j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31v06 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v06/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v1j/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/DC (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v1j/DC (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v1j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 386ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"2r36tx31v2w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31v2w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v2w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v2w/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v2w/descMetadata (8.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (6.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 10.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"2r36tx31v37"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:2r36tx31v37 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v37/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:2r36tx31v37/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:2r36tx31v37/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 68ms (Views: 9.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"hh63st74t75"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74t75 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t75/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t75/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t75/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (34.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (106.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 289ms (Views: 123.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"hh63st74t8h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74t8h (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t8h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t8h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t8h/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 68ms (Views: 9.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:44', 'content', 'sufia:hh63st74v02', '2013-04-11 18:56:44', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"hh63st74v02"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74t9v (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t9v/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t9v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74t9v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74t9v/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (70.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (69.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v02 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v02/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v02/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v02' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1391.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1604ms (Views: 1393.7ms | ActiveRecord: 10.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:56:46', 'content', 'sufia:hh63st74v2r', '2013-04-11 18:56:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:56:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:56:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"hh63st74v2r"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v1d (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v1d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v1d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v1d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v1d/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (75.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (74.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:hh63st74v2r (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hh63st74v2r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hh63st74v2r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:hh63st74v2r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1471.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1615ms (Views: 1478.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.7ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t08/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:57:28', 'content', 'sufia:fq977s75t08', '2013-04-11 18:57:28', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fq977s75t08"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t08 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t08/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t08/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t08/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t08/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75s92 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75s92/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75s92/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75s92/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75s92/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 326ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:57:29', 'content', 'sufia:fq977s75t2z', '2013-04-11 18:57:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fq977s75t2z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t1m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t1m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t1m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t1m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t1m/descMetadata (5.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (69.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (69.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (67.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t2z (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t2z/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t2z/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:fq977s75t2z' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1401.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 1635ms (Views: 1414.9ms | ActiveRecord: 10.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"fq977s75t39"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t39 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t39/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t39/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t39/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 132ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"fq977s75t4n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t4n (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t4n/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t4n/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t4n/descMetadata (5.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 95ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (12.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t6b/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:57:33', 'content', 'sufia:fq977s75t6b', '2013-04-11 18:57:33', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fq977s75t6b"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t6b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t6b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t6b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t6b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t6b/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t50 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t50/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t50/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t50/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t50/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75t6b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75t6b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75t6b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75t6b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75t6b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75t6b' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (72.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (117.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 330ms (Views: 122.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/descMetadata (6.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"fq977s75t7p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t7p (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t7p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t7p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t7p/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 68ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"fq977s75t81"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t81 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t81/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t81/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t81/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 65ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/descMetadata (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v0k/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:57:35', 'content', 'sufia:fq977s75v0k', '2013-04-11 18:57:35', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:57:35 -0400"}, "id"=>"fq977s75v0k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75v0k (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v0k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v0k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v0k/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75t9c (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t9c/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t9c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75t9c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75t9c/descMetadata (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v0k/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/DC (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v0k/DC (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v0k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 321ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v28/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:57:36', 'content', 'sufia:fq977s75v28', '2013-04-11 18:57:36', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:57:36 -0400"}, "id"=>"fq977s75v28"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75v28 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v28/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v28/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v28/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v28/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75v1x (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v1x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v1x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v1x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v1x/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75v28' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75v28' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75v28' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75v28' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75v28' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:fq977s75v28' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (74.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (98.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 242ms (Views: 101.5ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:57:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:57:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v4z/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:57:37', 'content', 'sufia:fq977s75v4z', '2013-04-11 18:57:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fq977s75v4z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75v4z (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v4z/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v4z/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v4z/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v4z/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fq977s75v3m (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v3m/RELS-EXT (74.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v3m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fq977s75v3m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fq977s75v3m/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'fq977s75v4z' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 277ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/RELS-EXT (66.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h0f/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/content (4.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:59:07', 'content', 'sufia:0v838049h0f', '2013-04-11 18:59:07', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:59:07 -0400"}, "id"=>"0v838049h0f"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h0f (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h0f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h0f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h0f/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h0f/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049g97 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049g97/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049g97/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049g97/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049g97/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049h0f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049h0f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049h0f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049h0f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049h0f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049h0f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (115.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/edit.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (120.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.0ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 381ms (Views: 135.2ms | ActiveRecord: 7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h24/RELS-EXT (12.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:59:08', 'content', 'sufia:0v838049h24', '2013-04-11 18:59:08', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 14:59:08 -0400"}, "id"=>"0v838049h24"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h24 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h24/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h24/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h24/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h1s (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h1s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h1s/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h1s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h1s/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h24/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/DC (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h24/DC (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h24/descMetadata (5.1ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 337ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/descMetadata (4.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"0v838049h3g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h3g (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h3g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h3g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h3g/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 70ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/descMetadata (5.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"0v838049h4t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h4t (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h4t/RELS-EXT (70.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h4t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h4t/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 132ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:59:10', 'content', 'sufia:0v838049h6h', '2013-04-11 18:59:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"0v838049h6h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h55 (71.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h55/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h55/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h55/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h55/descMetadata (6.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (6.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (6.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (5.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (75.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (5.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (6.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (94.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h6h (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h6h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h6h/content (10.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:0v838049h6h' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1770.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 2003ms (Views: 1774.6ms | ActiveRecord: 10.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h86/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:59:13', 'content', 'sufia:0v838049h86', '2013-04-11 18:59:13', 'content.0')  (0.6ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"0v838049h86"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h86 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h86/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h86/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h86/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/properties (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h86/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h7v (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h7v/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h7v/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h7v/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h7v/descMetadata (73.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 272ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/descMetadata (5.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"0v838049h9j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049h9j (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h9j/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049h9j/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049h9j/descMetadata (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 88ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/descMetadata (5.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"0v838049j0r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049j0r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j0r/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j0r/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j0r/descMetadata (5.1ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 87ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j2f/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:59:56', 'content', 'sufia:0v838049j2f', '2013-04-11 18:59:56', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"0v838049j2f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049j2f (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j2f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j2f/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j2f/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j2f/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049j13 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j13/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j13/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j13/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j13/descMetadata (6.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049j2f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049j2f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049j2f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049j2f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049j2f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:0v838049j2f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (8.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (42.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 311ms (Views: 48.8ms | ActiveRecord: 3.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 18:59:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 18:59:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j44/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 18:59:57', 'content', 'sufia:0v838049j44', '2013-04-11 18:59:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"0v838049j44"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.9ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049j44 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j44/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j44/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j44/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j44/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:0v838049j3s (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j3s/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j3s/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0v838049j3s/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0v838049j3s/descMetadata (6.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '0v838049j44' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 311ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:00:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:00:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j73/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:00:24', 'content', 'sufia:hd76rx91j73', '2013-04-11 19:00:24', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:00:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:00:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"hd76rx91j73"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:hd76rx91j73 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j73/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j73/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j73/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j73/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:hd76rx91j6r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j6r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j6r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:hd76rx91j6r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:hd76rx91j6r/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 261ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:01:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:01:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r85/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:01:55', 'content', 'sufia:vd66vx02r85', '2013-04-11 19:01:55', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:01:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:01:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"vd66vx02r85"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:vd66vx02r85 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r85/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r85/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r85/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r85/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r85/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:vd66vx02r7t (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r7t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r7t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vd66vx02r7t/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r7t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vd66vx02r7t/properties (5.2ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 50465ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:03:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:03:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/properties (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d24/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:03:22', 'content', 'sufia:9019s178d24', '2013-04-11 19:03:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:03:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:03:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9019s178d24"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9019s178d24 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d24/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d24/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d24/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d24/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9019s178d1s (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d1s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d1s/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9019s178d1s/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9019s178d1s/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 265ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:04:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:04:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k82/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:04:22', 'content', 'sufia:qf85n871k82', '2013-04-11 19:04:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:04:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:04:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"qf85n871k82"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:qf85n871k82 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k82/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k82/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k82/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k82/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:qf85n871k7q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k7q/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k7q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:qf85n871k7q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:qf85n871k7q/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 267ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:07:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:07:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.6ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:07:53', 'content', 'sufia:fb494742p6q', '2013-04-11 19:07:53', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:07:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:07:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"fb494742p6q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:fb494742p6q (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p6q/descMetadata (67.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p6q/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:fb494742p5c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p5c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p5c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:fb494742p5c/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:fb494742p5c/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 330ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:09:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:09:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b80/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/rightsMetadata (67.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/content (5.1ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:09:57', 'content', 'sufia:xd07gq68b80', '2013-04-11 19:09:57', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:09:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:09:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"xd07gq68b80"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:xd07gq68b80 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b80/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b80/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b80/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b80/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:xd07gq68b7n (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b7n/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b7n/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:xd07gq68b7n/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:xd07gq68b7n/descMetadata (6.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 327ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.5ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:10:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:10:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v83821/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/content (5.3ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:10:20', 'content', 'sufia:02870v83821', '2013-04-11 19:10:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:10:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:10:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"02870v83821"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:02870v83821 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v83821/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v83821/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v83821/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v83821/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:02870v8381p (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v8381p/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v8381p/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:02870v8381p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:02870v8381p/descMetadata (6.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 342ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:10:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:10:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.1ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92137s/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/content (5.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:10:45', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x92137s', '2013-04-11 19:10:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:10:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:10:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"rb68x92137s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92137s (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92137s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92137s/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92137s/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92137s/content (5.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92136f (9.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92136f/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92136f/rightsMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92136f/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92136f/descMetadata (9.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 483ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:11:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:11:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w22/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/content (5.1ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:11:25', 'content', 'sufia:vt150g35w22', '2013-04-11 19:11:25', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:11:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:11:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"vt150g35w22"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:vt150g35w22 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w22/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w22/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w22/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w22/content (70.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:vt150g35w1q (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w1q/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w1q/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:vt150g35w1q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:vt150g35w1q/descMetadata (8.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 356ms Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:12:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:12:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5655s/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:12:50', 'content', 'sufia:n583xs5655s', '2013-04-11 19:12:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:12:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:12:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"n583xs5655s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:n583xs5655s (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5655s/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5655s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5655s/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5655s/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:n583xs5654f (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5654f/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5654f/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:n583xs5654f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:n583xs5654f/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 256ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:14:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:14:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c9g/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:14:23', 'content', 'sufia:4q77fq97c9g', '2013-04-11 19:14:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:14:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:14:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4q77fq97c9g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:4q77fq97c9g (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c9g/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c9g/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c9g/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c9g/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:4q77fq97c84 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c84/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c84/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4q77fq97c84/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4q77fq97c84/descMetadata (5.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 305ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/2_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 6.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x23/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x23/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x23/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x23/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64x3f/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x3f/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:42', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64x3f', '2013-04-11 19:15:42', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x4s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x4s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x4s/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x4s/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64x54/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x54/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:43', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64x54', '2013-04-11 19:15:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) [1mTRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x6g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x6g/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x6g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x6g/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64x7t/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x7t/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:45', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64x7t', '2013-04-11 19:15:45', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x85/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x85/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x85/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x85/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64x9h/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64x9h/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:46', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64x9h', '2013-04-11 19:15:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z0q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z0q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z0q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z0q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z12/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z12/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:46', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64z12', '2013-04-11 19:15:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 22ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 5.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.5ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 61ms (Views: 36.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 19:15:47', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 15:15:37', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 11ms (ActiveRecord: 2.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 80.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z3r/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:48', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64z3r', '2013-04-11 19:15:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg64z3r"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z3r (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z3r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z3r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z3r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z3r/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z2d (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z2d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z2d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z2d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z2d/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg64z3r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg64z3r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg64z3r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg64z3r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg64z3r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg64z3r' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (81.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (113.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 359ms (Views: 120.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/descMetadata (3.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"3484zg64z43"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z43 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z43/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z43/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z43/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 67ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"3484zg64z5f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (2.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z5f (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z5f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z5f/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z5f/descMetadata (3.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 77ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"3484zg64z6s"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z6s (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z6s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z6s/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z6s/descMetadata (3.9ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 67ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"3484zg64z74"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z74 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/RELS-EXT (80.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z74/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z74/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z74/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 140ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z9t/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:51', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg64z9t', '2013-04-11 19:15:51', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg64z9t"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z9t (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z9t/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z9t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z9t/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z9t/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg64z8g (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z8g/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z8g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg64z8g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg64z8g/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 224ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:52', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6501n', '2013-04-11 19:15:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6501n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65009 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65009/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65009/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65009/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65009/descMetadata (5.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.9ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (6.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (84.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (5.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6501n (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (19.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (10.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6501n/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6501n/content (6.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (1.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3484zg6501n' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1679.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (83.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1992ms (Views: 1760.6ms | ActiveRecord: 11.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6503b/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:55', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6503b', '2013-04-11 19:15:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:15:55 -0400"}, "id"=>"3484zg6503b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6503b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6503b/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6503b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6503b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65020 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65020/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65020/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/properties (81.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65020/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65020/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6503b/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/DC (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6503b/DC (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6503b/descMetadata (5.1ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 407ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65051/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/content (8.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:56', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65051', '2013-04-11 19:15:56', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:15:56 -0400"}, "id"=>"3484zg65051"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65051 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65051/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65051/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65051/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65051/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6504p (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6504p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6504p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6504p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6504p/descMetadata (5.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg65051' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg65051' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg65051' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg65051' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg65051' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3484zg65051' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (6.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (36.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 274ms (Views: 41.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6507q/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:58', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6507q', '2013-04-11 19:15:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6507q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6507q (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6507q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6507q/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6507q/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6507q/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6506c (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6506c/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6506c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6506c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6506c/descMetadata (6.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '3484zg6507q' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 285ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 23ms (Views: 16.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65082/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/content (8.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:15:59', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65082', '2013-04-11 19:15:59', 'content.0')  (0.9ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65082 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65082/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65082/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65082/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65082/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65082/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (21.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (19.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (19.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:15:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:15:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6509d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6509d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6509d/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6509d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6510m/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:00', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6510m', '2013-04-11 19:16:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6510m/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/content (4.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6510m/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:01', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6510m', '2013-04-11 19:16:01', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6510m/content (3.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6511z/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6511z/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6511z/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6511z/descMetadata (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65129/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65129/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65129/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65129/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6513n (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/content (7.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:03', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65140', '2013-04-11 19:16:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6513n (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65140 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65140 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6513n (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6513n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65140/DC (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65140/properties (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6515b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6515b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6515b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6515b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6516p/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:18', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6516p', '2013-04-11 19:16:18', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6516p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6516p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6516p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6516p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6516p/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6516p/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 76ms (Views: 20.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65171/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65171/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65171/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65171/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6518c/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:19', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6518c', '2013-04-11 19:16:19', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6518c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6518c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6518c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6518c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6518c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6518c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 153ms (Views: 15.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6519q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6519q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6519q/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6519q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6520x/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:20', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6520x', '2013-04-11 19:16:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6520x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6520x (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6520x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6520x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6520x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6520x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 150ms (Views: 94.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65218/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65218/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65218/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65218/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6522m/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:21', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6522m', '2013-04-11 19:16:21', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6522m"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6522m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6522m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6522m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6522m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6522m/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 19.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6523z/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6523z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6523z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6523z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65249/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:22', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65249', '2013-04-11 19:16:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg65249"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65249 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65249/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65249/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65249/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 72ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6525n/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6525n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6525n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6525n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65260/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:23', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65260', '2013-04-11 19:16:23', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg65260"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65260 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65260/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65260/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65260/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6527b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6527b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6527b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6527b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/descMetadata (113.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6528p/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:25', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6528p', '2013-04-11 19:16:25', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6528p"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6528p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6528p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6528p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6528p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6528p/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 166ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65291/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65291/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65291/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65291/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65307/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:26', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65307', '2013-04-11 19:16:26', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg65307"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65307 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65307/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65307/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65307/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65307/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 164ms (Views: 20.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6531k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6531k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6531k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6531k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6532x/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:27', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6532x', '2013-04-11 19:16:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6532x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6532x (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6532x/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6532x/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6532x/content (5.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 200ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:27', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:27') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65338/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65338/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65338/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65338/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6534m/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:28', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6534m', '2013-04-11 19:16:28', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6534m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6534m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6534m/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6534m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6534m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6534m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 85ms (Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6535z/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6535z/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6535z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6535z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65369/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:29', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65369', '2013-04-11 19:16:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg65369"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65369 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65369/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65369/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65369/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65369/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 89ms (Views: 20.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6537n/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6537n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6537n/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6537n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65380/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:30', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65380', '2013-04-11 19:16:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg65380"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65380 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65380/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65380/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65380/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65380/descMetadata (7.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 94ms (Views: 27.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6539b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6539b/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6539b/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6539b/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6540j/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:32', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6540j', '2013-04-11 19:16:32', 'content.0')  (1.0ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6540j"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6540j (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6540j/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6540j/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6540j/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6540j/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6540j/content (6.1ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 126ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6540j/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6541w/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6541w/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6541w/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6541w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/RELS-EXT (104.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65427/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/content (6.0ms)  (0.4ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:33', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg65427', '2013-04-11 19:16:33', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg65427"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg65427 (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65427/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65427/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65427/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65427/content (8.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg65427/content (7.3ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 112ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6543k/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6543k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6543k/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6543k/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6544x/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/content (87.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:34', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6544x', '2013-04-11 19:16:34', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3484zg6544x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6544x (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6544x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6544x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/descMetadata (79.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6544x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6544x/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 149ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 7ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65458/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65458/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65458/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65458/descMetadata (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6546m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6546m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6546m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6546m/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6547z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6547z/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6547z/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6547z/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65489/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65489/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65489/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg65489/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:16:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:16:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6549n/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6549n/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6549n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6549n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3484zg6549n (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6549n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6549n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6550v/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3484zg6550v/content (3.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:16:37', 'content', 'sufia:3484zg6550v', '2013-04-11 19:16:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:3484zg6550v/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:17:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:17:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:17:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:17:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/descMetadata (5.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"zc77sn01477"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:zc77sn01477 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zc77sn01477/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:zc77sn01477/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:zc77sn01477/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (36.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (40.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 307ms (Views: 123.0ms | ActiveRecord: 6.4ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:18:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:18:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:18:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:18:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"8p58pc28j8d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8p58pc28j8d (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8p58pc28j8d/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8p58pc28j8d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/descMetadata (4.2ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (96.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (101.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 288ms (Views: 118.5ms | ActiveRecord: 6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8p58pc28j8d/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8p58pc28j8d/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8p58pc28j8d/descMetadata (5.3ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:20:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:20:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:x346d218h4b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x346d218h4b/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x346d218h4b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:x346d218h4b/descMetadata (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:20:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:20:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"kw52j673j10"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:kw52j673j10 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:kw52j673j10/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:kw52j673j10/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:kw52j673j10/descMetadata (3.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 179ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.9ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75526/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:28:45', 'content', 'sufia:gx41mg75526', '2013-04-11 19:28:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gx41mg75526"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg75526 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75526/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75526/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75526/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75526/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7551v (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7551v/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7551v/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7551v/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7551v/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg75526' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg75526' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg75526' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg75526' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg75526' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg75526' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (131.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/edit.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (136.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 399ms (Views: 152.6ms | ActiveRecord: 7.4ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:28:47', 'content', 'sufia:gx41mg7554w', '2013-04-11 19:28:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gx41mg7554w"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7553j (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7553j/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7553j/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7553j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7553j/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (74.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (70.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7554w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (73.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7554w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7554w/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7554w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1500.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1645ms (Views: 1502.9ms | ActiveRecord: 10.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (70.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:28:49', 'content', 'sufia:gx41mg7556k', '2013-04-11 19:28:49', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gx41mg7556k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg75557 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75557/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75557/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75557/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75557/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (72.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (74.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (70.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (8.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7556k (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7556k/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7556k/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:gx41mg7556k' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1402.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1619ms (Views: 1410.9ms | ActiveRecord: 7.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"gx41mg7557x"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7557x (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7557x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7557x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7557x/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 132ms (Views: 10.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"gx41mg75588"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg75588 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75588/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75588/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75588/descMetadata (5.0ms) User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 63ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/RELS-EXT (76.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/RELS-EXT (71.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7560t/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:28:53', 'content', 'sufia:gx41mg7560t', '2013-04-11 19:28:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:28:53 -0400"}, "id"=>"gx41mg7560t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (70.7ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7560t (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7560t/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7560t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7560t/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7560t/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7559m (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7559m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7559m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7559m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7559m/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg7560t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg7560t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg7560t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg7560t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg7560t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:gx41mg7560t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (32.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 248ms (Views: 35.7ms | ActiveRecord: 73.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7562h/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:28:54', 'content', 'sufia:gx41mg7562h', '2013-04-11 19:28:54', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:28:54 -0400"}, "id"=>"gx41mg7562h"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7562h (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7562h/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7562h/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7562h/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg75615 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75615/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75615/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75615/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75615/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7562h/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/DC (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7562h/DC (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7562h/descMetadata (4.5ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 389ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75646/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:28:55', 'content', 'sufia:gx41mg75646', '2013-04-11 19:28:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"gx41mg75646"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg75646 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75646/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75646/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg75646/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg75646/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7563v (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7563v/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7563v/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/properties (69.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7563v/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7563v/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'gx41mg75646' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 239ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"gx41mg7565j"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7565j (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7565j/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7565j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7565j/descMetadata (4.5ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 63ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:28:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:28:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/descMetadata (73.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"gx41mg7566w"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:gx41mg7566w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7566w/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:gx41mg7566w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:gx41mg7566w/descMetadata (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 64ms (Views: 9.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g5f/RELS-EXT (11.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:29:55', 'content', 'sufia:3b591831g5f', '2013-04-11 19:29:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:29:55 -0400"}, "id"=>"3b591831g5f"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831g5f (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g5f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g5f/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g5f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g5f/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831g43 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g43/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g43/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g43/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g43/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831g5f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831g5f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831g5f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831g5f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831g5f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831g5f' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (52.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/edit.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (58.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.6ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 411ms (Views: 144.9ms | ActiveRecord: 6.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g74/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:29:57', 'content', 'sufia:3b591831g74', '2013-04-11 19:29:57', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:29:57 -0400"}, "id"=>"3b591831g74"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831g74 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g74/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g74/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g74/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/content (8.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831g6s (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g6s/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g6s/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g6s/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g6s/descMetadata (6.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g74/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/DC (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g74/DC (75.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g74/descMetadata (4.4ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 354ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"3b591831g8g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831g8g (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g8g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g8g/rightsMetadata (77.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g8g/descMetadata (4.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (6.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 144ms (Views: 12.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"3b591831g9t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831g9t (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g9t/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831g9t/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831g9t/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 60ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h1c/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:29:59', 'content', 'sufia:3b591831h1c', '2013-04-11 19:29:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3b591831h1c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h1c (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h1c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/rightsMetadata (72.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h1c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h1c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h1c/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h01 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h01/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h01/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h01/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h01/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.1ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '3b591831h1c' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 251ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:29:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:29:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (78.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:30:00', 'content', 'sufia:3b591831h32', '2013-04-11 19:30:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3b591831h32"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (8.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h2q (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h2q/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h2q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h2q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h2q/descMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (85.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (77.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (86.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (6.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (5.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h32 (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h32/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h32/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h32' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1694.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1855ms (Views: 1699.5ms | ActiveRecord: 10.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:30:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:30:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:30:03', 'content', 'sufia:3b591831h5r', '2013-04-11 19:30:03', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:30:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:30:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3b591831h5r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h4d (81.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h4d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h4d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h4d/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h4d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (75.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (74.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h5r (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h5r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h5r/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:3b591831h5r' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1444.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1664ms (Views: 1459.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:30:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:30:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/descMetadata (6.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"3b591831h63"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (3.0ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h63 (21.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h63/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h63/rightsMetadata (23.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h63/descMetadata (6.8ms) User Load (9.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 149ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:30:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:30:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.1ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/descMetadata (10.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"3b591831h7f"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.9ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.9ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h7f (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h7f/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h7f/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/properties (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h7f/descMetadata (6.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (7.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 214ms (Views: 14.0ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:30:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:30:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h94/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:30:07', 'content', 'sufia:3b591831h94', '2013-04-11 19:30:07', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3b591831h94"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h94 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h94/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h94/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h94/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h94/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:3b591831h8s (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h8s/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h8s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3b591831h8s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:3b591831h8s/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831h94' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831h94' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831h94' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831h94' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831h94' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:3b591831h94' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (28.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 239ms (Views: 31.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.3ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92139g/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:11', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x92139g', '2013-04-11 19:31:11', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"rb68x92139g"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92139g (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92139g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92139g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92139g/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92139g/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x921384 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921384/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921384/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921384/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921384/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x92139g' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x92139g' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x92139g' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x92139g' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x92139g' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x92139g' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (132.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/edit.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (137.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (2.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 400ms (Views: 152.9ms | ActiveRecord: 6.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"rb68x92140p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92140p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92140p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92140p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92140p/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 65ms (Views: 10.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"rb68x921411"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x921411 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921411/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921411/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921411/descMetadata (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 129ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"rb68x92142c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92142c (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92142c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92142c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92142c/descMetadata (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 61ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"rb68x92143q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92143q (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92143q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92143q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92143q/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (1.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 9.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92145d/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:14', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x92145d', '2013-04-11 19:31:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:31:14 -0400"}, "id"=>"rb68x92145d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92145d (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92145d/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92145d/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92145d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/content (3.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x921442 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921442/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921442/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921442/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921442/descMetadata (4.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92145d/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/DC (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92145d/DC (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92145d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 307ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921473/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/descMetadata (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/content (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:15', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x921473', '2013-04-11 19:31:15', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:31:15 -0400"}, "id"=>"rb68x921473"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x921473 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921473/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921473/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921473/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921473/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92146r (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92146r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92146r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92146r/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92146r/descMetadata (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x921473' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x921473' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x921473' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x921473' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x921473' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:rb68x921473' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (74.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (102.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 258ms (Views: 105.8ms | ActiveRecord: 3.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92149s/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:17', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x92149s', '2013-04-11 19:31:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"rb68x92149s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92149s (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92149s/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92149s/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92149s/descMetadata (9.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92149s/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92148f (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92148f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92148f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/properties (72.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92148f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92148f/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 211ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:18', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x92151b', '2013-04-11 19:31:18', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"rb68x92151b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x921500 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921500/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921500/rightsMetadata (75.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921500/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921500/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (77.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (7.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (68.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (72.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92151b (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92151b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92151b/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:rb68x92151b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1480.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1695ms (Views: 1479.1ms | ActiveRecord: 10.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921531/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:20', 'content', 'sufia:rb68x921531', '2013-04-11 19:31:20', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"rb68x921531"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x921531 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921531/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921531/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x921531/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x921531/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:rb68x92152p (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92152p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92152p/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:rb68x92152p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:rb68x92152p/descMetadata (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'rb68x921531' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 207ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m7f/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/rightsMetadata (78.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07m8s/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m8s/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:45', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07m8s', '2013-04-11 19:31:45', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07m94/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n0b/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n0b/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:45', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n0b', '2013-04-11 19:31:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n1p/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n21/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n21/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:46', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n21', '2013-04-11 19:31:46', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"jh343r07n3c"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n3c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n3c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n3c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n3c/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 186ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"jh343r07n4q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n4q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n4q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n4q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n4q/descMetadata (3.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (99.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 177ms (Views: 122.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/content (75.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:48', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n6d', '2013-04-11 19:31:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:31:48 -0400"}, "id"=>"jh343r07n6d"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n6d (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/rightsMetadata (77.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n52 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n52/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n52/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n52/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n52/descMetadata (5.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/DC (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n6d/DC (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n6d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 395ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (77.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:50', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07n83', '2013-04-11 19:31:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:31:50 -0400"}, "id"=>"jh343r07n83"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n83 (75.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n83/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n83/content (8.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n7r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n7r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n7r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n7r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n7r/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07n83' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07n83' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07n83' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07n83' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07n83' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07n83' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (29.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 248ms (Views: 33.3ms | ActiveRecord: 3.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:51', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p0n', '2013-04-11 19:31:51', 'content.0')  (0.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p0n"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p0n (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p0n/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p0n/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07n9f (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n9f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n9f/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07n9f/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07n9f/descMetadata (4.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07p0n' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07p0n' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07p0n' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07p0n' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07p0n' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jh343r07p0n' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (100.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 248ms (Views: 103.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:52', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p2b', '2013-04-11 19:31:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p2b"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p2b (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p2b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p2b/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p10 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p10/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p10/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p10/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p10/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = 'jh343r07p2b' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 253ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:53', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p41', '2013-04-11 19:31:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p41"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p41 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p41/descMetadata (76.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/properties (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p41/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p3p (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p3p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p3p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p3p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p3p/descMetadata (4.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 212ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (80.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:54', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07p6q', '2013-04-11 19:31:54', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07p6q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (7.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p5c (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p5c/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p5c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p5c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p5c/descMetadata (5.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (7.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (80.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p6q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p6q/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p6q/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:jh343r07p6q' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1453.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1749ms (Views: 1455.5ms | ActiveRecord: 8.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/descMetadata (4.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"jh343r07p72"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p72 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p72/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/rightsMetadata (88.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p72/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p72/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 149ms (Views: 9.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"jh343r07p8d"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p8d (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p8d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p8d/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p8d/descMetadata (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 66ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07p9r (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07p9r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07p9r/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q0z/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q0z/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:58', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07q0z', '2013-04-11 19:31:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q0z/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:31:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:31:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q19/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q19/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q19/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q19/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q2n/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:31:59', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07q2n', '2013-04-11 19:31:59', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q2n/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/rightsMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/content (4.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q2n/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:00', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07q2n', '2013-04-11 19:32:00', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q2n/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q30/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q30/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q30/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q30/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q4b/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q4b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q4b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q4b/descMetadata (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q5p (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/properties (88.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:01', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07q61', '2013-04-11 19:32:01', 'content.0')  (1.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q5p (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q61 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/properties (74.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q61 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/descMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q5p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q5p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q61/DC (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q61/properties (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q7c/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:02', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07q7c', '2013-04-11 19:32:02', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07q7c (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/RELS-EXT (74.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q7c/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q7c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q7c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q7c/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07q7c/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 11.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q8q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q8q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q8q/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q8q/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q92/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q92/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q92/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07q92/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:04', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r08/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r08/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r08/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r08/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:04', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r1m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r1m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r1m/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r1m/descMetadata (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:04', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:04') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r2z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r2z/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r2z/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r2z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r39/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:05', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07r39', '2013-04-11 19:32:05', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07r39"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07r39 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r39/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r39/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r39/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r39/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 18.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r4n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r4n/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r4n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r4n/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r50/RELS-EXT (84.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:06', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07r50', '2013-04-11 19:32:06', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07r50"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07r50 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r50/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r50/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r50/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r50/descMetadata (5.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 107ms (Views: 17.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r6b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r6b/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r6b/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r6b/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r7p/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:07', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07r7p', '2013-04-11 19:32:07', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07r7p"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07r7p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r7p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r7p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/content (78.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r7p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r7p/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 148ms (Views: 16.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r81/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r81/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r81/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r81/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r9c/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/content (4.0ms)  (0.4ms) BEGIN SQL (1.0ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:09', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07r9c', '2013-04-11 19:32:09', 'content.0')  (1.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07r9c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07r9c (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r9c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r9c/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/content (4.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07r9c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07r9c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 19.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s0k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s0k/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s0k/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s0k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s1x/RELS-EXT (11.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:10', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07s1x', '2013-04-11 19:32:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07s1x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07s1x (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s1x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s1x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s1x/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 68ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s28/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s28/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s28/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s28/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s3m/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:11', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07s3m', '2013-04-11 19:32:11', 'content.0')  (1.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07s3m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07s3m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s3m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s3m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/properties (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s3m/content (4.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 81ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:11', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:11') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s4z/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s4z/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s4z/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s4z/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s59/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:12', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07s59', '2013-04-11 19:32:12', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07s59"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07s59 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s59/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s59/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s59/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s59/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 168ms (Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s6n/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s6n/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s6n/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s6n/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s70/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:13', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07s70', '2013-04-11 19:32:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07s70"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07s70 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s70/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s70/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/content (4.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s70/descMetadata (79.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s70/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 158ms (Views: 95.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s8b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s8b/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s8b/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s8b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s9p/RELS-EXT (11.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/content (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:14', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07s9p', '2013-04-11 19:32:14', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07s9p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07s9p (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s9p/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s9p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07s9p/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07s9p/descMetadata (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 96ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t0w/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t0w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t0w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t0w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t17/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:15', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07t17', '2013-04-11 19:32:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07t17"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07t17 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t17/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t17/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/content (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t17/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t17/descMetadata (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 94ms (Views: 16.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t2k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t2k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t2k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t2k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t3x/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/content (8.5ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:16', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07t3x', '2013-04-11 19:32:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07t3x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07t3x (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t3x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t3x/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t3x/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 70ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t48/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t48/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t48/properties (79.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t48/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/descMetadata (81.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t5m/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:17', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07t5m', '2013-04-11 19:32:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07t5m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07t5m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t5m/RELS-EXT (89.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t5m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t5m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t5m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 175ms (Views: 19.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (23.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (19.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (21.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 112ms (Views: 90.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 19:32:18', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 15:31:39', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 7.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:18', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:18') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t6z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t6z/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t6z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t6z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t79/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t79/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:19', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07t79', '2013-04-11 19:32:19', 'content.0')  (8.7ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t8n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t8n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t8n/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t8n/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07t90/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07t90/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:20', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07t90', '2013-04-11 19:32:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v06/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v06/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v06/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v06/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v1j/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:38', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07v1j', '2013-04-11 19:32:38', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07v1j"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07v1j (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v1j/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v1j/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/descMetadata (82.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v1j/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v1j/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v1j/content (4.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 166ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 7ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v2w/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v2w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v2w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v2w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v37/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:39', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07v37', '2013-04-11 19:32:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07v37"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07v37 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v37/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v37/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v37/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v37/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 148ms  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:32:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:32:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v4k/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v4k/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v4k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v4k/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v5x/RELS-EXT (10.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:32:40', 'content', 'sufia:jh343r07v5x', '2013-04-11 19:32:40', 'content.0')  (0.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jh343r07v5x"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:jh343r07v5x (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v5x/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v5x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v5x/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jh343r07v5x/content (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v5x/content (5.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jh343r07v5x/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 1.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Completed 404 Not Found in 32ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:35:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/terms_of_service_agreements/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/1_column (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 27ms (Views: 5.5ms | ActiveRecord: 5.6ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:35:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.5ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:35:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w79/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w79/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w79/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w79/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/RELS-EXT (75.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46w8n/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w8n/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:31', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46w8n', '2013-04-11 19:35:31', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w90/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w90/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w90/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46w90/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x06/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x06/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:32', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46x06', '2013-04-11 19:35:32', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x2w/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:33', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46x2w', '2013-04-11 19:35:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr46x2w"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x2w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x2w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x2w/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x2w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x2w/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x1j (72.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x1j/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x1j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x1j/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x1j/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '5m60qr46x2w' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 272ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/descMetadata (4.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"5m60qr46x37"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x37 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x37/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x37/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x37/descMetadata (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (96.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 170ms (Views: 113.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"5m60qr46x4k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x4k (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x4k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x4k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x4k/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 60ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"5m60qr46x5x"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x5x (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x5x/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x5x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x5x/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 63ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/descMetadata (4.0ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"5m60qr46x68"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x68 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x68/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x68/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x68/descMetadata (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 66ms (Views: 10.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x8z/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/content (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:35', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46x8z', '2013-04-11 19:35:35', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:35:35 -0400"}, "id"=>"5m60qr46x8z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x8z (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x8z/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x8z/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x8z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x7m (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x7m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x7m/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x7m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x7m/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x8z/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/DC (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x8z/DC (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x8z/descMetadata (8.1ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 390ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z0h/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:37', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h', '2013-04-11 19:35:37', 'content.0')  (1.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:35:37 -0400"}, "id"=>"5m60qr46z0h"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z0h (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z0h/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z0h/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z0h/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z0h/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46x99 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x99/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x99/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46x99/descMetadata (75.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46x99/descMetadata (5.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z0h' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (29.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 241ms (Views: 33.7ms | ActiveRecord: 3.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z26/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:38', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46z26', '2013-04-11 19:35:38', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr46z26"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z26 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z26/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z26/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/descMetadata (77.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z26/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z26/content (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z1v (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z1v/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z1v/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z1v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z1v/descMetadata (4.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 212ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:39', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w', '2013-04-11 19:35:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr46z4w"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (76.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z3j (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z3j/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z3j/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z3j/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z3j/descMetadata (4.8ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.5ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (79.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (77.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (8.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (5.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (3.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z4w (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/rightsMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (3.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z4w/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z4w/content (4.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z4w' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1487.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1697ms (Views: 1486.4ms | ActiveRecord: 10.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z6k/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:41', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k', '2013-04-11 19:35:41', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr46z6k"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z6k (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z6k/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z6k/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z6k/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z6k/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z57 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z57/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z57/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z57/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z57/descMetadata (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5m60qr46z6k' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (115.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 267ms (Views: 121.0ms | ActiveRecord: 3.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 2.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z7x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z7x/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z7x/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z7x/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr46z7x (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z7x/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z7x/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z88/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z88/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:43', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr46z88', '2013-04-11 19:35:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr46z88/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z9m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z9m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z9m/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr46z9m/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47003/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:44', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47003', '2013-04-11 19:35:44', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr47003"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47003 (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47003/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47003/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47003/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47003/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 74ms (Views: 18.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4701f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4701f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4701f/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4701f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4702s/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:45', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4702s', '2013-04-11 19:35:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4702s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4702s (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4702s/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4702s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/content (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4702s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4702s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 76ms (Views: 15.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47034/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47034/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47034/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47034/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4704g/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:46', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4704g', '2013-04-11 19:35:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4704g"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4704g (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4704g/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4704g/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/content (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4704g/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4704g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 147ms (Views: 15.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4705t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4705t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4705t/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4705t/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47065/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:47', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47065', '2013-04-11 19:35:47', 'content.0')  (1.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr47065"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47065 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47065/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47065/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47065/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47065/descMetadata (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 164ms (Views: 20.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4707h/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4707h/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4707h/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4707h/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4708v/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:48', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4708v', '2013-04-11 19:35:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4708v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4708v (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4708v/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4708v/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4708v/content (4.0ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 70ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47096/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47096/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47096/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47096/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4710d/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:49', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4710d', '2013-04-11 19:35:49', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4710d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4710d (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4710d/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4710d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/properties (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4710d/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 77ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4711r/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4711r/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4711r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4711r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47123/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:50', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47123', '2013-04-11 19:35:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr47123"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47123 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47123/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47123/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47123/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47123/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 84ms (Views: 16.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4713f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4713f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4713f/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4713f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4714s/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/content (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:51', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4714s', '2013-04-11 19:35:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4714s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4714s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4714s/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4714s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/content (4.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4714s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4714s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 161ms (Views: 20.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47154/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47154/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47154/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47154/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4716g/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:52', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4716g', '2013-04-11 19:35:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4716g"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4716g (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4716g/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4716g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/content (7.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4716g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4716g/descMetadata (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 167ms (Views: 19.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4717t/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4717t/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4717t/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4717t/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47185/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:53', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47185', '2013-04-11 19:35:53', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr47185"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47185 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47185/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47185/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/content (4.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47185/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47185/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 16.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4719h/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4719h/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4719h/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4719h/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4720q/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:54', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4720q', '2013-04-11 19:35:54', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4720q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4720q (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4720q/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4720q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4720q/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 66ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47212/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47212/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47212/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47212/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4722d/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:55', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4722d', '2013-04-11 19:35:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4722d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4722d (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4722d/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4722d/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/content (3.9ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4722d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4722d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 19.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 10.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (19.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (20.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4723r/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4723r/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4723r/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4723r/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47243/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47243/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47243/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47243/descMetadata (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4725f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4725f/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4725f/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4725f/descMetadata (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4726s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4726s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4726s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4726s/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (5.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47274/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47274/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47274/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47274/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4728g/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4728g/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:58', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4728g', '2013-04-11 19:35:58', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4729t/RELS-EXT (83.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4729t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4729t/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4729t/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/RELS-EXT (79.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47301/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47301/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:35:59', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47301', '2013-04-11 19:35:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:35:59', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:35:59') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4731c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4731c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4731c/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4731c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4732q/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4732q/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:00', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4732q', '2013-04-11 19:36:00', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47332/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47332/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47332/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47332/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4734d/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:01', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4734d', '2013-04-11 19:36:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4734d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4734d (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4734d/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4734d/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4734d/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4734d/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 80ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 7ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4735r/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4735r/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4735r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4735r/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47363/RELS-EXT (81.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:02', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47363', '2013-04-11 19:36:02', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr47363"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47363 (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47363/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47363/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47363/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47363/content (4.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 145ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4737f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4737f/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4737f/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4737f/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4738s/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:03', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4738s', '2013-04-11 19:36:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5m60qr4738s"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4738s (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4738s/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4738s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4738s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4738s/content (4.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4738s/content (4.7ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 160ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4738s/content (3.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47394/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:04', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47394', '2013-04-11 19:36:04', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47394 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47394/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47394/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47394/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47394/content (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47394/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4740b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4740b/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4740b/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4740b/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4741p/RELS-EXT (6.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:20', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4741p', '2013-04-11 19:36:20', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4741p/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/content (5.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4741p/content (4.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:20', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr4741p', '2013-04-11 19:36:20', 'content.1')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4741p/content (4.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:20', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:20') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47421/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47421/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47421/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47421/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4743c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4743c/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4743c/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4743c/descMetadata (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/properties (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4744q (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/properties (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/content (4.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:36:22', 'content', 'sufia:5m60qr47452', '2013-04-11 19:36:22', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4744q (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47452 (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/rightsMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr47452 (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/RELS-EXT (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/descMetadata (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/content (4.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5m60qr4744q (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/RELS-EXT (3.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/rightsMetadata (3.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr4744q/descMetadata (3.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5m60qr47452/DC (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5m60qr47452/properties (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 37ms (Views: 14.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 19:36:23', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 15:35:25', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:23', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:36:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:36:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 6.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/properties (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11611 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/properties (76.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/content (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:24', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1162c', '2013-04-11 19:58:24', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11611 (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (10.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1162c (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/content (5.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1162c (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11611 (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/rightsMetadata (97.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11611/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1162c/DC (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1162c/properties (9.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/properties (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1163q/descMetadata (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11642/descMetadata (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1165d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/RELS-EXT (12.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:27', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1166r', '2013-04-11 19:58:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/content (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/content (5.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1166r/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:27', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1166r', '2013-04-11 19:58:27', 'content.1')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1166r/content (6.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.1ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11673 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11673/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11673/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1168f/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1168f/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:29', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1168f', '2013-04-11 19:58:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1168f/content (6.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms Rendered text template (0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 159ms (Views: 51.3ms | ActiveRecord: 6.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-11 19:58:29', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-11 15:58:19', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:29', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 6.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.6ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.3ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1169s/RELS-EXT (11.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:44', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1169s', '2013-04-11 19:58:44', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1169s (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1169s/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1169s/rightsMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1169s/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1169s/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1169s/content (6.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11700/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1171b/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1171b/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:45', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1171b', '2013-04-11 19:58:45', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1172p/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11731/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11731/content (7.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:46', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11731', '2013-04-11 19:58:46', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1174c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1175q/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/rightsMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1175q/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:47', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1175q', '2013-04-11 19:58:47', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11762/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1177d/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1177d/content (5.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:48', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1177d', '2013-04-11 19:58:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1178r/descMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11793/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11793/content (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:49', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11793', '2013-04-11 19:58:49', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 9ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11809/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1181n/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:50', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1181n', '2013-04-11 19:58:50', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1181n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1181n (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1181n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1181n/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1181n/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1181n/content (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 89ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11820/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1183b/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/rightsMetadata (11.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:52', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1183b', '2013-04-11 19:58:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1183b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1183b (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1183b/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1183b/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1183b/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1183b/content (5.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 91ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1184p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11851/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/content (8.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:53', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11851', '2013-04-11 19:58:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11851"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11851 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11851/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11851/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11851/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11851/content (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11851/content (6.8ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 94ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11851/content (6.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.5ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 16ms (Views: 11.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (6.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/descMetadata (5.7ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"9z902z1186c"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1186c (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1186c/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1186c/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1186c/descMetadata (4.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (12.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 80ms (Views: 20.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/descMetadata (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"9z902z1187q"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1187q (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1187q/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1187q/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1187q/descMetadata (5.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 68ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1189d/RELS-EXT (12.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/rightsMetadata (11.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/descMetadata (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/content (7.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:55', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1189d', '2013-04-11 19:58:55', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1189d"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1189d (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1189d/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1189d/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1189d/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1189d/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11882 (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11882/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11882/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11882/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11882/descMetadata (6.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1189d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1189d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1189d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1189d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1189d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1189d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (82.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (112.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 276ms (Views: 116.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"9z902z1190m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1190m (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1190m/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1190m/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1190m/descMetadata (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 72ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/descMetadata (4.9ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"9z902z1191z"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1191z (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1191z/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1191z/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1191z/descMetadata (4.8ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 80ms (Views: 9.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:56', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:56') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1193n/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:57', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1193n', '2013-04-11 19:58:57', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1193n"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1193n (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1193n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1193n/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1193n/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1193n/content (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11929 (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11929/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11929/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11929/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11929/descMetadata (6.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '9z902z1193n' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 182ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:58:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:58:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:58:59', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1195b', '2013-04-11 19:58:59', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z1195b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11940 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11940/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11940/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11940/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11940/descMetadata (6.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (10.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (87.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (83.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (77.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.5ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1195b (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1195b/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1195b/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:9z902z1195b' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1725.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 1886ms (Views: 1723.7ms | ActiveRecord: 10.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11971/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:01', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11971', '2013-04-11 19:59:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11971"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11971 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11971/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11971/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11971/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11971/content (5.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1196p (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1196p/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1196p/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1196p/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1196p/descMetadata (8.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 262ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1199q/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:03', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z1199q', '2013-04-11 19:59:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:59:03 -0400"}, "id"=>"9z902z1199q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1199q (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/RELS-EXT (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1199q/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1199q/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1199q/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1199q/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z1198c (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1198c/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1198c/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z1198c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z1198c/descMetadata (6.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1199q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1199q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1199q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1199q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1199q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:9z902z1199q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (5.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (34.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 273ms (Views: 38.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (17.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b18/RELS-EXT (8.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:04', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11b18', '2013-04-11 19:59:04', 'content.0')  (1.5ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-11 15:59:04 -0400"}, "id"=>"9z902z11b18"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11b18 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b18/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b18/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b18/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11b0x (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b0x/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b0x/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b0x/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b0x/descMetadata (8.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b18/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/DC (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b18/DC (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b18/descMetadata (4.6ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 341ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b2m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b2m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b2m/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b2m/descMetadata (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b3z/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b3z/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b3z/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b3z/descMetadata (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b49/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b49/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b49/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b49/descMetadata (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b5n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b5n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b5n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b5n/descMetadata (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b60/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b60/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b60/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b60/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b7b/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/descMetadata (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:07', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11b7b', '2013-04-11 19:59:07', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11b7b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11b7b (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b7b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b7b/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/content (4.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b7b/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b7b/descMetadata (6.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 26.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b8p/RELS-EXT (85.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b8p/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b8p/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b8p/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/RELS-EXT (80.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b91/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:08', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11b91', '2013-04-11 19:59:08', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11b91"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.5ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11b91 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b91/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b91/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11b91/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11b91/descMetadata (6.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 182ms (Views: 22.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c07/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c07/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c07/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c07/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c1k/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/content (5.0ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:09', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11c1k', '2013-04-11 19:59:09', 'content.0')  (5.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11c1k"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11c1k (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c1k/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c1k/rightsMetadata (82.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/content (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c1k/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c1k/descMetadata (6.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 176ms (Views: 17.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:09', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:09') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c2x/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c2x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c2x/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c2x/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c38/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:10', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11c38', '2013-04-11 19:59:10', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11c38"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11c38 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c38/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c38/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c38/content (4.7ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 76ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c4m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c4m/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c4m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c4m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c5z/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:11', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11c5z', '2013-04-11 19:59:11', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11c5z"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11c5z (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c5z/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c5z/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/content (5.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c5z/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c5z/descMetadata (8.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 115ms (Views: 26.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c69/RELS-EXT (11.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c69/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c69/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c69/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c7n/RELS-EXT (10.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:13', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11c7n', '2013-04-11 19:59:13', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11c7n"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11c7n (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c7n/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c7n/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/content (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c7n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c7n/descMetadata (6.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 99ms (Views: 19.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c80/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c80/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c80/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c80/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c9b/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:14', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11c9b', '2013-04-11 19:59:14', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11c9b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11c9b (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c9b/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11c9b/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11c9b/content (4.8ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 80ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d0j/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d0j/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d0j/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d0j/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d1w/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:15', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11d1w', '2013-04-11 19:59:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11d1w"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11d1w (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d1w/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d1w/rightsMetadata (82.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d1w/content (4.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 159ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d27/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d27/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d27/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d27/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d3k/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:16', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11d3k', '2013-04-11 19:59:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11d3k"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11d3k (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d3k/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d3k/rightsMetadata (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/content (4.7ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d3k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d3k/descMetadata (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 99ms (Views: 18.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:16', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:16') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d4x/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d4x/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d4x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d4x/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d58/RELS-EXT (14.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:17', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11d58', '2013-04-11 19:59:17', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11d58"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11d58 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d58/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d58/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d58/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d58/descMetadata (9.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 86ms (Views: 21.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:17', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:17') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d6m/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d6m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d6m/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d6m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/rightsMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d7z/RELS-EXT (9.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:19', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11d7z', '2013-04-11 19:59:19', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11d7z"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11d7z (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d7z/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d7z/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d7z/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d7z/descMetadata (7.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 90ms (Views: 19.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 19:59:19', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 19:59:19') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d89/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d89/rightsMetadata (78.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d89/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d89/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d9n/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/content (5.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-11 19:59:20', 'content', 'sufia:9z902z11d9n', '2013-04-11 19:59:20', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"9z902z11d9n"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:9z902z11d9n (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d9n/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d9n/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:9z902z11d9n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:9z902z11d9n/descMetadata (9.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 164ms (Views: 20.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (6.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 20:05:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 20:05:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 20:07:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 20:07:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-11 20:07:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-11 20:07:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (6.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (2.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (33.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (5.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (4.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (1.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:17:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:17:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:18:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:18:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:22:15 -0400  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:22:15 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Unable to connect to Fedora at Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 87ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (1.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:22:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:22:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concern/" for at 2013-04-12 09:22:15 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:24:13 -0400  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:24:13 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Completed 404 Not Found in 155ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:24:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:24:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.0ms) COMMIT Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concern/" for at 2013-04-12 09:24:13 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:24:37 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:24:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:24:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concern/" for at 2013-04-12 09:24:37 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:24:37 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (2.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (14.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (20.2ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 77ms (Views: 35.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:29:28 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:29:28 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (1.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (15.4ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 129ms (Views: 27.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:29:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:29:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.7ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4x51hh63z09/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4x51hh63z09/rightsMetadata (8.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4x51hh63z09/properties (9.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4x51hh63z09/descMetadata (11.5ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concern/4x51hh63z09" for at 2013-04-12 09:29:30 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:29:45 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:29:45 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Completed 404 Not Found in 37ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:29:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:29:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:pr76f188n07/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pr76f188n07/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pr76f188n07/properties (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pr76f188n07/descMetadata (9.2ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concern/pr76f188n07" for at 2013-04-12 09:29:46 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (3.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:31:08 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (3.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (13.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (20.4ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 76ms (Views: 39.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:31:08 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:31:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:31:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cz30pr76s1f/descMetadata (8.7ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concern/cz30pr76s1f" for at 2013-04-12 09:31:08 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:31:38 -0400  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:31:38 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (1.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.0ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 59ms (Views: 24.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:31:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:31:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:3j33319816d/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3j33319816d/rightsMetadata (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3j33319816d/properties (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:3j33319816d/descMetadata (8.8ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/3j33319816d" for at 2013-04-12 09:31:39 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:32:37 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (2.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (82.9ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 137ms (Views: 98.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:32:37 -0400  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:32:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:32:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:mp48sb39r9p/descMetadata (6.6ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/mp48sb39r9p" for at 2013-04-12 09:32:37 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"mp48sb39r9p"} Usergroups are ["public"] Rendered text template (0.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 3.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:34:15 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:34:15 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (1.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.2ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 117ms (Views: 24.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:34:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:34:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/descMetadata (6.3ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/8623hx1253v" for at 2013-04-12 09:34:16 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8623hx1253v"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8623hx1253v (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8623hx1253v/RELS-EXT (14.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/rightsMetadata (68.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8623hx1253v/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/properties (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8623hx1253v/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8623hx1253v/descMetadata (9.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/401.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (1.7ms) Completed 401 Unauthorized in 253ms (Views: 15.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:35:58 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:35:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:35:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/descMetadata (6.3ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/cr56n01069q" for at 2013-04-12 09:35:59 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"cr56n01069q"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:cr56n01069q (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cr56n01069q/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cr56n01069q/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/properties (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:cr56n01069q/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:cr56n01069q/descMetadata (7.3ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/401.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (1.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.4ms) Completed 401 Unauthorized in 213ms (Views: 24.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:35:59 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (1.3ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 83ms (Views: 7.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:36:30 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:36:30 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (1.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (8.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (13.6ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 60ms (Views: 25.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:36:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:36:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/descMetadata (5.9ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/4742988103r" for at 2013-04-12 09:36:31 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4742988103r"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:4742988103r (8.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4742988103r/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/rightsMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4742988103r/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/properties (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:4742988103r/descMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:4742988103r/descMetadata (9.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/401.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (1.6ms) Completed 401 Unauthorized in 213ms (Views: 15.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:37:01 -0400  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.2ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (5.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (12.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (3.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/apollo" for at 2013-04-12 09:43:19 -0400  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.6ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.4ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.4ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-12 13:43:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-12 13:43:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.8ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/descMetadata (5.8ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/pc289g55h6h" for at 2013-04-12 09:43:55 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"pc289g55h6h"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:pc289g55h6h (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55h6h/RELS-EXT (12.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/rightsMetadata (8.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55h6h/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:pc289g55h6h/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:pc289g55h6h/descMetadata (9.1ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/401.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (2.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (5.1ms) Completed 401 Unauthorized in 255ms (Views: 28.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-12 09:43:55 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/errors/404.html.erb within layouts/common_objects (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (1.4ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 23ms (Views: 11.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (5.7ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.6ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (4.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (51.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (20.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (5.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (6.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (5.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (5.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (6.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (3.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (3.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (23.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (4.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (1.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (1.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (3.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 2ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (2.7ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 166ms (Views: 128.8ms | ActiveRecord: 9.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-15 12:58:46', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-15 08:58:39', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 1.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 21ms (Views: 7.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 15ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.9ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 12.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (4.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-15 08:58:49 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 20ms (Views: 8.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:58:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:58:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (1.0ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 3.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (1.5ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 12:59:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`; 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 (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`; 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 (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (1.7ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (5.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.8ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (3.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.4ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/RELS-EXT (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/rightsMetadata (10.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/descMetadata (9.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/properties (13.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0r96736692p/RELS-EXT (43.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/rightsMetadata (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/descMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/content (112.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 12:59:33', 'content', 'sufia:0r96736692p', '2013-04-15 12:59:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:0r96736692p (81.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0r96736692p/RELS-EXT (17.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/rightsMetadata (14.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0r96736692p/rightsMetadata (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/descMetadata (10.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0r96736692p/descMetadata (18.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/properties (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:0r96736692p/content (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:0r96736692p/content (7.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.4ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (24.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (27.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (21.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 12:59:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 12:59:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.2ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.1ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (6.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.6ms) COMMIT  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 30ms (Views: 5.1ms | ActiveRecord: 6.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.8ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 84ms (ActiveRecord: 2.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 6ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:00:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:00:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (13.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/content (5.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:01:37', 'content', 'sufia:p2676t05r1z', '2013-04-15 13:01:37', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:p2676t05r1z (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/RELS-EXT (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:p2676t05r1z/content (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:p2676t05r1z/content (7.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 10ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (2.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (2.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.9ms) Completed 200 OK in 73ms (Views: 66.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (1.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (2.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (5.9ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.9ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 22ms (ActiveRecord: 9.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (1.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (3.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-15 09:01:41 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 21ms (Views: 9.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 45ms (Views: 21.0ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.5ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (1.0ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-15 13:01:41', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-15 09:00:39', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 12ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:01:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:01:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 35ms (Views: 12.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.1ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (2.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/terms_of_service_agreements/new.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/1_column (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 33ms (Views: 7.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.3ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-15 09:02:33 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (10.3ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 136ms (Views: 24.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:02:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:02:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/descMetadata (6.7ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/8c97kp78q54" for at 2013-04-15 09:02:34 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78q54"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78q54 (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78q54/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78q54/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q54/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78q54/descMetadata (6.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 401 Unauthorized in 239ms (Views: 20.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q6g/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q6g/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q6g/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q6g/descMetadata (5.8ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q7t/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q7t/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q7t/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q7t/descMetadata (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q85/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q85/rightsMetadata (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q85/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q85/descMetadata (8.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q9h/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q9h/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q9h/properties (9.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78q9h/descMetadata (5.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r0q/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r0q/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r0q/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r0q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r0q (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r0q/RELS-EXT (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r0q/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r12/RELS-EXT (17.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/rightsMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r12/content (9.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:26', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78r12', '2013-04-15 13:03:26', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r12/content (7.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/RELS-EXT (9.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r2d/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/content (6.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:27', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78r2d', '2013-04-15 13:03:27', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r2d (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r2d/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r2d/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r2d/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r2d/content (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r2d/content (6.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r43/RELS-EXT (10.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/descMetadata (9.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/content (6.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:29', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78r43', '2013-04-15 13:03:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78r43"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r43 (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r43/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r43/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r43/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r43/content (5.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r3r (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r3r/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r3r/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r3r/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r3r/descMetadata (6.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.2ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '8c97kp78r43' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 321ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r6s/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:30', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s', '2013-04-15 13:03:30', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78r6s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r6s (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r6s/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/rightsMetadata (8.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r6s/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r6s/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r6s/content (83.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r5f (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r5f/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r5f/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r5f/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r5f/descMetadata (6.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.1ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78r6s' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (57.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (79.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 398ms (Views: 144.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/properties (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/descMetadata (7.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"8c97kp78r74"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r74 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r74/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r74/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/descMetadata (5.5ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r74/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r74/descMetadata (6.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (6.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 184ms (Views: 28.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/descMetadata (5.8ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"8c97kp78r8g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r8g (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r8g/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r8g/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/properties (8.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r8g/descMetadata (5.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 73ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s01/RELS-EXT (12.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/content (6.9ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:33', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78s01', '2013-04-15 13:03:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-15 09:03:33 -0400"}, "id"=>"8c97kp78s01"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s01 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s01/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s01/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s01/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s01/content (8.5ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78r9t (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r9t/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r9t/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78r9t/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78r9t/descMetadata (5.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s01' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s01' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s01' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s01' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s01' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s01' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (4.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (33.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 208ms (Views: 37.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s2q/RELS-EXT (10.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/content (5.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:35', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78s2q', '2013-04-15 13:03:35', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-15 09:03:35 -0400"}, "id"=>"8c97kp78s2q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s2q (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s2q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s2q/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s2q/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/content (5.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s1c (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s1c/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s1c/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s1c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s1c/descMetadata (6.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s2q/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/DC (6.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s2q/DC (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s2q/descMetadata (5.2ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 488ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/descMetadata (5.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"8c97kp78s32"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s32 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s32/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s32/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s32/descMetadata (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/descMetadata (5.3ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"8c97kp78s4d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s4d (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s4d/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s4d/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/descMetadata (5.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s4d/descMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s4d/descMetadata (7.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (9.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 107ms (Views: 32.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:37', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78s63', '2013-04-15 13:03:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78s63"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (8.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s5r (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s5r/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s5r/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s5r/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s5r/descMetadata (6.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (6.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (89.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (6.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (7.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (91.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (6.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (89.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (9.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (4.6ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s63 (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s63/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s63/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:8c97kp78s63' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1879.0ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 2054ms (Views: 1881.7ms | ActiveRecord: 8.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s8s/RELS-EXT (15.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/content (5.1ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:41', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78s8s', '2013-04-15 13:03:41', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78s8s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s8s (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s8s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s8s/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s8s/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s8s/content (84.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78s7f (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s7f/RELS-EXT (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s7f/rightsMetadata (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s7f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78s7f/descMetadata (5.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 245ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 14.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:41', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:41') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (4.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.7ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (6.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (5.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (3.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`; 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 (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (3.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 126ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s94/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s94/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s94/properties (7.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78s94/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/rightsMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/descMetadata (15.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/properties (7.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t0b/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/content (5.0ms)  (0.3ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:43', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78t0b', '2013-04-15 13:03:43', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78t0b"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78t0b (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t0b/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/rightsMetadata (9.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t0b/rightsMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t0b/descMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t0b/content (4.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 101ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t1p/RELS-EXT (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t1p/rightsMetadata (9.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t1p/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t1p/descMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t21/RELS-EXT (9.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/content (7.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:44', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78t21', '2013-04-15 13:03:44', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78t21"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78t21 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t21/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t21/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t21/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t21/content (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t21/content (5.3ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 93ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t21/content (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t3c/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t3c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t3c/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t3c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t4q/RELS-EXT (10.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:46', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78t4q', '2013-04-15 13:03:46', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78t4q"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78t4q (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t4q/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t4q/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t4q/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t4q/content (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 94ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Completed 200 OK in 3ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:46', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:46') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t52/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t52/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t52/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t52/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/rightsMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t6d/RELS-EXT (12.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t6d/content (5.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:47', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78t6d', '2013-04-15 13:03:47', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t7r/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t7r/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t7r/properties (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t7r/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/RELS-EXT (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78t83/RELS-EXT (14.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t83/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:48', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78t83', '2013-04-15 13:03:48', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (4.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 38ms (Views: 19.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-15 13:03:49', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-15 09:02:27', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:49', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 7.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t9f/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t9f/rightsMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t9f/properties (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78t9f/descMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v0n/RELS-EXT (11.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v0n/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:50', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78v0n', '2013-04-15 13:03:50', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v10/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v10/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v10/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v10/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v2b/RELS-EXT (8.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v2b/content (5.1ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:51', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78v2b', '2013-04-15 13:03:51', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v3p/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v3p/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v3p/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v3p/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v41/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v41/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:52', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78v41', '2013-04-15 13:03:52', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.2ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78v5c (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v5c/RELS-EXT (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v5c/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v5c/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v5c/descMetadata (6.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v6q/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v6q/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v6q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v6q/descMetadata (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:53', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:53') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v72/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v72/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v72/properties (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v72/descMetadata (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v8d/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v8d/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v8d/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v8d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/descMetadata (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v9r/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:55', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78v9r', '2013-04-15 13:03:55', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v9r/content (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/content (5.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/descMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78v9r/content (5.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:55', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78v9r', '2013-04-15 13:03:55', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v9r/content (5.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w0z/RELS-EXT (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w0z/rightsMetadata (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w0z/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w0z/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/descMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/properties (6.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w19/RELS-EXT (11.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/rightsMetadata (6.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/descMetadata (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/content (6.3ms)  (4.7ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:57', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78w19', '2013-04-15 13:03:57', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78w19"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78w19 (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/RELS-EXT (9.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w19/RELS-EXT (11.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w19/rightsMetadata (7.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/descMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/properties (6.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/content (6.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w19/descMetadata (7.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w19/descMetadata (10.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 155ms (Views: 41.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:57', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:57') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w2n/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w2n/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w2n/properties (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w2n/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w30/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/rightsMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/descMetadata (7.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/content (7.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:03:58', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78w30', '2013-04-15 13:03:58', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78w30"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78w30 (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w30/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w30/rightsMetadata (10.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/content (6.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w30/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w30/descMetadata (6.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 119ms (Views: 21.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:03:58', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:03:58') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w4b/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w4b/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w4b/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w4b/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/descMetadata (101.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w5p/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/content (5.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:00', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78w5p', '2013-04-15 13:04:00', 'content.0')  (1.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78w5p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78w5p (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w5p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w5p/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/content (6.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w5p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w5p/descMetadata (7.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 193ms (Views: 27.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:00', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:00') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w61/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w61/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w61/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w61/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w7c/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:01', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78w7c', '2013-04-15 13:04:01', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78w7c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78w7c (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w7c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w7c/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w7c/content (5.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 159ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:01', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:01') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w8q/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w8q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w8q/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w8q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/properties (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w92/RELS-EXT (9.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:02', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78w92', '2013-04-15 13:04:02', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78w92"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78w92 (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w92/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w92/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/properties (7.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/content (5.3ms) User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78w92/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78w92/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 102ms (Views: 17.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:02', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:02') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x08/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x08/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x08/properties (10.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x08/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/RELS-EXT (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x1m/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:03', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78x1m', '2013-04-15 13:04:03', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78x1m"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78x1m (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x1m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/rightsMetadata (9.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x1m/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x1m/content (5.0ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 88ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:03', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:03') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x2z/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x2z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x2z/properties (8.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x2z/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x39/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/content (5.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:05', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78x39', '2013-04-15 13:04:05', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78x39"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78x39 (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x39/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x39/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x39/content (4.9ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:05', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:05') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x4n/RELS-EXT (93.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x4n/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x4n/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x4n/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x50/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/content (4.8ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:06', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78x50', '2013-04-15 13:04:06', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78x50"} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78x50 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x50/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x50/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/content (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x50/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x50/descMetadata (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 177ms (Views: 17.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:06', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:06') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x6b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x6b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x6b/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x6b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x7p/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/descMetadata (93.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:07', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78x7p', '2013-04-15 13:04:07', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78x7p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78x7p (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x7p/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x7p/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/properties (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x7p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x7p/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 190ms (Views: 21.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:07', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:07') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x81/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x81/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x81/properties (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x81/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/descMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/properties (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x9c/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:08', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78x9c', '2013-04-15 13:04:08', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78x9c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78x9c (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x9c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x9c/rightsMetadata (10.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78x9c/descMetadata (89.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78x9c/descMetadata (6.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 174ms (Views: 105.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:08', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:08') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z0k/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z0k/rightsMetadata (8.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z0k/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z0k/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z1x/RELS-EXT (11.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:09', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78z1x', '2013-04-15 13:04:09', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78z1x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78z1x (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z1x/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z1x/rightsMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/content (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z1x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z1x/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 17.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:04:10', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:04:10') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z28/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z28/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z28/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z28/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z3m/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/descMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/content (6.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:04:11', 'content', 'sufia:8c97kp78z3m', '2013-04-15 13:04:11', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8c97kp78z3m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:8c97kp78z3m (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z3m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z3m/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:8c97kp78z3m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78z3m/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 81ms (Views: 17.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Loaded datastream content sufia:8c97kp78v5c/properties (8.7ms) Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (1.0ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.4ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:05:12', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:05:12') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w8j/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w8j/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w8j/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w8j/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90w9w/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90w9w/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:05:13', 'content', 'sufia:jm214m90w9w', '2013-04-15 13:05:13', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:05:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:05:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.0ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:05:13', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:05:13') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x03/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x03/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x03/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x03/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x1f/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x1f/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:05:14', 'content', 'sufia:jm214m90x1f', '2013-04-15 13:05:14', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:05:14', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:05:14') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x2s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x2s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x2s/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x2s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x34/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x34/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:05:15', 'content', 'sufia:jm214m90x34', '2013-04-15 13:05:15', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.0ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:05:15', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:05:15') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/properties (83.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/descMetadata (82.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x5t/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:05:16', 'content', 'sufia:jm214m90x5t', '2013-04-15 13:05:16', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"jm214m90x5t"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:jm214m90x5t (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x5t/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x5t/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x5t/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x5t/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:jm214m90x4g (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x4g/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x4g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:jm214m90x4g/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:jm214m90x4g/descMetadata (5.4ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jm214m90x5t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jm214m90x5t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jm214m90x5t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jm214m90x5t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jm214m90x5t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:jm214m90x5t' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (134.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/edit.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd (139.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/layouts/boilerplate.html.erb (3.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 431ms (Views: 155.4ms | ActiveRecord: 8.9ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Connecting to database specified by database.yml SOLRIZER: loading field name mappings from /Users/jfriesen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0@curate/gems/solrizer-2.1.0/config/solr_mappings.yml resetting mappings for Solrizer::FieldMapper LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_subjects' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.3ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lexvo_languages' LIMIT 1 LocalAuthority Load (0.2ms) SELECT `local_authorities`.* FROM `local_authorities` WHERE `local_authorities`.`name` = 'lc_genres' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.1ms) SELECT DATABASE() as db  (0.7ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'curate_test'  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/curate_nd/2_column (0.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 6.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.2ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.0ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.2ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (1.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (1.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 45.5ms | ActiveRecord: 6.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>"It's on fire"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `help_requests` (`created_at`, `current_url`, `how_can_we_help_you`, `javascript_enabled`, `release_version`, `resolution`, `updated_at`, `user_agent`, `user_id`, `view_port`) VALUES ('2013-04-15 13:20:33', NULL, 'It\'s on fire', NULL, '2013-04-15 09:20:29', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:33', 'Rails Testing', NULL, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 12ms (ActiveRecord: 1.6ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by HelpRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"help_request"=>{"how_can_we_help_you"=>""}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 7.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '#' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '#', 'CurateND - #', '')  (0.4ms) COMMIT SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL)  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (1.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Started GET "/show/invalid_noid" for at 2013-04-15 09:20:34 -0400 Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"invalid_noid"} ActiveFedora: loading fedora config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/fedora.yml ActiveFedora: loading solr config from /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/spec/dummy/config/solr.yml Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 404 Not Found in 53ms (Views: 8.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:34', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:34') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/descMetadata (5.2ms) Started GET "/concern/mock_curation_concerns/5t34sj13f95" for at 2013-04-15 09:20:34 -0400 Processing by CurationConcern::MockCurationConcernsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13f95"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13f95 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13f95/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13f95/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13f95/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13f95/descMetadata (6.2ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 401 Unauthorized in 180ms (Views: 9.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (1.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/RELS-EXT (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/descMetadata (10.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g1q/RELS-EXT (8.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:36', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q', '2013-04-15 13:20:36', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-15 09:20:36 -0400"}, "id"=>"5t34sj13g1q"} User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g1q (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g1q/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g1q/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g1q/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g1q/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g0c (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g0c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g0c/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g0c/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g0c/descMetadata (5.7ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g1q' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (43.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 282ms (Views: 50.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g3d/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:38', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13g3d', '2013-04-15 13:20:38', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"2013-04-15 09:20:38 -0400"}, "id"=>"5t34sj13g3d"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g3d (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g3d/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g3d/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g3d/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g22 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g22/RELS-EXT (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g22/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g22/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g22/descMetadata (5.6ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g3d/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/DC (6.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g3d/DC (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g3d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 349ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"5t34sj13g4r"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g4r (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g4r/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g4r/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g4r/descMetadata (5.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 72ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/descMetadata (5.1ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"generic_file"=>{"title"=>"Title", "file"=>#>}, "parent_id"=>"5t34sj13g53"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g53 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g53/RELS-EXT (79.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g53/rightsMetadata (6.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/descMetadata (4.7ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g53/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g53/descMetadata (5.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (6.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 161ms (Views: 25.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:39', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:39') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:40', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s', '2013-04-15 13:20:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13g7s"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (7.1ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g6f (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g6f/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g6f/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g6f/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g6f/descMetadata (5.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.2ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'DC' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.2ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.4ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'RELS-EXT' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.7ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (10.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (6.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (7.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'rightsMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (6.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (6.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (6.0ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (5.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.9ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (83.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'descMetadata' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.3ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'properties' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (5.1ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.3ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g7s (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g7s/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g7s/content (4.8ms) ChecksumAuditLog Load (0.4ms) SELECT `checksum_audit_logs`.* FROM `checksum_audit_logs` WHERE `checksum_audit_logs`.`dsid` = 'content' AND `checksum_audit_logs`.`pid` = 'sufia:5t34sj13g7s' ORDER BY created_at desc, id desc LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_attributes.html.erb (1608.5ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 1840ms (Views: 1608.4ms | ActiveRecord: 10.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g9g/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/content (4.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:43', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13g9g', '2013-04-15 13:20:43', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13g9g"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g9g (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g9g/RELS-EXT (4.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g9g/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g9g/descMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g9g/content (8.0ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13g84 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g84/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g84/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13g84/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13g84/descMetadata (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 154ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:43', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:43') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"5t34sj13h0p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h0p (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h0p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h0p/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/properties (83.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/descMetadata (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h0p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h0p/descMetadata (5.8ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (2.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (5.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 162ms (Views: 23.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/descMetadata (4.4ms) Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#new as HTML Parameters: {"parent_id"=>"5t34sj13h11"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (2.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h11 (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/RELS-EXT (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h11/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h11/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h11/descMetadata (4.9ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 74ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:44', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:44') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/RELS-EXT (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/properties (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h3q/RELS-EXT (7.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/descMetadata (85.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:45', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13h3q', '2013-04-15 13:20:45', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#destroy as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13h3q"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h3q (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h3q/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h3q/rightsMetadata (100.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h3q/descMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h3q/content (4.9ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h2c (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h2c/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h2c/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h2c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h2c/descMetadata (5.2ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Trophy Load (0.1ms) SELECT `trophies`.* FROM `trophies` WHERE `trophies`.`generic_file_id` = '5t34sj13h3q' Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 282ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:45', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:45') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/RELS-EXT (83.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/descMetadata (7.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/rightsMetadata (90.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h5d/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:46', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d', '2013-04-15 13:20:46', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CurationConcern::GenericFilesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13h5d"} User Load (0.6ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.7ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h5d (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h5d/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h5d/rightsMetadata (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h5d/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h5d/content (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h42 (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h42/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h42/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h42/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h42/descMetadata (5.9ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' VersionCommitter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `version_committers`.* FROM `version_committers` WHERE `version_committers`.`obj_id` = 'sufia:5t34sj13h5d' AND `version_committers`.`datastream_id` = 'content' AND `version_committers`.`version_id` = 'content.0' LIMIT 1 Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/_permission.html.erb (3.9ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/curation_concern/generic_files/_form.html.erb (29.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 261ms (Views: 32.7ms | ActiveRecord: 3.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:47', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:47') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h6r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h6r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h6r/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h6r/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h6r (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h6r/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h6r/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h73/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h73/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:48', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13h73', '2013-04-15 13:20:48', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h73/content (5.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:48', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:48') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h8f/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h8f/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h8f/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h8f/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h9s/RELS-EXT (8.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/content (4.2ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:49', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13h9s', '2013-04-15 13:20:49', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13h9s"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13h9s (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h9s/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h9s/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/descMetadata (8.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13h9s/descMetadata (85.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13h9s/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 165ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:49', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:49') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j00/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j00/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j00/properties (8.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j00/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j1b/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/rightsMetadata (5.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/content (5.7ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:50', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13j1b', '2013-04-15 13:20:50', 'content.0')  (0.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.5ms) COMMIT Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13j1b"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 2 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j1b (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j1b/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/rightsMetadata (11.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j1b/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j1b/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j1b/content (4.8ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Completed 401 Unauthorized in 94ms  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"8675309"} Completed 404 Not Found in 9ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:50', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:50') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j2p/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j2p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j2p/properties (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j2p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j31/RELS-EXT (8.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:51', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13j31', '2013-04-15 13:20:51', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by DownloadsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13j31"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j31 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j31/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j31/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j31/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j31/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j31/content (5.2ms) Sent data create_generic_file.rb (0.7ms) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j31/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:51', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:51') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j4c/RELS-EXT (7.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/content (4.9ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:52', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13j4c', '2013-04-15 13:20:52', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j4c (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j4c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j4c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j4c/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j4c/content (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j4c/content (5.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `purl` (`access_count`, `date_created`, `last_accessed`, `repo_object_id`, `source_app`) VALUES (0, '2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, 9999, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT Purl Load (0.1ms) SELECT `purl`.* FROM `purl` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:52', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:52') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j5q (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/RELS-EXT (9.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/rightsMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:53', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13j62', '2013-04-15 13:20:53', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j5q (6.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j62 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/RELS-EXT (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/RELS-EXT (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/content (4.6ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j62 (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13j5q (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j5q/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j62/DC (5.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13j62/properties (5.7ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j7d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j7d/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j7d/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j7d/descMetadata (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:54', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:54') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j8r/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j8r/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j8r/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j8r/descMetadata (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:20:55', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:20:55') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j93/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j93/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j93/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13j93/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/descMetadata (8.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k09/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:55', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13k09', '2013-04-15 13:20:55', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k09/content (5.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/content (4.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k09/content (4.7ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:20:56', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13k09', '2013-04-15 13:20:56', 'content.1')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k09/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (20.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (20.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (21.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (19.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `repo_object` (`add_source_ip`, `date_added`, `date_modified`, `filename`, `information`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '2000-02-03 21:05:06', '2002-02-02 21:05:06', '1234', 'CurateND - 1234', '')  (0.3ms) COMMIT RepoObject Load (0.3ms) SELECT `repo_object`.* FROM `repo_object` WHERE `repo_object`.`filename` = '1234' LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (21.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (21.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:21', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:21') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k1n/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k1n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k1n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k1n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k20/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:22', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13k20', '2013-04-15 13:21:22', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13k20"} User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13k20 (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k20/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k20/rightsMetadata (6.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/content (4.3ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k20/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k20/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.3ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 103ms (Views: 25.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:22', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:22') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k3b/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k3b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k3b/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k3b/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k4p/RELS-EXT (8.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:23', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13k4p', '2013-04-15 13:21:23', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13k4p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13k4p (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k4p/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k4p/rightsMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/content (7.8ms) User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k4p/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k4p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 96ms (Views: 17.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:23', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:23') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k51/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k51/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k51/properties (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k51/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k6c/RELS-EXT (9.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/content (4.6ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:24', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13k6c', '2013-04-15 13:21:24', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13k6c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13k6c (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k6c/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k6c/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k6c/content (4.4ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["registered"] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:24', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:24') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k7q/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k7q/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k7q/properties (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k7q/descMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k82/RELS-EXT (8.5ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:25', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13k82', '2013-04-15 13:21:25', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13k82"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13k82 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k82/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13k82/rightsMetadata (86.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k82/content (4.4ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 161ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:25', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:25') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k9d/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k9d/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k9d/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13k9d/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/descMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m0m/RELS-EXT (7.8ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/content (4.3ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:26', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13m0m', '2013-04-15 13:21:26', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13m0m"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13m0m (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m0m/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m0m/rightsMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/content (5.1ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m0m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m0m/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 92ms (Views: 18.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:26', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:26') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m1z/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m1z/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m1z/properties (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m1z/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m29/RELS-EXT (9.0ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:27', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13m29', '2013-04-15 13:21:27', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13m29"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13m29 (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m29/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m29/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m29/content (4.5ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 76ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:28', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:28') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m3n/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m3n/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m3n/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m3n/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m40/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:29', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13m40', '2013-04-15 13:21:29', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13m40"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13m40 (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m40/RELS-EXT (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m40/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/content (4.6ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m40/descMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m40/descMetadata (5.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 97ms (Views: 22.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:29', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:29') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m5b/RELS-EXT (88.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m5b/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m5b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m5b/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/RELS-EXT (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m6p/RELS-EXT (7.2ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/descMetadata (8.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/content (4.5ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:30', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13m6p', '2013-04-15 13:21:30', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13m6p"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13m6p (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/RELS-EXT (84.9ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m6p/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m6p/rightsMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/content (4.2ms) User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m6p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m6p/descMetadata (5.0ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 173ms (Views: 17.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:30', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:30') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m71/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m71/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m71/properties (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m71/descMetadata (5.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m8c/RELS-EXT (7.6ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/content (4.2ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:31', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13m8c', '2013-04-15 13:21:31', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13m8c"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13m8c (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m8c/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m8c/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/content (4.6ms) Usergroups are ["public"] [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] decision: true Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m8c/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13m8c/descMetadata (5.3ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/common_objects/_generic_file.html.erb (0.1ms) [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 170ms (Views: 22.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:31', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:31') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m9q/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m9q/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m9q/properties (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13m9q/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/rightsMetadata (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n0x/RELS-EXT (6.9ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/content (4.8ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:32', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13n0x', '2013-04-15 13:21:32', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13n0x"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13n0x (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n0x/RELS-EXT (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n0x/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/properties (7.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/content (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n0x/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n0x/descMetadata (5.2ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 82ms (Views: 17.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:32', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:32') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n18/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n18/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n18/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n18/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/RELS-EXT (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n2m/RELS-EXT (7.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/content (4.4ms)  (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:33', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13n2m', '2013-04-15 13:21:33', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13n2m"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13n2m (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n2m/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/rightsMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n2m/rightsMetadata (6.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n2m/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n2m/descMetadata (5.4ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 78ms (Views: 17.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:33', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:33') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n3z/RELS-EXT (5.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n3z/rightsMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n3z/properties (6.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n3z/descMetadata (6.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/descMetadata (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/properties (4.5ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n49/RELS-EXT (8.4ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/content (4.6ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:34', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13n49', '2013-04-15 13:21:34', 'content.0')  (1.8ms) COMMIT Redis is down! Processing by CommonObjectsController#show_stub_information as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5t34sj13n49"} Loaded datastream list for sufia:5t34sj13n49 (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n49/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n49/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/content (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n49/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n49/descMetadata (5.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 79ms (Views: 16.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:35', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:35') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n5n/RELS-EXT (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n5n/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n5n/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n5n/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/RELS-EXT (5.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/descMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n60/RELS-EXT (8.3ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/descMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n60/content (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:35', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13n60', '2013-04-15 13:21:35', 'content.0')  (0.2ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:36', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:36') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n7b/RELS-EXT (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n7b/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n7b/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n7b/descMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/RELS-EXT (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/descMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13n8p/RELS-EXT (8.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n8p/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:37', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13n8p', '2013-04-15 13:21:37', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down!  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (2.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:21:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#new as HTML User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 9ms (Views: 2.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:21:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC SQL (0.6ms) UPDATE `users` SET `agreed_to_terms_of_service` = 1 WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.4ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2013-04-15 13:21:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by TermsOfServiceAgreementsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"commit"=>"I Do Not Agree"} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n91/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n91/rightsMetadata (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n91/properties (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13n91/descMetadata (4.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:37', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:37') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p07/RELS-EXT (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p07/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p07/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p07/descMetadata (4.7ms)  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (1.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p1k/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p1k/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p1k/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p1k/descMetadata (4.3ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.3ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p2x/RELS-EXT (87.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p2x/rightsMetadata (5.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p2x/properties (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p2x/descMetadata (4.5ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (2.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (1.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (1.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `object_access` (`date_accessed`, `host_name`, `ip_address`, `path_info`, `purl_id`, `repo_object_id`, `request_method`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('2001-02-02 21:05:06', NULL, NULL, NULL, 9999, 9999, NULL, NULL)  (0.2ms) COMMIT ObjectAccess Load (0.2ms) SELECT `object_access`.* FROM `object_access` LIMIT 1  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Usergroups are ["public"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:38', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:38') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.3ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p38/RELS-EXT (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p38/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p38/properties (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p38/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/rightsMetadata (5.0ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/descMetadata (5.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/properties (4.4ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13p4m/RELS-EXT (9.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/rightsMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/descMetadata (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p4m/content (5.0ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:39', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13p4m', '2013-04-15 13:21:39', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"]  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p5z/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p5z/rightsMetadata (4.7ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p5z/properties (4.9ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p5z/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/RELS-EXT (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/rightsMetadata (4.2ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/descMetadata (4.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/properties (5.0ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13p69/RELS-EXT (7.7ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/rightsMetadata (4.5ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p69/content (5.3ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:40', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13p69', '2013-04-15 13:21:40', 'content.0')  (0.3ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: false  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:40', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:40') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT User Load (0.2ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '' LIMIT 1 Usergroups are ["public", "registered"] Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p7n/RELS-EXT (4.6ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p7n/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p7n/properties (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p7n/descMetadata (5.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/RELS-EXT (4.8ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/rightsMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/descMetadata (4.3ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/properties (4.1ms) Loaded datastream content sufia:5t34sj13p80/RELS-EXT (7.1ms) Redis is down! Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/rightsMetadata (5.1ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/descMetadata (4.4ms) Loaded datastream profile sufia:5t34sj13p80/content (4.4ms)  (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `version_committers` (`committer_login`, `created_at`, `datastream_id`, `obj_id`, `updated_at`, `version_id`) VALUES ('', '2013-04-15 13:21:42', 'content', 'sufia:5t34sj13p80', '2013-04-15 13:21:42', 'content.0')  (0.4ms) COMMIT Redis is down! [CANCAN] Checking read permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] read_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] read_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true [CANCAN] Checking edit permissions for user: with groups: ["public", "registered"] [CANCAN] edit_groups: [] [CANCAN] edit_persons: [""] [CANCAN] decision: true  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.0ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.1ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.2ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#new as HTML User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_site_search.html.erb (0.6ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_action_bar.html.erb (0.7ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/shared/_flash_message.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms) Rendered /Users/jfriesen/Repositories/curate/app/views/_ga.html.erb (0.1ms) Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 11.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} Completed 401 Unauthorized in 1ms  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.2ms) BEGIN User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = BINARY '' LIMIT 1 SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `users` (`agreed_to_terms_of_service`, `created_at`, `email`, `encrypted_password`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, '2013-04-15 13:21:42', '', NULL, '2013-04-15 13:21:42') [paperclip] Saving attachments.  (0.4ms) COMMIT Processing by ClassifyConcernsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"classify_concern"=>{"curation_concern_type"=>"MockCurationConcern"}} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `conversations`.`id`) FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 AND `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`is_read` = 0 Conversation Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT conversations.* FROM `conversations` INNER JOIN `notifications` ON `notifications`.`conversation_id` = `conversations`.`id` AND `notifications`.`type` IN ('Message') INNER JOIN `receipts` ON `receipts`.`notification_id` = `notifications`.`id` WHERE `notifications`.`type` = 'Message' AND `receipts`.`receiver_id` = 1 AND `receipts`.`receiver_type` = 'User' AND `receipts`.`mailbox_type` = 'inbox' AND `receipts`.`trashed` = 0 ORDER BY conversations.updated_at DESC Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)  (0.1ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `checksum_audit_logs`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `conversations`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `domain_terms_local_authorities`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `follows`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `help_requests`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authorities`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `local_authority_entries`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `notifications`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `object_access`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `purl`;  (0.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `receipts`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `repo_object`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `single_use_links`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `subject_local_authority_entries`;  (0.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `trophies`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`;  (0.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `version_committers`;  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1